What is strategic management - ANSWER The ongoing process of creation, research, reassessment and
Why is strategic management important - ANSWER It's important to HR professionals because it affects
how HR adds value to the organization through policies, procedures and programs
Three basic structures all business in the US are organized into: - ANSWER Sole proprietorship,
partnerships, corporations, or limited liability companies
Main common functions existing within almost every organization: - ANSWER Procurement/distribution,
development, operations, marketing/sales, and customer service. General management including
accounting/finance and facilities, HR and information tech
External forces that effect the organization - ANSWER Economy, consumer demand, laws, regulations,
technology, and labor force
How do organizations overcome external forces - ANSWER By monitoring and adapting to these changes
Organizations life cycle - ANSWER Born-established, develop and mature, decline, and dissolve(die)
What does strategic planning help an organization determine: - ANSWER Helps determine it's current
status , direction over the next year, approach, and how it will measure its success.
What does a strategic HR plan address - ANSWER Where is the function now, where is it heading, how
will the team get there and how will they know that they are there
, What are some results to a strategic planning process - ANSWER An organization may decide to
restructure itself in order to achieve its goals and remain competitive and viable in the market place by
exploring or implementing structural changes like merges or acquisitions, divestitures, reductions in
force, growth in force, off shoring or outsourcing
Where in the organization does ethical behavior begin with: - ANSWER Ethical behavior begins at the
highest levels of an organization. When the organizations directors officers and managers show their
commitment to behaving ethically, employees are prone to follow their example.
Organizational design - ANSWER Alignment of people, process, compensation, and medics with the
strategy of the organization such that the organization embodies its core values as specified in the vision
What are the categories of leadership theories: - ANSWER Trait theories, behavioral theories,
contingency theories, power and influence and transactionsl
What is the objective of hr departments - ANSWER To recruit, retain, and motivate the best employees.
To do so, they find ways to keep the company competitive in terms of compensation, benefits, learning
opportunity, career advancement, work life balance, and other important
What prohibits discrimination against applicants and employees - ANSWER Equal Employment
What does EEO protect against - ANSWER Discrimination due to certain personal characteristics like race,
color, sex and other protected classifications. Ensures fair treatment in finding work, being paid, getting
promoted, and opportunities for personal development
What federal laws prohibit employment discrimination - ANSWER Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964,
pregnancy discrimination act, equal pay act of 1963, age discrimination act 1967, title 1 of the American
with disabilities act of 1990, genetic information non-discrimination act of 2008
Title VII - ANSWER 1964
Equal pay act - ANSWER 1963