,Stanhope: JFoundations Jof JPopulation JHealth Jfor JCommunity/Public JHealth JNursing, J5th JEdition
Part JI: JPerspectives Jin JHealth JCare JDelivery Jand JNursing
Chapter J1. JCommunity Jand JPrevention JOriented JPractice Jto JImprove JPopulation JHealth
Chapter J2. JThe JHistory Jof JPublic JHealth Jand JPublic Jand JCommunity JHealth JNursing
Chapter J3. JThe JChanging JU.S. JHealth Jand JPublic JHealth JCare JSystems
Part JII: JInfluences Jon JHealth JCare JDelivery Jand JNursing
Chapter J4. JEthics Jin JPublic Jand JCommunity JHealth JNursing JPractice
Chapter J5. JCultural JInfluences Jin JNursing Jin JCommunity JHealth
Chapter J6. JEnvironmental JHealth
Chapter J7. JGovernment, Jthe JLaw, Jand JPolicy JActivism
Chapter J8. JEconomic JInfluences
Part JIII: JConceptual JFrameworks JApplied Jto JNursing JPractice Jin Jthe JCommunity
Chapter J9. JEpidemiological JApplications
Chapter J10. JEvidence-Based JPractice
Chapter J11. JUsing JHealth JEducation Jand JGroups Jin Jthe JCommunity
Part JIV: JIssues Jand JApproaches Jin JHealth JCare Jof JPopulations
Chapter J12. JCommunity JAssessment Jand JEvaluation
Chapter J13. JCase JManagement
Chapter J14. JDisaster JManagement
Chapter J15. JSurveillance Jand JOutbreak JInvestigation
Chapter J16. JProgram JManagement
Chapter J17. JManaging JQuality Jand JSafety
Part JV: JIssues Jand JApproaches Jin JFamily Jand JIndividual JHealth JCare
Chapter J18. JFamily JDevelopment Jand JFamily JNursing JAssessment
Chapter J19. JFamily JHealth JRisks
Chapter J20. JHealth JRisks JAcross Jthe JLife JSpan
Part JVI: JVulnerability: JPredisposing JFactors
Chapter J21. JVulnerability Jand JVulnerable JPopulations: JAn JOverview
Chapter J22. JRural JHealth Jand JMigrant JHealth
Chapter J23. JPoverty, JHomelessness, JTeen JPregnancy, Jand JMental JIllness
Chapter J24. JAlcohol, JTobacco, Jand JOther JDrug JProblems Jin Jthe JCommunity
Chapter J25. JViolence Jand JHuman JAbuse
Chapter J26. JInfectious JDisease JPrevention Jand JControl
Chapter J27. JHIV JInfection, JHepatitis, JTuberculosis, Jand JSexually JTransmitted JDiseases
Part JVII: JNursing JPractice Jin Jthe JCommunity: JRoles Jand JFunctions
Chapter J28. JNursing JPractice Jat Jthe JLocal, JState, Jand JNational JLevels Jin JPublic JHealth
Chapter J29. JThe JFaith JCommunity JNurse
Chapter J30. JThe JNurse Jin JHome JHealth Jand JHospice
Chapter J31. JThe JNurse Jin Jthe JSchools
Chapter J32. JThe JNurse Jin JOccupational JHealth
,Stanhope: JFoundations Jfor JPopulation JHealth Jin JCommunity/Public JHealthNursing, J5th JEdition
Chapter J01: JCommunity Jand JPrevention JOriented JPractice Jto JImprove JPopulation JHealth
1. Which Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jbest Jdescribes Jcommunity-based Jnursing?
a. A Jpractice Jin Jwhich Jcare Jis Jprovided Jfor Jindividuals Jand Jfamilies
b. Providing Jcare Jwith Ja Jfocus Jon Jthe Jgroup’s Jneeds
c. Giving Jcare Jwith Ja Jfocus Jon Jthe Jaggregate’s Jneeds
d. A Jvalue Jsystem Jin Jwhich Jall Jclients Jreceive Joptimal Jcare
By Jdefinition, Jcommunity-based Jnursing Jis Ja Jsetting-specific Jpractice Jin Jwhich Jcare Jis
Jprovided Jfor J―sick‖ Jindividuals Jand Jfamilies Jwhere Jthey Jlive, Jwork, Jand Jattend Jschool.
JThe Jemphasis Jis Jon Jacute Jand Jchronic Jcare Jand Jthe Jprovision Jof Jcomprehensive,
Jcoordinated, JandJcontinuous Jcare. JThese Jnurses Jmay Jbe Jgeneralists Jor Jspecialists Jin
Jmaternal–infant, Jpediatric,Jadult, Jor Jpsychiatric Jmental Jhealth Jnursing. JCommunity-based
Jnursing Jemphasizes Jacute JandJchronic Jcare Jto Jindividuals Jand Jfamilies, Jrather Jthan
Jfocusing Jon Jgroups, Jaggregates, Jor Jsystems.
2. Which Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jbest Jdescribes Jcommunity-oriented Jnursing?
a. Focusing Jon Jthe Jprovision Jof Jcare Jto Jindividuals Jand Jfamilies
b. Providing Jcare Jto Jmanage Jacute Jor Jchronic Jconditions
c. Giving Jdirect Jcare Jto Jill Jindividuals Jwithin Jtheir Jfamily Jsetting
d. Having Jthe Jgoal Jof Jhealth Jpromotion Jand Jdisease Jprevention
By Jdefinition, Jcommunity-oriented Jnursing Jhas Jthe Jgoal Jof Jpreserving, Jprotecting, Jor
Jmaintaining Jhealth Jand Jpreventing Jdisease Jto Jpromote Jthe Jquality Jof Jlife. JAll Jnurses Jmay
JfocusJon Jindividuals Jand Jfamilies, Jgive Jdirect Jcare Jto Jill Jpersons Jwithin Jtheir Jfamily
Jsetting, Jand JhelpJmanage Jacute Jor Jchronic Jconditions. JThese Jdefinitions Jare Jnot Jspecific
Jto Jcommunity-orientedJnursing.
3. Which Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jis Jthe Jprimary Jfocus Jof Jpublic Jhealth Jnursing?
a. Families Jand Jgroups
b. Illness-oriented Jcare
c. Individuals Jwithin Jthe Jfamily Junit
d. Health Jcare Jof Jcommunities Jand Jpopulations
In Jpublic Jhealth Jnursing Jthe Jprimary Jfocus Jis Jon Jthe Jhealth Jcare Jof Jcommunities Jand
Jpopulations Jrather Jthan Jon Jindividuals, Jgroups, Jand Jfamilies. JThe Jgoal Jis Jto Jprevent
Jdisease JandJpreserve, Jpromote, Jrestore, Jand Jprotect Jhealth Jfor Jthe Jcommunity Jand Jthe
Jpopulation Jwithin Jit. JCommunity-based Jnurses Jdeal Jprimarily Jwith Jillness-oriented Jcare
Jof Jindividuals Jand Jfamilies Jacorss Jthe Jlife Jspan. JThe Jaim Jis Jto Jamanage Jacute Jand
Jchronic Jhealth Jconditions Jin Jthe Jcommunity, Jand Jthe Jfocus Jof Jpractice Jis Jon Jindividual
Jor Jfamily-centered Jillness Jcare.
, 4. Which Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jis Jresponsible Jfor Jthe Jdramatic Jincrease Jin Jlife Jexpectancy
Jduring JtheJ20th Jcentury?
a. Technology Jincreases Jin Jthe Jfield Jof Jmedical Jlaboratory Jresearch
b. Advances Jin Jsurgical Jtechniques Jand Jprocedures
c. Sanitation Jand Jother Jpopulation-based Jprevention Jprograms
d. Use Jof Jantibiotics Jto Jfight Jinfections
Improvements Jin Jcontrol Jof Jinfectious Jdiseases Jthrough Jimmunizations, Jsanitation, Jand
Jother Jpopulation-based Jprevention Jprograms Jled Jto Jthe Jincrease Jin Jlife Jexpectancy Jfrom
Jless Jthan J50Jyears Jin J1900 Jto Jmore Jthan J78 Jyears Jin J2013. JAlthough Jpeople Jare Jexcited
Jwhen Ja Jnew Jdrug JisJdiscovered Jthat Jcures Ja Jdisease Jor Jwhen Ja Jnew Jway Jto Jtransplant
Jorgans Jis Jperfected, Jit Jis Jimportant Jto Jknow Jabout Jthe Jsignificant Jgains Jin Jthe Jhealth Jof
Jpopulations Jthat Jhave Jcome Jlargely Jfrom Jpublic Jhealth Jaccomplishments.
5. A Jnurse Jis Jdeveloping Ja Jplan Jto Jdecrease Jthe Jnumber Jof Jpremature Jdeaths Jin Jthe
Jcommunity.JWhich Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jinterventions Jwould Jmost Jlikely Jbe Jimplemented
Jby Jthe Jnurse?
a. Increase Jthe Jcommunity’s Jknowledge Jabout Jhospice Jcare.
b. Promote Jhealthy Jlifestyle Jbehavior Jchoices Jamong Jthe Jcommunity Jmembers.
c. Encourage Jemployers Jto Jhave Jwellness Jcenters Jat Jeach Jindustrial Jsite.
d. Ensure Jtimely Jand Jeffective Jmedical Jintervention Jand Jtreatment Jfor
Public Jhealth Japproaches Jcould Jhelp Jprevent Jpremature Jdeaths Jby Jinfluencing Jthe Jway
JpeopleJeat, Jdrink, Jdrive, Jengage Jin Jexercise, Jand Jtreat Jthe Jenvironment. JIncreasing
Jknowledge Jof Jhospice Jcare, Jencouraging Jon-site Jwellness Jcenters, Jand Jensuring Jtimely
Jtreatment Jof JmedicalJconditions Jdo Jnot Jaddress Jthe Jfocus Jof Jimproving Joverall Jhealth
Jthrough Jhealth Jpromotion Jstrategies. JThis Jis Jthe Jmajor Jmethod Jthat Jis Jsuggested Jto
Jdecrease Jthe Jincidence Jof Jpremature Jdeath.
6. Which Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jis Ja Jbasic Jassumption Jof Jpublic Jhealth Jefforts?
a. Health Jdisparities Jamong Jany Jgroups Jare Jmorally Jand Jlegally Jwrong.
b. Health Jcare Jis Jthe Jmost Jimportant Jpriority Jin Jgovernment Jplanning Jand Jfunding.
c. The Jhealth Jof Jindividuals Jcannot Jbe Jseparated Jfrom Jthe Jhealth Jof Jthe Jcommunity.
d. The Jgovernment Jis Jresponsible Jfor Jlengthening Jthe Jlife Jspan Jof JAmericans.
Public Jhealth Jpractice Jfocuses Jon Jthe Jcommunity Jas Ja Jwhole, Jand Jthe Jeffect J of Jthe
Jcommunity’s Jhealth Jstatus J(resources) Jon Jthe Jhealth Jof Jindividuals, Jfamilies, Jand Jgroups.
JThe Jgoal Jis Jto Jprevent Jdisease Jand Jdisability Jand Jpromote Jand Jprotect Jthe Jhealth Jof Jthe
Jcommunity Jas Ja Jwhole. JPublic Jhealth Jcan Jbe Jdescribed Jas Jwhat Jsociety Jcollectively Jdoes
Jto Jensure Jthat Jconditions Jexist Jin Jwhich Jpeople Jcan Jbe Jhealthy. JThe Jbasic Jassumptions Jof
Jpublic Jhealth Jdo JnotJjudge Jthe Jmorality Jof Jhealth Jdisparities. JThe Jfocus Jis Jon Jprevention
Jof Jillness Jnot Jon Jspending Jmore Jon Jillness Jcare. JAdditionally, Jindividual Jresponsibility
Jfor Jmaking Jhealthy Jchoices Jis Jthe Jdirective Jfor Jlengthening Jlife Jspan Jnot Jthe Jrole Jof Jthe
7. Which Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jactions Jwould Jmost Jlikely Jbe Jperformed Jby Ja Jpublic Jhealth Jnurse?
a. Asking Jcommunity Jleaders Jwhat Jinterventions Jshould Jbe Jchosen
b. Assessing Jthe Jcommunity Jand Jdeciding Jon Jappropriate Jinterventions
c. Using Jdata Jfrom Jthe Jmain Jhealth Jcare Jinstitutions Jin Jthe Jcommunity Jto Jdetermine