ATCBE Study Set – Questions & Complete Solutions
What is the Levick Emotional and Cognitive Art Therapy Assessment?
Right Ans - a test developed for children that are non-verbal, but can draw.
Covers styles of coping and thinking, organization and use of space, and
planning and sequencing. Defense mechanisms.
What is the Diagnostic Drawing Series use? Right Ans - Tool for a range of
major psychiatric disorders.
The DDS is timed, how many minutes are allotted for each drawing? Right
Ans - 15 minutes
What are the three parts of the DDS? Right Ans - 1. Draw any picture using
colored chalk pastels on 18x24 paper. 2. Draw a tree 3. Show how they are
feelings using lines, shapes, and colors.
How is the Diagnostic Drawing Series interpreted? Right Ans - Color,
blending and placement.
Mental and Emotional Health indicators in artwork Right Ans - Health
(reality orientation, flexibility, adaptability, autonomy, accessibility,
appropriate boundaries, security and stability)
Ill Health (lack of reality orientation, rigidity, over dependence, avoidance of
contact, no boundaries or excessive boundaries, insecurity, and imbalance)
House Tree Person Assessment measures... Right Ans - It measures self-
perception and attitudes. (Created by John Buck 1948)
House in HTP means Right Ans - Feelings towards family.
Essential details: One door, window, wall, roof, and chimney
Tree in HTP means Right Ans - Feelings of strengths or weaknesses
Essential details: truck and one branch (at least)
Person in HTP means Right Ans - Individuals self-concept
Essential details: head, torso, legs and arms, and features
,What is the Kinetic Family Drawing Assessment? Right Ans - Created by
Burns and Kaufman in 1970. It asks the individual to draw an image of you
and your family doing something.
What is the KFD Assessment used for? Right Ans - Mainly used with
children, it assesses the child's attitudes about the family and the family
dynamic. Sometimes it is used in a child abuse evaluation.
What is the Standard Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Assessment? Right Ans -
This test evaluates "visual-motor maturity" to screen for developmental
disorders and to assess neurological function or brain damage.
What is the Bridge Drawing Assessment? Right Ans - A sequential drawing
in which the client draws a visual representation of the problem, the means of
the solving the problem, and the desired solution to the problem.
What is the Landgarten Photo Collage Assessment? Right Ans - A 4 task test
that adapts readily to various ethnic backgrounds. It is easy for patients to
produce, even if they are uncomfortable creating images through other
What is the Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure? (UPAP) Right Ans -
UPAP is a projective assessment that provides information about the
personality and emotional status of an individual.
Which materials are used in the UPAP? Right Ans - UPAP instructs the
subject to use 18x24 grey construction paper and nu-pastels
How is the UPAP tested? Right Ans - Administration:
1. Draw anything you'd like.
2. Exercise big sweeping motions. Then recreate those motions on paper with
the chalk pastels.
3. With you eyes closed, draw a large scribble on the paper. Put paper on floor.
Ask artist to find object in scribble.
4. Make a picture from the found scribble image.
What is the Family Art Evaluation? Right Ans - The family is asked to
produce the following drawings:
1. a free picture
,2. a picture of your family
3. an abstract family portrait
4. a pictured started with the help of a scribble
5. a joint family scribble
6. a free scribble
Draw a Person in the Rain tests for... Right Ans - How an individual
perceives themself with placed in a stress provoking situation. Things to
consider: size of rain drops (severity of stress), buttons (dependence), rain
gear, faces.
Draw a Person Picking an Apple assesses... Right Ans - Mental health and
perceived ability to solve problems. Scored using the Formal Elements Art
Therapy Scale (FEATS). (Linda Gantt)
FEATS is a compilation of 14 different scales including:
Prominence of color
Color fit
Applied energy focus
Space used
Integration: Do the objects fit together and relate to one another?
Logic: Does the picture make sense?
Realism: Is the picture realistic?
Problem-solving: How does the person get the apples?
Normal graphic development
Line quality
Rotation and base line locations: Are any figures existing on a rotated plane?
Perseveration: Does the person continue adding details beyond what is
typically expected?
The Bird's Nest Drawing tests for... Right Ans - This assessment helps
identify a person's attachment style and may provide insight into the person's
past attachments. This assessment may be particularly suited for children
with attachment disorders, who experience separation anxiety, or are living in
a non-traditional living arrangement. The Draw a Nest assessment may also
offer insight into a substance abusers likelihood to relapse.
, Children's attachment is described in terms of classifications: secure,
dismissive-avoidant, preoccupied and fearful avoidant.
What is a Free Art Evaluation? Right Ans - The goal is to encourage the
client to let go of conscious thoughts and controls and to have them express
themselves as freely as possible. Select from a variety of materials, including
paint, pastels and clay. It provides an increased understanding of a client's
developmental level, emotional status and psychological framework.
What are some disadvantages of the Free Art Evaluation? Right Ans - It can
be time consuming, bring out detail, lack of scientific rigor, and the art
evaluation evaluator must be cautious in interpreting drawings.
What is a Structured Art Evaluation? Right Ans - Specific subject
matter/themes are chosen to evoke the client's viewpoint on important
symbolic issues.
What are some disadvantages of the Structured Art Evaluation? Right Ans -
It is information that is difficult to quantify, the drawings may not reflect
reality, and must be administered as a battery to be reliable and valid.
Projective techniques of assessment Right Ans - 1. Rorschach
2. TAT (thematic apperception test)
3. HTP (house tree person)
4. Free Association
5. Dream analysis
6. Word analysis
7. Sentence completion
What is a Mental Status Exam? Right Ans - An assessment of a patient's
level of cognitive ability, appearance, emotional mood, and speech or thought
patterns at the time of evaluation. The MSE is one part of a full neurological
The 10 areas of functioning include: appearance, movement and behavior,
affect, mood, speech, thought content, thought process, cognition, judgement
and insight.
The primary purpose of the DSM is to: Right Ans - Facilitate
communication between mental health professionals