Describe bbthe bbitems bban bbarchitect bbmight bbobserve bband bbresearch bbin bborder bbto
bbprepare bba bbfunctional bbprogram. bb- bbAnswer bb1. bbThe bbusers bbof bbthe bbbuilding
bband bbtheir bbwork bbactivities bb(function-by-function, bbroom-by-room, bbstaffing bbplans,
bbstorage bbrequirements)
2. bbprevious bbprecedents bband bbsimilar bbbuilding bbtypes
3. bbThe bbvolume bbof bbactivity bbplanned bbfor bbspecific bbfacility bbcomponents
bb(throughput; bbflow bbpatterns bband bbhuman bbactivities)
What bbtype bbof bbinformation bbmight bbbe bbincluded bbin bba bbfunction bbprogram? bb-
bbAnswer bb-client's bbphilosophy, bbvalues, bbgoals, bb"image"
-site bbrequirements bb(parking, bbcirculation, bbetc)
-explicit bbspace bbrequirements
-financial bbrequirements bb(preliminary bbbudget)
-scheduling bband bbtime bbframe bbfor bbproject
-regulatory bbissues bb(building bbcode, bbzoning, bbmunicipal bbbylaws, bbetc)
-recommended bbproject bbdelivery bbmethod
Is bbfunctional bbprogramming bbtypically bbpart bbof bbbasic bbservices bbof bban
bbarchitectural bbagreement? bb- bbAnswer bbNo.
What bbis bba bbfunctional bbprogram? bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbdecision-making bbprocess
bbthat bbclearly bbdefines bbthe bbproblem bband bbscope bbof bbwork bbfor bbdesign.
Identify bbsome bbsustainable bbdevelopment bbprinciples bbwhich bbwould bbaffect bbthe
bbarchitectural bbprogram? bb- bbAnswer bb1. bbSiting, bbBuilding bbform, bborientation
2. bbEnergy bbperformance
3. bbOperational bbsystems
4. bbSpace bband bbUse bbParameters
Identify bbthree bbphysical bbfactors bbrelated bbto bbsite bbdesign bb- bbAnswer bb1. bbClimate
bb(solar bborientation, bbprevailing bbwinds, bbetc)
2. bbTopography bb(contours, bbelevations, bbsetbacks, bbeasements)
3. bbGeotechnical bb(Soil bbconditions, bbseismic, bbenvironmental bbhazards)
4. bbUtilities bb(gas, bbelectricity, bbetc)
5. bbImmediate bbsurroundings bb(neighbours, bbviews, bbetc)
6. bbGeneral bbservices bb(police, bbsnow bbremoval, bbetc)
,Identify bbthree bbcultural bbfactors bbrelated bbto bbsite bbdesign bb- bbAnswer bb1. bbSite
bbhistory bb(former bbsite bbuse, bbexisting bbstructures)
2. bbLand bbuse, bbownership, bbcontrol bb(present bbzoning, bbtype bbof bbownership)
3. bbeconomic bbvalue
Identify bbthree bbregulatory bbfactors bbrelated bbto bbsite bbdesign bb- bbAnswer bb1.
bbZoning bbcodes bb(permitted bbuses, bbbuilding bbheights, bbcoverage)
2. bbSub-division, bbother bblocal bbrequirements
3. bbEnvironmental bbregulations bb(fish/ bbwildlife bbprotection, bbetc)
4. bbOther bbcodes bb(heritage bbpreservation bbetc)
Identify bbinformation bbfound bbon bba bblegal bbland bbsurvey bb- bbAnswer bb1. bbground
bbelevation bband bbproperty bblines bb(property bblines, bbeasements, bbcontours)
2. bbSurface bbitems bb(poles, bbsidewalks, bbstreams, bbtrees)
3. bbUnderground bbitems bb(sewers, bbservices, bbditches bbetc)
4. bbStreets bband bbSidewalks bb
5. bbAdjacent bbproperties
What bbare bbfour bbfactors bbto bbconsider bbin bbsustainable bbsite bblocation? bb- bbAnswer
bb1. bbprocess bbfor bbsite bblocation
2. bbopportunities bbfor bburban bbredevelopment
3. bbopportunities bbfor bbbrownfield bbredevelopment
4. bbtransportation
Identify bbsix bbways bbin bbwhich bbbuilding bbdesign bbimpacts bbsites bb- bbAnswer bb1.
bbsite bbdisturbance
2. bberosion bband bbsediment bbdeposits
3. bbwater bbpollution
4. bbloss bbof bblandscape
5. bbcreation bbof bbheat bbislands
6. bblight bbpollution
What bbis bbthe bbmost bbcommon bbdisruption bbto bbnatural bbwater bbcycle bbflows bb-
bbAnswer bbstormwater bbrunoff
Identify bbthree bbstrategies bbfor bbmanaging bbstormwater bbrunoff bb- bbAnswer bb1. bbuse
bbgreen bbroofs bbto bbminimize bbrunoff
2. bbuse bbsoft bbor bbpermeable bbsurfaces
3. bbuse bbswales bband bbretention bbponds
Identify bbthe bbcomponents bbof bban bbarchitectural bbprogram bb- bbAnswer bbFunctional
bbprogramming bbcan bbbe bbdescribed bbas bba bbdecision-making bbprocess bbthat bbclearly
bbdefines bbthe bbproblem bband bbscope bbof bbwork bbfor bbdesign.
,Describe bbthe bbprocess bbinvolved bbin bbdeveloping bban bbarchitectural bbprogram bb-
bbAnswer bb"To bbprepare bba bbfunctional bbprogram, bbarchitects bbshould bbidentify
bbresearch bband bbobserve:
The bbusers bbof bbthe bbproposed bbbuilding bband bbtheir bbwork bbactivities, bbincluding-
- bbFunction-by-function, bbroom-by-room, bbdepartment-by-department bbactivity bbplans
- bbStaffing bbplans
Equipment bband bbstorage bbrequirements
The bbvolume bbof bbactivity bbplanned bbfor bbthe bbproposed bbfacility, bbincluding:
Throughput bb(amount bbof bbmaterial bbput bbthrough bba bbmanufacturing bbprocess)
With bbthis bbinformation, bbthe bbarchitect bbcan bbthen bbdevelop bbapproximate bbfloor
bbareas bband bbtechnical bbrequirements bbfor bbthe bbproposed bbfacility bbincluding:
- bbDetails bbof bbthe bbspace bbrequirements bbto bbaccommodate bbstaff, bbequipment
bband bbactivities
- bbSpecial bbfurniture bbconfigurations
- bbEnvironmental bbcriteria"
1.1.1 bbIdentify bbthe bbcomponents bbof bban bbarchitectural bbprogram bb- bbAnswer
bb"Functional bbprogramming bbcan bbbe bbdescribed bbas bba bbdecision-making bbprocess
bbthat bbclearly bbdefines bbthe bbproblem bband bbscope bbof bbwork bbfor bbdesign. bb
A bbFunctional bbprogramme bbdescribes bbthe bbrequirements bbwhich bba bbbuilding
bbmust bbsatisfy bbin bborder bbto bbsupport bband bbenhance bbhuman bbactivities. bb"
The bbprogramming bbprocess bbseeks bbto bbanswer bbthe bbfollowing bbquestions: bb-
bbAnswer bb"What bbis bbthe bbnature bband bbscope bbof bbthe bbproblem?
What bbinformation bbis bbrequired bbto bbdevelop bba bbproper bbarchitectural bbsolution bbto
bbthe bbproblem?
How bbmuch bband bbwhat bbtype bbof bbspace bbis bbneeded?
What bbspace bbwill bbbe bbneeded bbin bbthe bbfuture bbto bbcontinue bbto bboperate
The bbprocess bbinvolves bbthe bbarchitect bbexamining bbthe bbclient's bbworld bbin bbdetail
bbso bbas bbto bbdefine bbthe bbclient's bbneeds bband bbobjectives. bbThis bbincludes
bbunderstanding: bb- bbAnswer bb"- bbThe bbimpacts bbof bbbuilding bboccupants bband
bbprocesses bbin bbthe bbbuilt bbenvironment
- bbThe bbsocial bbimpacts bbof bbits bbprogram bbon bbthe bbcommunity
- bbThe bbplanning bbimpacts bbof bbits bbfunctions bbon bbthe bblocal bbinfrastructure"
Functional bbProgramme bbshould bbaddress bbthe bbfollowing: bb- bbAnswer bb"Client's
bbphilosophy, bbvalues, bbgoals bband bbdesired bbimage
Site bbrequirements, bbincluding:
, - bbParking
- bbCirculation
Financial bbrequirements bband bba bbpreliminary bbbudget
Schedule bband bbtimeframe bbfor bbthe bbproject
Other bbrequirements, bbincluding:
- bbRegulatory bbissues bb(zoning, bbbuilding bbcode)
- bbOther bbrequirements bbfrom bbauthorities bbhaving bbjurisdiction
- bbCommunity bbgoals bband bbconcerns
- bbEcological bband bbenvironmental bbconcerns"
1.1.2 bbDescribe bbthe bbprocess bbinvolved bbin bbdeveloping bban bbarchitectural
bbprogram bb- bbAnswer bb"To bbprepare bba bbfunctional bbprogram, bbarchitects bbshould
bbidentify bbresearch bband bbobserve:
The bbusers bbof bbthe bbproposed bbbuilding bband bbtheir bbwork bbactivities, bbincluding-
- bbFunction-by-function, bbroom-by-room, bbdepartment-by-department bbactivity bbplans
- bbStaffing bbplans
Equipment bband bbstorage bbrequirements
The bbvolume bbof bbactivity bbplanned bbfor bbthe bbproposed bbfacility, bbincluding:
Throughput bb(amount bbof bbmaterial bbput bbthrough bba bbmanufacturing bbprocess)
With bbthis bbinformation, bbthe bbarchitect bbcan bbthen bbdevelop bbapproximate bbfloor
bbareas bband bbtechnical bbrequirements bbfor bbthe bbproposed bbfacility bbincluding:
- bbDetails bbof bbthe bbspace bbrequirements bbto bbaccommodate bbstaff, bbequipment
bband bbactivities
- bbSpecial bbfurniture bbconfigurations
- bbEnvironmental bbcriteria"
A bbfunctional bbprogramme bbis bbgenerally bbcreated bbthrough bbthe bbfollowing
bbactivities: bb- bbAnswer bb"- bbDescribe bbthe bbclient's bbphilosophy, bbvision bband bbgoals
- bbDescribe bbthe bbservices bbthat bbare bbto bbbe bbprovided bbby bbthe bbnew bbfacility
- bbIdentify bbhow bbthe bbservices bbwill bbbe bbdelivered bband/or bboperational
- bbIdentify bbactivities, bbworkload, bbthroughput bband bbother bbmeasurements bbthat
bbmay bbimpact bbspace
- bbIdentify bbthe bbnumber bbof bbpeople/staff bbrequired bbto bbprovide bbthe bbservices
bband bball bbother bboccupants
- bbIdentify bbmajor bbrequirement bbused bbin bbthe bbprovision bbof bbservices
- bbIdentify bbrelationships bbbetween bbspaces bbor bbgroups bbof bbspaces
- bbPrepare bbdetailed bbspace bbrequirements"