Dosage Calculation Rules:
Rounding with decimals- Rounding with decimals:
● No trailing zeros and no naked decimals
● Rounding to the nearest tenth
○ If the last digit is = or > 5, round up.
● Rounding any number
○ If greater than 1, round to the tenth
■ Example: 1.234 = 1.2
○ If less than 1, round to the hundredth
■ Example: 0.567 = 0.57
Module 1: Health, Wellness, & Illness, Sensory/ Perception
● Foods to maintain eye health: Foods richest in lutein include fruits like bananas,
vegetables like carrots, and especially leafy, dark green vegetables like kale and
● PERRLA- pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
● Snellen chart- pt. It stands 20 feet from the chart covering one eye
○ 20/60 means pt. Can read at 20 feet what a client w normal vision can see at 60
● Vision safety concerns: avoid trip hazards (throw rugs, cord, etc.), keep bathroom light
● Wait one minute before putting eye drops in. If you have multiple eye drop medications,
wait 5 minutes in between
● Cataracts: causes blurred vision (early stage), cloudy pupil (late-stage)
○ Discontinue aspirin, warfarin, Plavix, etc. before surgery
○ Report sharp, sudden pain, bleeding, thick green discharge, floaters, decreased
○ Post-op- no heavy lifting, bending, straining
● Eye injuries
○ Retinal holes, tears, detachment (flashes of light, floaters)
○ Enucleation: surgical removal of the eye
● Glaucoma: increased intraocular pressure, peripheral vision loss
○ Risk factor: cardiovascular disease
○ Normal IOP is 10-21
○ Primary closed-angle: medical emergency
○ Eye drops for life: punctal occlusion to prevent systemic absorption
○ Report any vision changes to HCP
○ TimoLOL- beta adrenergic blocker (heart)
■ Reduces production of aqueous fluid
● Macular degeneration: causes ischemia and necrotic retinal cells in the macula and
central vision loss.
● Hyperopia- farsightedness, light rays fall behind the retina
● Presbyopia- age-related farsightedness
● Myopia- nearsightedness, light rays fall in front of the retina
○ Jaeger card: miniature handheld eye chart to determine near vision problems.
● Confrontation test: peripheral vision
● Extraocular muscle function: 6 cardinal positions of gaze
● Color vision: Ishihara chart
Module 2: Stress & Coping, Mood & Affect, Cognition & Psychosis
● OCD: uncontrollable recurring thoughts and behaviors that the person feels the urge to
○ Treated with modeling, systematic desensitization, response prevention, and
thought stopping.
○ Treated with SSRIs and Milieu therapy
○ Riginess in thought and inflexibility
● Bipolar disorder: risk for self-mutilation; medications help prevent relapse.
○ Splitting
● Depression: assess your patient! (SSRIs)
○ Anger
○ Denial
○ Grief
○ Bargaining
○ Acceptance
● Schizophrenia: “You're laughing. Tell me what's happening.”
Clozapine (Clozaril)- monitor WBC count (agranulocytosis)
Positive vs. negative symptoms
■ Positive symptoms: hallucinations
■ Negative symptoms: short attention span, limited ability to communicate
○ Extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) are motor symptoms associated with
antipsychotic drugs. Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is an EPS that usually appear after
prolonged treatment. TD consists of involuntary tonic muscular spasms of the
face and jaw. TD is most frequently seen in older women and patients and varies
from mild to moderate. It can be disfiguring or incapacitating.
○ Early symptoms of TD are fasciculations (very tiny involuntary motor movements)
of the tongue or constant lip-smacking. These early oral movements can develop
into uncontrollable biting, chewing, or sucking motions and lateral movements of
the jaw.
○ Delusions: thought broadcasting, thought insertion, thought withdrawal and being
○ Concrete thinking: associated looseness, neologism, clan association, and word