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Questions With Correct Answers
Describe the items an architect might observe and research in order to prepare a functional
program. - answer✔1. The users of the building and their work activities (function-by-function,
room-by-room, staffing plans, storage requirements)
2. previous precedents and similar building types
3. The volume of activity planned for specific facility components (throughput; flow patterns and
human activities)
What type of information might be included in a function program? - answer✔-client's
philosophy, values, goals, "image"
-site requirements (parking, circulation, etc)
-explicit space requirements
-financial requirements (preliminary budget)
-scheduling and time frame for project
-regulatory issues (building code, zoning, municipal bylaws, etc)
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-recommended project delivery method
Is functional programming typically part of basic services of an architectural agreement? -
What is a functional program? - answer✔The decision-making process that clearly defines the
problem and scope of work for design.
Identify some sustainable development principles which would affect the architectural program?
- answer✔1. Siting, Building form, orientation
2. Energy performance
3. Operational systems
4. Space and Use Parameters
Identify three physical factors related to site design - answer✔1. Climate (solar orientation,
prevailing winds, etc)
2. Topography (contours, elevations, setbacks, easements)
3. Geotechnical (Soil conditions, seismic, environmental hazards)
4. Utilities (gas, electricity, etc)
5. Immediate surroundings (neighbours, views, etc)
6. General services (police, snow removal, etc)
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Identify three cultural factors related to site design - answer✔1. Site history (former site use,
existing structures)
2. Land use, ownership, control (present zoning, type of ownership)
3. economic value
Identify three regulatory factors related to site design - answer✔1. Zoning codes (permitted uses,
building heights, coverage)
2. Sub-division, other local requirements
3. Environmental regulations (fish/ wildlife protection, etc)
4. Other codes (heritage preservation etc)
Identify information found on a legal land survey - answer✔1. ground elevation and property
lines (property lines, easements, contours)
2. Surface items (poles, sidewalks, streams, trees)
3. Underground items (sewers, services, ditches etc)
4. Streets and Sidewalks
5. Adjacent properties
What are four factors to consider in sustainable site location? - answer✔1. process for site
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2. opportunities for urban redevelopment
3. opportunities for brownfield redevelopment
4. transportation
Identify six ways in which building design impacts sites - answer✔1. site disturbance
2. erosion and sediment deposits
3. water pollution
4. loss of landscape
5. creation of heat islands
6. light pollution
What is the most common disruption to natural water cycle flows - answer✔stormwater runoff
Identify three strategies for managing stormwater runoff - answer✔1. use green roofs to
minimize runoff
2. use soft or permeable surfaces
3. use swales and retention ponds
Identify the components of an architectural program - answer✔Functional programming can be
described as a decision-making process that clearly defines the problem and scope of work for