1. Review nursing interventions associated with family dynamics.
Identification of issues through assessment.
Patient and family teaching.
Referrals for appropriate resources, such as
Mental health
Social work
Nutritional support
Caregiver support
2. Review different types of family structures (i.e. nuclear, extended, etc).
a. Nuclear
b. Married-parent families
c. Extended families
d. Married blended families
e. Cohabitating-parent families
f. Single-parent families
g. No-parent families
h. Same-sex families
3. Review the purpose and components of a family assessment.
a. The Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) is used by nurses to assess families.
b. The model is used to ask family members questions about themselves in order to gain
understanding of the structure, developmental, and function at a point in time.
c. Below are the different purposes/descriptions of each different model
Model Purpose/Description
Calgary Family A multidimensional framework with three major categories: structural,
Assessment Model developmental, and functional. It is embedded in larger worldviews of
postmodernism, feminism, and biology of cognition. Theory foundation of
model includes systems, cybernetics, communication, and change.
Diversity issues are included.
Circumplex Model of Family model grounded in systems theory. Includes dimensions of family
Marital & Family cohesion (emotional bonding that couple and family members have
Systems toward one another), flexibility (amount of change in its leadership, role
relationships, and relationship rules), and communication (includes family
as a group in relation to listening skills, speaking skills, self-disclosure,
clarity, continuity tracking, and respect and regard).
, Model Purpose/Description
Family Adaptability and Updated version of self-report scale designed to assess full range of cohesion
Cohesion and flexibility dimensions of Circumplex Model.
Evaluation Scales
Dyadic Adjustment Self-report 32-item questionnaire administered to both members of a couple.
Scale Scales include dyadic consensus, dyadic satisfaction, affectional
expression, and dyadic cohesion.
Chinese Family Self-report measure to assess family functioning in Chinese populations.
Assessment Contains five dimensions: (1) mutuality, (2) communication and
Instrument (C-FAI) cohesiveness, (3) conflict and harmony, (4) parental concern, and
(5) parental control.
Family Dynamics Based on eight bipolar dimensions of Barnhill.19 First six of dimensions were
Measure II (FDM selected for inclusion: (1) individuation versus enmeshment, (2) mutuality
II) versus isolation, (3) flexibility versus rigidity, (4) stability versus
disorganization, (5) clear communication versus unclear or distorted
communication, and (6) role compatibility versus role conflict.
1. Review and complete medication list/concept document distributed by your instructor.
2. Review levels of prevention
a. Primary
i. Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs.
This is done by preventing exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury,
altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviors that can lead to disease or injury, and
increasing resistance to disease or injury should exposure occur. Examples
1. legislation and enforcement to ban or control the use of hazardous
products (e.g. asbestos) or to mandate safe and healthy practices
(e.g. use of seatbelts and bike helmets
2. education about healthy and safe habits (e.g. eating well, exercising
regularly, not smoking)
3. immunization against infectious diseases.