Understanding jPathophysiology j6th jEdition jHuether jTest
Chapter j01: jCellular jBiology
Huether j& jMcCance: jUnderstanding jPathophysiology, j6th jEdition
1. A jstudent jis jobserving ja jcell junder jthe jmicroscope. jIt jis jobserved jto jhave jsupercoiled
jDNA jwith jhistones. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jwould jalso jbe jobserved jby jthe jstudent?
a. A jsingle jcircular jchromosome
b. A jnucleus
c. Free-floating jnuclear jmaterial
d. No jorganelles
ANS: j B
The jcell jdescribed jis ja jeukaryotic jcell, jso jit jhas jhistones jand ja jsupercoiled jDNA jwithin jits
jnucleus; jthus, jthe jnucleus jshould jbe jobserved. jA jsingle jcircular jchromosome jcalled ja
jprokaryote jcontains jfree-floating jnuclear jmaterial jbut jhas jno jorganelles.
REF: j j p. j2
2. A jnurse jis jinstructing jthe jstaff jabout jcellular jfunctions. jWhich jcellular jfunction jis jthe
jnurse jdescribing jwhen jan jisolated jcell jabsorbs joxygen jand juses jit jto jtransform jnutrients
jto jenergy?
a. Metabolic jabsorption
b. Communication
c. Secretion
d. Respiration
j D
The jcell’s jability jto jabsorb joxygen jis jreferred jto jas jrespiration jwhile jits jcommunication
jability jinvolves jmaintenance jof ja jsteady jdynamic jstate, jmetabolic jabsorption jprovides
jnutrition, jand jsecretion jallows jfor jthe jsynthesizing jof jnew jsubstances.
REF: j j p. j2
3. A jeukaryotic jcell jis jundergoing jDNA jreplication. jIn jwhich jregion jof jthe jcell jwould
jmost jof jthe jgenetic jinformation jbe jcontained?
a. Mitochondria
b. Ribosome
c. Nucleolus
d. Nucleus jCytoplasm
ANS: j C
The jregion jof jthe jcell jthat jcontains jgenetic jmaterial, jincluding ja jlarge jamount jof
jribonucleic jacid, jmost jof jthe jDNA, jand jDNA-binding jproteins, jis jthe jnucleolus, jwhich jis
jlocated jwithin jthe jcell’s jnucleus. jMitochondria jis jassociated jwith jcellular jrespiration,
jwhile jribosomes jare jinvolved jwith jprotein jmanufacturing. jCytoplasm jis ja jfluid jfilling jthat
jis ja jcomponent jof jthe jcell.
REF: j j p. j2
, Understanding jPathophysiology j6th jEdition jHuether jTest
4. Which jof jthe jfollowing jcan jremove jproteins jattached jto jthe jcell’s jbilayer jby jdissolving
jthe jlayer jitself?
a. Peripheral jmembrane jproteins
b. Integral jmembrane jproteins
c. Glycoproteins
d. Cell jadhesion jmolecules
ANS: j B
Proteins jdirectly jattached jto jthe jmembrane jbilayer jcan jbe jremoved jby jthe jaction jof jintegral
jmembrane jproteins jthat jdissolve jthe jbilayer. jPeripheral jmembrane jproteins jreside jat jthe
jsurface jwhile jcell jadhesion jmolecules jare jon jthe joutside jof jthe jmembrane. jGlycoprotein
jmarks jcells jand jdoes jnot jfloat.
REF: j j p. j7
5. Which jof jthe jfollowing jcan jbind jto jplasma jmembrane jreceptors?
a. Oxygen
b. Ribosomes
c. Amphipathic jlipids
d. Ligands
ANS: j D
Ligands jare jthe jonly jspecific jmolecules jthat jcan jbind jwith jreceptors jon jthe jcell jmembrane.
REF: j j p. j9
6. A jnurse jis jreviewing ja jreport jfrom ja jpatient jwith jmetastatic jcancer. jWhat jalternation jin
UNpjSp ojRNr t jjT
jthe jextracellular jmatrix jwould js u
a. Decreased jfibronectin
t hIe jdG OBo.
iagn siC
s jofM
metastatic jcancer?
b. Increased jcollagen
c. Decreased jelastin
d. Increased jglycoproteins
ANS: j A
Only ja jreduced jamount jof jfibronectin jis jfound jin jsome jtypes jof jcancerous jcells, jallowing
jthem jto jtravel jor jmetastasize.
REF: j j p. j10
7. Which jform jof jcell jcommunication jis jused jto jrelate jto jother jcells jin jdirect jphysical jcontact?
a. Cell jjunction
b. Gap jjunction
c. Desmosome
d. Tight jjunction
ANS: j A
Cell jjunctions jhold jcells jtogether jand jpermit jmolecules jto jpass jfrom jcell jto jcell.
Gap jjunctions jallow jfor jcellular jcommunication jbetween jcells. jNeither jdesmosomes jnor
jtight jjunctions jare jassociated jwith jcellular jcommunication.
REF: j j p. j11
, Understanding jPathophysiology j6th jEdition jHuether jTest
8. Pancreatic jbeta jcells jsecrete jinsulin, jwhich jinhibits jsecretion jof jglucagon jfrom
jneighboring jalpha jcells. jThis jaction jis jan jexample jof jwhich jof jthe jfollowing jsignaling
a. Paracrine
b. Autocrine
c. Neurohormonal
d. Hormonal
ANS: j A
Paracrine jsignaling jinvolves jthe jrelease jof jlocal jchemical jmediators jthat jare jquickly jtaken jup,
jdestroyed, jor jimmobilized, jas jin jthe jcase jof jinsulin jand jthe jinhibition jof jthe jsecretion jof
jglucagon. jNone jof jthe jother joptions jinvolve jsignaling jthat jis jassociated jwith ja jlocal
jchemical jmediator jlike jinsulin.
REF: j j p. j12
9. In jcellular jmetabolism, jeach jenzyme jhas ja jhigh jaffinity jfor ja:
a. solute.
b. substrate.
c. receptor.
d. ribosome.
ANS: j B
Each jenzyme jhas ja jhigh jaffinity jfor ja jsubstrate, ja jspecific jsubstance jconverted jto ja
jproduct jof jthe jreaction. jCellular jmetabolism jis jnot jdependent jon jan jattraction jbetween jan
jenzyme jand jany jof jthe jremaining joptions.
REF: j j p.
10. An jathlete jruns ja jmarathon, jafter jwhich jhis jmuscles jfeel jfatigued jand junable jto jcontract.
jThe jathlete jasks jthe jnurse jwhy jthis jhappened. jThe jnurse’s jresponse jis jbased jon jthe
jknowledge jthat jthe jproblem jis jresult jof ja jdeficiency jof:
a. GTP
b. AMP
c. ATP
d. GMP
ANS: j C
When jATP jis jdeficient, jimpaired jmuscle jcontraction jresults. jNone jof jthe jother joptions jare
jinvolved jin jmuscle jcontraction.
REF: j j p. j16
11. Which jphase jof jcatabolism jproduces jthe jmost jATP?
a. Digestion
b. Glycolysis
c. Oxidation
d. Citric jacid jcycle
ANS: j D
While jsome jATP jis jproduced jduring jthe joxidation jand jglycolysis jphases, jmost jof jthe jATP
jis jgenerated jduring jthe jcitric jacid jcycle. jDigestion jdoes jnot jproduce jany jATP.
, Understanding jPathophysiology j6th jEdition jHuether jTest
REF: j j p. j16
12. A jnurse jis jteaching jthe jstaff jabout jthe jphases jof jcellular jcatabolism. jWhich jphases jshould
jthe jnurse jinclude?
a. Digestion, jglycolysis, joxidation, jand jthe jcitric jacid jcycle
b. Diffusion, josmosis, jand jmediated jtransport
c. S jphase, jG jphase, jand jM jphase
d. Metabolic jabsorption, jrespiration, jand jexcretion
ANS: j A
Only jdigestion, jglycolysis, joxidation, jand jthe jcitric jacid jcycle jare jthe jphases jof jcellular
REF: j j p. j16
13. A jrunner jhas jdepleted jall jthe joxygen javailable jfor jmuscle jenergy. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing
jwill jfacilitate jhis jcontinued jmuscle jperformance?
a. Electron-transport jchain
b. Aerobic jglycolysis
c. Anaerobic jglycolysis
d. Oxidative jphosphorylation
ANS: j C
When jno joxygen jis javailable, janaerobic jglycolysis joccurs. jThe jelectron-transport jchain jis
jpart jof jthe jcitric jacid jcycle. jAerobic jglycolysis jinvolves jthe jpresence jof joxygen.
jOxidative jphosphorylation jis jthe jmechanism jby jwhich jthe jenergy jproduced jfrom
jcarbohydrates, jfats, jand jproteins jis jtransferred jto jATP. jIt jis jnot jpart jof jmuscle
REF: j j p.
14. A jfaculty jmember jasks ja jstudent jto jidentify jthe jappropriate jterm jfor jthe jmovement jof ja
jsolute jfrom jan jarea jof jgreater jto jlesser jconcentration. jWhich janswer jindicates jthe jnursing
jstudent junderstood jthe jteaching?
a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion
c. Hydrostatic jpressure
d. Active jtransport
ANS: j B
Diffusion jis jthe jmovement jof ja jsolute jmolecule jfrom jan jarea jof jgreater jsolute
jconcentration jto jan jarea jof jlesser jsolute jconcentration jthrough ja jpermeable jmembrane.
jOsmosis jis jthe jmovement jof jwater jacross ja jsemipermeable jmembrane jfrom ja jregion jof
jhigher jwater jconcentration jto jone jof jlower jconcentration. jHydrostatic jpressure jis jthe jforce
jof jfluid jagainst j a jcell jmembrane. jIn jactive jtransport, jmolecules jmove jup ja jconcentration
REF: j j p. j19
15. Which jdescription jaccurately jdescribes jelectrolytes?
a. Small jlipid-soluble jmolecules
b. Large jprotein jmolecules
c. Micronutrients jused jto jproduce jATP