SLP Non-Teaching Exam 232 WITH 100% SURE ANSWERS
Terms in this set (189)
P.L. 101-336. Bans discrimination of handicapped individuals for employment, public
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 services, and accommodations. Includes adults and children not covered by other
legislation. Updated in 2008.
A special education law that requires schools to educate students with disabilities in
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act least restrictive environments to the greatest extent of their abilities using plans
(IDEA) tailored to the individual needs of the students. Service delivery from ages 3-21
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
IDEA Components
Due Process
Nondiscriminatory Assessment
Parental Participation
States must adopt education accountability standards
No Child Left Behind Act (2001) States must annually test students
Sanctions against schools that fail to meet adequate yearly progress
main law for K-12 public education in the United States, replaced No Child Left
Behind, purpose is to make sure public schools provide a quality education for all
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
kids, gives states a say in how schools account for student achievement, including
disadvantaged students
a group of professionals who work separately and independently, they come
multidisciplinary team together to report assessment results and intervention outcomes from the
perspective of their own discipline, do not engage in joint planning or intervention
a group of professionals that discuss and share perspectives to set goals and identify
interdisciplinary team intervention priorities ( joint planning), they collaborate and communicate for
assessment and intervention, aim to provide less fragmentation of services
a group of professionals from different disciplines who function as a team and
transdisciplinary team individuals trained in various disciplines take on aspects of each others' roles, all
duties are shared, blend professional boundaries
, alter conditions to reduce new occurrences and aims to prevent disease or injury
primary prevention before it ever occurs (e.g., warn mothers about the dangers of drinking when
early identification to reduce long term functional limitations and reduce the impact
of a disease or injury that has already occurred, this is done by detecting and
secondary prevention
treating disease or injury as soon as possible to halt or slow its progress (e.g., early
identification of HL)
remediating current problems and limiting further ones after they have appeared and
tertiary prevention helping people manage long-term, often-complex health problems and injuries (e.g.,
assessment and intervention)
states get to decide the education plans for their schools within a framework
Education plans under ESSA provided by the federal government, the law also offers parents a chance to weigh
in on these plans
Response to Intervention (RTI) is Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
sometimes interchanged with _________
instructional framework that includes universal screening of all students, multiple
tiers of instruction and support services, and an integrated data collection and
assessment system to inform decisions at each tier of instruction (the framework can
be used for literacy, math, or positive behavior supports)
Universal Instruction--implemented by classroom teachers, frequent progress
Tier I of RTI/MTSS service
monitoring, consultation with child study teams
Targeted Interventions--small group interventions added to universal instruction,
progress monitoring continues
Specialized Treatments--intensive, individualized support, varied professionals
address areas of limited progress, progress monitoring continues
A SPED evaluation is next if students don't make enough progress in Tier 3, but they
What happens after Tier III of RTI/MTSS? reach this point with lots of documentation and data from the MTSS process can be
helpful when developing an IEP
Required beginning with the IEP that will be in effect on the child's 16th birthday,
from that point, measurable postsecondary goals must be related to: training,
Transition planning to post-school education, employment, and independent-living skills (where appropriate) (law
requires the IEP team to invite the child to meetings where transition planning is
to ensure that all students are prepared for college and the work force AND to
What is the purpose of Common Core
ensure consistency and quality throughout the educational systems across state
State Standards (CCSS)?
Accurate and effortless decoding (automaticity)
Age or grade-level appropriate reading rates Appropriate use of volume, pitch,
What is reading fluency? juncture, and stress (prosody or expression)
Appropriate use of text phrasing or "chunking," leading to comprehension of what
one reads
The ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds, phonemes, in oral
Phonemic awareness language
Representation of phonemes one perceives (e.g., sop/stop)
An understanding that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of spoken
Alphabetic principle
Knowledge of letter names
Orthographic knowledge