Endeavor Indoc Study Guide Questions
& Answers
Class A Weather mins - ANSWERSN/A
Class B weather mins - ANSWERS3SM clear of clouds
Class C weather mins - ANSWERS3 statute miles, 1k above, 500 below, 2,000
Class D weather mins - ANSWERS3 statute miles, 1k above, 500 below, 2000
Class E weather mins below 10,000 MSL - ANSWERS3 statute miles, 1k above, 500
below, 2000 horizontal
Class E weather mins above 10,000 MSL - ANSWERS5 statute miles, 1k above, 1k
below, 1 SM horizontal
Class G 1,200 feet or less above the surface (regardless of MSL), during the day -
ANSWERS1 statute mile, clear of clouds
Class G, 1,200 feet or less above the surface (regardless of MSL), at night -
ANSWERS3 statute miles, 1k above, 500 below, 2000 horizontal
Class G More than 1,200 feet above surface but less than 10k MSL during the day -
ANSWERS1 statute mile, 1k above, 500 below, 2k horizontal
Class G More than 1,200 feet above surface but less than 10k MSL at night -
ANSWERS3 statute miles, 1k above, 500 below, 2k horizontal
Class G More than 1,200 feet above the surface and at or above 10k MSL, day or night
- ANSWERS5 statute miles, 1k above, 1k below, 1SM horizontal
What conditions allow you to continue past the final approach fix? (3 things) (8-124) -
ANSWERSCleared for the approach
Latest reported weather, including controlling RVR report (if operational and applicable)
is at or above minimums for operation being conducted.
*If PF has begun final approach segment and controlling vis drops below minimums, the
approach may be continued to DA(H) or MDA.
Minimum weather info required in flight release package (7-24) (5 general pieces of
info) - ANSWERSCurrent routine weather report
,Aerodrome forecast (TAF)
FICONs (Field Conditions) and Company NOTAMs when available/applicable
Sigmets and Airmets
V1 - ANSWERSTakeoff action speed. Action must take place by this speed to abort T/O
within accelerate-stop distance.
VR - ANSWERSRotation speed. Speed at which takeoff begins, when aircraft rotates
and leaves the ground. Gives at least 5% margin to Vmca. Must fall between V1 and V2
V2 - ANSWERSTakeoff safety speed. Safe speed for climbout after engine failure. Must
reach and maintain no later than 35' AGL when single engine.
VFTO - ANSWERSFinal Takeoff speed.
How do you make comments regarding the errors, ommissions, conflicts with other
documents, or suggestions for improvement to the FOM (1-3 and 1-9) -
ANSWERSThrough the Manual Change process and the on-line Manual Change
Request form
What is the FAR 117 rest period before beginning reserve or flight duty period (5-5) -
ANSWERS10 hours. The 10 hour rest period must provide the pilot with a minimum of 8
uninterrupted hours of sleep opportunity.
How many consecutive hours free from all duty must you be given in any 168 hour
period in order to begin a reserve or flight duty period - ANSWERS30
What is the maximum flight time in any 672 consecutive hours (Ch 5) - ANSWERS100
What is the maximum flight time in any 365 consecutive calendar day period (Ch 5) -
ANSWERS1,000 hours
What is the max flight duty PERIOD hours in any 168 consecutive hours (Ch 5) -
ANSWERS60 flight duty period hours
What is the max flight duty PERIOD hours in any 672 consecutive hours (Ch 5) -
ANSWERS190 flight duty period hours.
How long may you extend flight duty period before takeoff during unaugmented ops? (5-
3) - ANSWERS2 hours
If you extend the flight period more than _____ minutes, you may do so only _____ prior
to receiving a ____ rest period - ANSWERS30, once, 30 hour
, Can you extend a flight duty period if it causes you to exceed the cumulative flight duty
period limits? - ANSWERSNo
If unforeseen operational circumstances arise after takeoff, may you extend the flight
duty period? - ANSWERSYes, to extent to safely land at next destination or alternate. If
more than 30 minutes may occur only once prior to receiving a rest period (30 hours).
How do pilots affirmatively state they are fit for duty? - ANSWERSBy signing the copy of
the dispatch release that remains with the station
When must each flight crewmember and jumpseat occupant fasten their seatbelt and
shoulder harness? (8-71) - ANSWERSDuring takeoff, landing and turbulent conditions.
During all other phases of flight, all cockpit occupants must have their seat belt
Exemption 17347 (7-32). Each certificate holder must list ____ additional alternate
airport in the dispatch release whenever the METAR, TAF, or any combination thereof
for the destination or first alternate airport indicate, by use of ______ words in the
remarks of such METAR or one or more time increments of the TAF, that the forecast
weather conditions for the destination or first alternate could be less than authorized
minimums for those airports. - ANSWERSone; conditional
Exemption 17347 (7-33). To release a flight under exemption 17347, you must have
___ alternates, the destination's ______ visibility forecast must be at least equal to
landing minimums, and conditional forecast must not be less than _____ of that
required for the approach - ANSWERS2; main body ; 1/2
Exemption 17347 (7-33). The destination runway expected to be used at ETA must be
____ (i.e. crosswind and tailwind components, including gusts, do not exceed aircraft
limitations). The first alternate main body forecast must meet alternate criteria as
specified in the Company Op Specs. The "_______" forecast must not be less than half
of the required alternate minimum ceiling and visibility. The second alternate main body
and conditional forecast must meet alternate criteria. - ANSWERSsuitable; conditional
Can you base dispatch on RNAV approaches at both the destination and alternate
airports? - ANSWERSNo, it is limited to destination airport or alternate(s)
Stabilized approaches (8-128). No lower than 1000 feet AFE, what must exist for a
stable approach? - ANSWERSBe fully configured for landing (gear and landing flaps
Maintain a stable descent rate not to exceed 1000 fpm.
Be aligned with the intended landing runway.
Stabilized approaches (8-128-129). No lower than 500 feet AFE and crossing the
threshold, the aircraft must be on ____ airspeed, with the engines stabilized at ____.