1. Regarding the definition of abnormality, it is correct to state that
r r r r r r r r r r
a. It is difficult to define “normal” and “abnormal.”
r r r r r r r
b. Abnormality depends solely on subjective distress. r r r r r
c. the definition isuniversalacrosscultures.
r r
d. The criteria differ depending on whether the individual has a psychological disorder or a
r r r r r r r r r r r r r
psychological dysfunction.
r r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a-Identifybasicbiological,psychological,andsocialcomponents
ofbehavioralexplanations(e.g., inferences,observations,operational definitions, interpretation) r r r r
OTHER: TYPE:Conceptual
2. According to the authors of your textbook, the definition of a psychological disorder is associated with
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
a. stress.
b. Impaired functioning. r
c. Culturally expected responses. r r
d. Psychotic symptoms. r
r b
r r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology r r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ABNO.DURA.16. APA1.1a - Identify basic biological, psychological, and social componentsof
r r r r r r r r r r r r
behavioral explanations (e.g., inferences, observations, operational definitions, interpretation)
r r r r r r r r
OTHER: TYPE: Factual r
3. A psychological dysfunction refers to
r r r r
a. A breakdown in cognitive functioning.
r r r r
b. A breakdown in emotional functioning.
r r r r
c. A breakdown in behavioral functioning.
r r r r
d. Any of these. r r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ABNO.DURA.16. APA1.1a-Identifybasicbiological, psychological, and social components of
r r r r r r r r
behavioral explanations (e.g., inferences, observations, operational definitions, interpretation) r r r r r r r r
OTHER: TYPE: Factual r
4. The criterion that a particular behavior be-atypical or not culturally expected is insufficientto define abnormality because
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
a. behavior that occurs infrequentlyisconsidered abnormalin everyculture.
r r r r r
b. theatypicalbehaviormustalsocauseharmor impairment to beconsideredabnormal. r r r
c. behaviorsvary verylittlefromone individualto anotherwithineachculture. r r r
d. manypeoplebehave in ways thatdeviatefromtheaverage, butthisdoesn’tmean thattheyhaveadisorder. r r r r r
, DIFFICULTY: Difficult
REFERENCES: UnderstandingPsychopathology r
OTHER: TYPE:Conceptual
5. Amalecollegestudentbegins feelingsad and lonely.Althoughstill ableto go to classesandworkathisjob, hefinds himself r r r r r r r r r
feelingdown much of thetimeandworriesaboutwhatishappeningto him. Whichpartofthedefinition of
r r r r r r r
abnormalityappliesto his situation?
r r r
a. Personal distress r
b. Culturalfactors
c. Impairedfunctioning
d. Violationofsocietalnorms
REFERENCES: UnderstandingPsychopathology
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a-Identifybasicbiological,psychological,andsocialcomponents
ofbehavioralexplanations(e.g., inferences,observations,operational definitions, interpretation) r r r r
6. Mark has dyed his hair purple. Although his friends like the color, his older aunts have been giving him strange looks.
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
Mark is applying for jobs and has not yet had any job offers. He suspects that potential employers are not taking him
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
seriously because of his hair color. Which part of abnormality applies to Mark’s employment situation?
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
a. Personal Distress r
b. Cultural Factors r
c. Impaired Functioning r
d. Violation of Social Norms r r r
DIFFICULTY: Moderate r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology r r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a-Identify basic biological, psychological, and social components of
r r r r r r r r r
behavioral explanations (e.g., inferences, observations, operational definitions, interpretation)
r r r r r r r r
OTHER: TYPE: Appliedr r
7. Talking loudly and smoking is more appropriate in an Egyptian movie theatre than an American one. This illustrates which
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
a. Personal Distress r
b. Cultural Factors r
c. Impaired Functioning r
d. Violation of Social Norms r r r
DIFFICULTY: Moderate r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology r r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a-Identify basic biological, psychological, and social components of
r r r r r r r r r
behavioral explanations (e.g., inferences, observations, operational definitions, interpretation)
r r r r r r r r
OTHER: TYPE: Appliedr r
8. Which of the following is true:
r r r r r
a. There is clear consensus on the definition of mental health disease.
r r r r r r r r r r
, b. There is no clear consensus on the definition of disease but there is a clear definition of mental health disorder.
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
c. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) never changes its definitions.
r r r r r r r r r
d. The DSM is based on prototypes or symptoms and examples of the phenomenon in question.
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
DIFFICULTY: Moderate r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology
r r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a-Identify basic biological, psychological, and social components of
r r r r r r r r r
behavioral explanations (e.g., inferences, observations, operational definitions, interpretation)
r r r r r r r r
OTHER: TYPE: Applied
r r
9. Whichof the following degreesisearnedbyapsychiatrist?
r r r
a. Ph.D.
b. Ed.D.
c. M.D.
d. Psy.D.
r c
r r
REFERENCES: UnderstandingPsychopathology r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a-Identifybasicbiological,psychological,andsocialcomponents
ofbehavioralexplanations(e.g., inferences,observations,operational definitions, interpretation)r r r r
10. With which of the following terminal degrees can you practice therapy?
r r r r r r r r r r
a. Master’s degree in business administration r r r r
b. Bachelor’s degree in psychology r r r
c. Ph.D. in psychology with additional licensing requirements
r r r r r r
d. Ph.D. in non-profit management r r r
DIFFICULTY: Difficult r
REFERENCES: Understanding Psychopathology
r r
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ABNO.DURA.16.APA1.1a - Identify basic biological, psychological, and social components ofbehavioral
r r r r r r r r r r r r
explanations (e.g., inferences, observations, operational definitions, interpretation)
r r r r r r r
OTHER: TYPE: Factual
r r
11. RockyStarrisamalerockerwho wears outlandishmakeupandwomen’sclothingwhenperformingon stage.This r r r
behavior isconsidered
r r
a. moreabnormalthanthatofan accountantwho startstodo so becauserockstarsaresupposed tobevery r r r r r
b. lessabnormalthan thatofan accountant whostartstodo so becauseitisconsistentwith hisprofessional
r r r r r r
c. lessabnormalthan thatofan accountantwhostartstodo so becauseitsmorecommon to see arockstarinr r r r r r r
makeup. r
d. justasabnormalasthatofan accountantwho startstodo so becauseabnormalityisdefined bytheindividual himself. r r r r r r