Experimental Research - CORRECT ANSWER Experimental Research is the process of gathering data in
order to make evaluative comparisons regarding different situations.
Experiment - CORRECT ANSWER The Experiment is the most valuable type of research it is used to
discover cause-and-effect relationships
How many individual participants do you need to conduct a "true" experiment? - CORRECT ANSWER To
conduct a "true" experiment you needs 30 individual participants.
How many individual participants do you need to conduct Correlational research? - CORRECT ANSWER
To conduct correlational research you needs 30 subjects per variable.
Quasi-experiment - CORRECT ANSWER A Quasi-experiment uses PRE-EXISTING groups, so the
independent variable (IV) cannot be altered (i.e. gender or ethnicity), & cannot state with any statistical
confidence that the IV caused the dependent variable (DV).
What type of experiment is a correlational research, and what does it tell us about cause and effect? -
CORRECT ANSWER Correlational research is a Quasi-experimental and does not yield cause-effect data.
What do correlational studies tell us about the relationship between variables? - CORRECT ANSWER
Since correlational research is Quasi-experimental, it only shows a positive or negative relationship
between the variables, but does not yield cause-effect data.
Parsimony - CORRECT ANSWER Parsimony (aka Occam's Razor) refers to the practice of interpreting the
results in the simplest ways (Literally a tendency to be miserly and not overspend.)
Occam's Razor - CORRECT ANSWER Occam's Razor (aka Parsimony) refers to the practice of interpreting
the results in the simplest ways (Literally a tendency to be miserly and not overspend.)
,Ex post facto study - CORRECT ANSWER Ex post facto study is a type of quasi-experiment (literally means
'after the fact') connoting a correlational study in which preexisting groups are utilized
Independent variable - CORRECT ANSWER The Independent variable is the variable the researcher
manipulates, controls, alters, or wishes to experiment with. Memory Device: 'I' manipulate the IV, or a
hospital patient gets treatment form IV)
Dependent variable - CORRECT ANSWER The dependent variable expresses the outcome or the data
regarding factors one wants to measure. Memory Device: 'D' in dependent signifies 'D' in data.
Validity - CORRECT ANSWER Validity is the extent or degree to which an idea/ conclusion/measurement/
score/ study is well-founded, measures what it claims to measure, corresponds accurately to the real
world & answers the questions it is intended to answer. 'valid' in Latin meaning strong, equivalent.
Internal Validity - CORRECT ANSWER Internal validity 'in experiments' refers to whether the Dependent
Variables, 'DVs' , the data were truly influenced by the experimental independent variables, 'IVs',
treatment or if other factors impacted the Data.
What are some examples of "Threats to internal validity"? - CORRECT ANSWER Examples of threats to
'internal validity' or factors that reduce the impact of tx on Data are 1. maturation of subjects, the
psychological & physical changes e.g. fatigue due to time involved, 2. 'mortality' subjects withdrawing, 3.
instruments used to measure the behavior or trait, or 4. 'statistical regression' the notion that extremely
high or low scores would move toward the mean if utilized again.
External validity - CORRECT ANSWER 'External validity' or outside of experiment, refers to whether the
experimental research results can be generalized to larger populations, e.g. other people, settings,
conditions. If the results of the study only apply to the population in the study then external validity is
Causal Comparative Design - CORRECT ANSWER Causal Comparative design is a true experiment
WITHOUT random assignment. Data from the causal comparative ex post factor 'after the fact' design
can be analyzed with a test of significance, t test or ANOVA, just like any true experiment.
,Factor Analysis - CORRECT ANSWER Factor Analysis is Statistical procedure to summarize MANY
variables, e.g. A test measuring a counselor's ability, may try to describe 3 important variables that make
up an effective helper although hundreds exist.
Chi-Square - CORRECT ANSWER Chi-Square is used for 'Non-parametric' data i.g. cannot be plotted on a
x y axis, statistical measure that tests whether a distribution differs significantly from an expected
theoretical distribution of scores. (Memory: ''chi' like 'chi-a pet' that I expected more from)
Occam's Razor - CORRECT ANSWER Occam's Razor is (also known as Lloyd Morgan's 1894 Canon)
suggests experimenters interpret the results in the simplest manner.
William of Occam - CORRECT ANSWER William of Occam as in Occam's Razor" was a 14th century
philosopher and theologian. (Occam's Razor, aka 'parsimony' named for)
Bubbles in Research - CORRECT ANSWER Bubbles in research are considered flaws in research (i.e.,
rubbing a sticker on car and getting no bubbles - impossible)
Confounded or flawed variable - CORRECT ANSWER Confounded or flawed variable are undesirable
variables that invalidate experiments. (The only experimental variable should be the independent
Nondirective is to person-centered as parsimony is to _____________ - CORRECT ANSWER Occam's
Razor (both are synonymous)
Most counselors see themselves as practitioners, not researchers. - CORRECT ANSWER ...
Confounding - CORRECT ANSWER Confounding occurs when an undesirable variable (also known as
contaminating variable) which is not controlled by the researcher is introduced in the experiment.
An experiment is confounded when - CORRECT ANSWER An experiment is confounded when
undesirable variables are not kept out of the experiment.
, Basic Research - CORRECT ANSWER Basic Research is conducted to advance our understanding of
Applied Research - CORRECT ANSWER Applied Research, (aka 'action research' or experience-near
research) is conducted to advance our knowledge of how theories, skills, and techniques can be used in
terms of practical application.
In experimental terminology, IV stands for _____ ______, and DV stands for ______ _______. - CORRECT
ANSWER IV stand for the independent variable, and the DV for dependent variable
Variable - CORRECT ANSWER Variable is a behavior or circumstance that can exist on at least two levels
or conditions. (a factor that 'varies' or is capable of change)
The variable you manipulate/control in an experiment is the - CORRECT ANSWER The variable you
manipulate/control in an experiment is the IV or independent variable ("I am the researcher so I
manipulate or experiment with the IV.")
Experimental Ethics Dictate that.. - CORRECT ANSWER Experimental Ethics dictate that subjects should
be 1. informed of risk, negative after effects are removed, 2 allowed subjects to withdraw at any time, 3
confidentiality of subjects is protected, 4 results will be presented in an accurate format that is not
misleading, and 5 will use only techniques trained in.
Research is a necessary factor for professionalism in counseling. - CORRECT ANSWER ...
To conduct an experiment with a hypothesis, one needs - CORRECT ANSWER To conduct an experiment
with a hypothesis, one needs a control group and an experimental group.
The Control Group - CORRECT ANSWER The Control Group does NOT receive the IV (same characteristics
of the experimental group - the averages between the two groups should not differ significantly)
The Experimental Group - CORRECT ANSWER The Experimental Group received the IV (has the same
characteristics of the control group the averages between the two groups should not differ significantly)