Exam (elaborations)
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Exam (elaborations)
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c. fffthe fffstudent fffmay fffexperience fffdifficulty fffin fffacademic fffactivities
fffespecially fffin fffreading fffcomprehension fffand ffforal fffexpressions fff-
fffAnswer fffWhich fffof fffthe ffffollowing fffis fffan fffaccurate fffstatement fffabout
fffa fffstudent fffwith fffa ffflanguage-based ffflearning fffdisability?
a. fffthe fffstudent fffmay fffengage fffin fffrepetitive fffactivities fffand
fffmovements fffwhen fffpresented fffwith fffchallenging fffassignments
b. fffthe fffstudent fffmay ffffind fffit fffdifficult fffto fffpay fffattention fffand
fffcontrol fffimpulsive fffbehaviors fffduring ffflessons
c. fffthe fffstudent fffmay fffexperience fffdifficulty fffin fffacademic fffactivities
fffespecially fffin fffreading fffcomprehension fffand ffforal fffexpressions
d. fffthe fffstudent fffmay ffflack fffproblem-solving fffand fffother fffexecutive
ffffunctioning fffskills fffrequired ffffor fffacademic fffsuccess
c. fffa fffchecklist ffffrom fffexpanded fffcore fffcurriculum fff- fffAnswer fffJan fffis
fffa fffchild fffwith fffa fffvisual fffimpairment. fffWhich fffof fffthe ffffollowing fffis
fffthe fffbest fffway ffffor fffJan's fffparents fffto fffassess fffher fffrecreation fffand
fffleisure fffskills? fff
a. fffa fffclassroom fffvisit
b. fffa fffconversation fffwith fffschool fffcounselor
c. fffa fffchecklist ffffrom fffexpanded fffcore fffcurriculum fff
d. fffan fffevaluation fffby fffa ffftrained fffspecialist fffin fffvisual fffdisabilities
b. fffbuilding fffand fffmaintaining fffrelationships fffwith fffteachers fffand fffpeers
fff- fffAnswer fffA fffstudent fffwith fffan fffemotional fffbehavioral fffdisturbance
fff(EBD) fffwill fffmost ffflikely fffhave fffdifficulty fffwith fffwhich fffof fffthe
a. fffreading fffand fffwriting fffduring fffindependent fffactivities fff
b. fffbuilding fffand fffmaintaining fffrelationships fffwith fffteachers fffand fffpeers
c. fffmaintaining ffffocus fffduring ffflessons ffffor fffshort fffperiods fffof ffftime
d. ffftransitioning fffbetween fffactivities fffthroughout fffthe fffday
a. fffproviding fffall fffstudents fffwith fffa fffmenu fffof fffassessment fffoptions
fffto fffchoose ffffrom fff- fffAnswer fffMs. fffSanders fffteaches fffan fffeighth-
grade fffEnglish ffflanguage fffarts fffinclusion fffclass. fffshe fffis fffdeveloping
fffa fffdifferentiated ffflesson fffplan ffffor fffassessing fffher fffstudents'
, fffcomprehension fffof fffthe fffbook fffthey fffhave fffjust ffffinished fffreading.
fffwhich fffof fffthe ffffollowing fffactivities fffshould fffMs. fffSanders fffinclude fffas
fffpart fffof fffthe fffdifferentiated ffflesson fffplan? fff
a. fffproviding fffall fffstudents fffwith fffa fffmenu fffof fffassessment fffoptions
fffto fffchoose ffffrom
b. fffproviding fffstudents, fffthe fffopportunity fffto fffuse fffa fffcomputer fffwhen
fffanswering fffopen-ended fffquestions
c. fffproviding fffchoices ffffrom fffa fffword fffbank ffffor fffanswers fffto ffftest
fffquestions fff
d. fffproviding fffadditional ffftime fffto fffstudents fffwith fffIEPs fffas fffstated
fffunder ffftheir fffaccommodations
b. fffproviding ffffor fffshort fffand ffffrequent fffrefocusing fffbreaks fff- fffAnswer
fffWhich fffof fffthe ffffollowing fffaccommodations fffis fffmost ffflikely fffto
fffappear fffon fffthe fffIEP fffof fffa fffstudent fffwhose fffonly fffclassification fffis
ffffor fffADHD?
a. fffallowing fffunlimited fffvisits fffto fffthe fffbathroom fffand fffwater ffffountain
b. fffproviding ffffor fffshort fffand ffffrequent fffrefocusing fffbreaks
c. fffhaving fffa fffschool fffmedical fffemergency fffplan fffin fffplace
d. fffadjusting fffor fffwaiving fffparticipation fffregulations fffin fffthe fffclassroom
a. fffmanage fffboth fffcontent fffplanning fffand fffbehavior fffintervention fffwhile
fffcoteaching fffall fffstudents fffin fffthe fffclass fffwith fffthe fffgeneral fffeducation
fffteacher fff- fffAnswer fffIn ffffull fffinclusion fffsettings, fffthe fffmost
fffappropriate fffrole ffffor fffthe fffspecial fffeducation fffteacher fffis fffto:
a. fffmanage fffboth fffcontent fffplanning fffand fffbehavior fffintervention fffwhile
fffcoteaching fffall fffstudents fffin fffthe fffclass fffwith fffthe fffgeneral fffeducation
fffteacher fff
b. fffserve fffas fffinstructional fffassistant fffto fffthe fffgen fffed fffteacher fffand
fffreinforce ffflessons fffas fffneeded
c. fffobserve fffthe fffgeneral fffeducation fffteacher fffat fffleast fffonce fffa
fffweek fffin ffforder fffto fffdiscuss fffteaching fffstrategies fffthat fffseem fffto
fffwork fffwell fff
d. fffmanage fffthe fffbehavior fffof fffthe fffstudents fffreceiving fffspecial
fffeducation fffwhile fffthe fffgeneral fffeducation fffteacher fffpresents fffacademic
a. fffidentifying, fffdeveloping, fffand fffimplementing fffalternative fffeducation
fffstrategies ffffor fffstudents fffwho fffstruggle fffin fffthe fffgeneral fffeducation
fffclassroom fff
b. fffmonitoring fffprogress ffffrequently fffto fffmake fffacademic fffor fffbehavioral
fffdecisions fff- fffAnswer fffWhich fffTWO fffof fffthe ffffollowing fffsteps fffoccur
fffduring fffthe fffspecial fffeducation fffpre-referral fffprocess?