NR503 /NR 503 FINAL EXAM |
LATEST 2024/2025
What is the WHO? What do the SDG's (formerly MDG'S) mean?
o Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
-Organize global strategies and priorities in improving health
status across countries. --The MDGs are eight international
development goals that were established in 2000 by the UN to
reaffirm the commitment of individual nations for a collective
responsibility for human dignity, equality, and equity.
-Represented an agreement among countries to achieve the
MDGs by 2015 and "create an environment - at the national and
global levels alike - which is conducive to development and the
elimination of poverty". --Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
-----Achieve universal primary education. -Promote gender
equality and empower women.
,-Reduce child mortality. -Improve maternal health.
-Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.
-Ensure environmental sustainability.
-Develop a global partnership for development.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
-The new Agenda calls on countries to begin efforts to achieve 17
SDGs by 2030.
-"The 17 SDGs are our shared vision of humanity and a social
contract between the world's leaders and the people." -"They are
a to-do list for people and planet, and a blueprint for success."
-No poverty
-Zero hunger
-Good health and well-being
-Quality education
-Gender equality
-Clean water and sanitation
-Affordable and clean energy
-Decent work and economic growth
-Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
-Raise your voice against discrimination
-Sustain cities and communities
,-Responsible production and consumption
-Climate action
-Life below waters (clean oceans)
-Life on land (environmental protection)
-Peace, justice, and strong institutions (use your right to elect your
county and community leaders)
-Partnerships for the goals (SDGs in action)
What is the history of the World Health Organization?
-WHO was created in 1946, as part of the UN, to find solutions for
post-World War II Europe. Any member country of the UN can be
a member of WHO.
-WHO also manages global registries, databases, and
classification of diseases that are used by members, including the
US, to maintain comparable definitions of health indicators.
-WHO, with the agreement of member countries, developed
Nomenclature Regulations in 1967.
-The regulations standardized nomenclature with respect to
morbidity and mortality, and established globally consistent
coding, age groupings, territorial regions, and languages for the
compilation and publication of health information.
, Be sure to review the articles: Angelini (2017) and Kurth (2017):
What are said to be some of the noticed health effects of climate
change? Can you speak to the "Call to Action" elements/content?
-Climate change affects several social and environmental health
-Environmental effects associated with climate change include
extended heat waves, flooding, droughts, extreme weather
events, larger and hotter forest fires, and the threatening of food
crops across the country.
-Trends related to ecosystem-mediated health impacts include the
spread of vector-borne disease like dengue fever and malaria as
mean temperatures climb.
-Lyme disease is a newly endemic in mid-latitudes.
-Mental health and psychiatric issues, including trauma and post-
traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression, may increase
as individuals and social networks experience stress brought
about by these changes.
-Changes in food availability, cost, and quality may result in new
and widespread malnutrition (undernutrition, micronutrient
deficiency, and metabolic disease).
-Nutrition is vulnerable and subject to change as the systems that
deliver food are deeply interconnected and dependent on many