FTCE NavaEd PeD Exam
Questions and Complete
Solutions Graded A+
Formative Assessment - Correct Answer: Informs instruction (exit tickets, show of hands, checklists,
journals, anecdotal notes, observations)
Summative Assessment - Correct Answer: The end measure of mastery of the standards. Used for grades
and to measure teacher performance (midterm/final, district benchmark assessments, state
assessments, teacher created tests or textbook chapter tests, research paper/project).
critical thinking - Correct Answer: Analyze, evaluate, interpret, and synthesize information to reach a
conclusion or make a judgment.
creative thinking - Correct Answer: Think outside of the box to draw unique conclusions and develop
products with a fresh perspective.
reflective thinking - Correct Answer: Students look back and reflect upon their learning process to
promote abstract thinking and to encourage the application of learning strategies to new situations.
Bloom's Taxonomy - Correct Answer: Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create.
Questioning Techniques - Correct Answer: Wait time, specific feedback, redirection (wrong answer
given), probe (clues), increase question complexity (not yes/no answers).
visual learners - Correct Answer: Do best with images and graphic organizers to make sense of new
,auditory learners - Correct Answer: Grasp concepts best through listening and speaking situations
(lectures, podcasts, and group discussions).
kinesthetic learners - Correct Answer: Hands-on learning experiences.
Kagan Structures - Correct Answer: Used in cooperative learning environments. Focuses on students
working together to achieve a common goal (small group, peer-assisted, positive interdependence).
Thematic/Interdisciplinary Units - Correct Answer: 1.) Concept-based: Critical thinking approach focuses
on a broad idea vs. subject-specific (thematic, cross-curricular, or multidisciplinary).
2.) Computer-based: Use of computers and software.
3.) Project-based: Student center inquiry-based model. Investigate a subject over an extended period of
4.) Problem-based: Student centered model where learners are given a problem and students must
work out a solution.
Modeled Reading (Read Aloud) - Correct Answer: Teacher reads a text aloud and includes think-alouds
Shared Reading - Correct Answer: Students and teachers share in the reading process.
1.) Whole Class: Teacher guides and supports, pauses to ask students to make predictions, points to key
words, and ask questions.
2.) Small Group/Partners: Interactive activity where students and their peers read a text together. One
student reads while peers follow along, students discuss the story.
Guided Reading - Correct Answer: Small group, teacher-driven instructional model designed to provide
differentiated teaching that supports students in developing proficiency. Students are following the
teacher's directions. Focuses on students' specific needs and is intended to progress students towards
reading independence.
Reciprocal Teaching - Correct Answer: Students take charge. In this small group activity, everyone has a
role. As they read the text together, one student summarizes, one questions, one clarifies, and one
, Interactive Reading Journals - Correct Answer: On the first read, students use a variety of response
strategies (pictures, lists, written comments, and questions) to communicate their thoughts about what
was read on one side of the journal.
Close Reading - Correct Answer: This involves multiple reads and deep analysis of a text to foster critical
thinking skills.
Literature Circles - Correct Answer: Small group, in-depth discussions of a piece of literature based on
the students' responses to the text (driven by student inquiry and reflection).
Comprehension - Correct Answer: Essence of reading. They read fluently, with prosody, automaticity,
and accuracy.
Critical thinking strategies - Correct Answer: 1.) Predicting
2.) Questioning
3.) Read Aloud, Think Aloud
4.) Summarizing
Alternate Assessments - Correct Answer: Data folders, portfolios, interactive notebooks, multi-step,
long-term research with multiple products, analytical essays, multi-media presentations.
**Diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring checks**
Dewey - Correct Answer: Learning by exploring and doing (experiential learning). He focused on
children's capabilities and interests more than curriculum.
Examples: Naturalism - students go outside and observe, students plan seeds, before reading about
rocks-collect and categorize.
*Teachers and students bring their own histories and world experiences to learning*
Piaget - Correct Answer: (Constructivist)
Stages of Cognitive Development; prior knowledge (schema); discovery learning. He found that learners
use schema to make sense of new experiences.