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National Pilates Exam with correct Answers
National Pilates
National Pilates Exam with correct Answers
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National Pilates Exam with correct
8 iigeneral iiscopes iiof iipilates iipractice ii- iiAnswers ii-1- iiDesign iipilates iiexercise
iiaccording iito iiindividuals iineeds.
2- iiRecognize iiconditions iithat iiwould iiprevent iiclient iifrom iisafely iiparticipating iiin iia
iipilates iiexercise iiprogram.
3- iiCoach/provide iigeneral iiinfo. iiDirect iiclients iito iiseek iimedical iiattention iias
4- iiReceive iiexercise iiguidelines ii& iiclearance iifrom iimedical iipeeps iiwhen iiappropriate
iito iiensure iiclient iisafety.
5- iiDocument iiclient iiprogress. iiCooperate iiw/referring iipractitioner.
6- iiPromote iiexercise iito iiimprove iioverall iihealth.
7- iiRequest iito iitouch iiclients ii& iiobserve iipractice iilaws iiin iiyour iijurisdiction.
8- iiUse iiappropriate iitouch iito iifacilitate iimovement, iiposition iiteh iiclient ii& iiprevent iiinjury
iior iidamage.
10 iiBeyond iithe iiScope iiof iipilates ii- iiAnswers ii-1- ii"prescribing" iian iiexercise iiprogram
2- ii"diagnosing" iia iiclient iiwith iimental, iimedical iior iiphysical iicondition
3- iiCon't iito iiteach iia iiclient iibeyond iiyour iiknowledge iiW/out iimedical iiclearance
4- ii"prescribing" iidiets iior iisupplements
5- iiClaiming iito ii"treat" iior ii"rehabilitate" iiinjury iior iidisease
6- iimonitoring iiprogress iiof iiclients
7- iioffering iicounseling ii
8- iiclaiming iito iibe iicompetent iito iioffer iiprofessional iieducation iibeyond iiyour iilimits
9- iiapplying iiinappropriate iitouch
10 ii- iicon't iito iiteach iia iiclient iiwho iiexhibits iifollowing iiunusual iisymptoms: iichest iipain,
iidizziness, iirapid iiheart iirate, iishortness iiof iibreath, iidecrease iiin iicoordination, iiloss iiof
iiconscience, iifaintness, iiblurred iivision iiand iiprolonged iior iiincreased iipain.
13 iiCode iiof iiEthics ii- iiAnswers ii-1- iido iino iiharm
2- iiteach iiwithin iistop iiof iipractice ii
3- iimaintain iiprofessional iiboundaries
4- iimaintain iiclient iiconfidentially
5- iidirect iiclients iito iiseek iimedical iiattention iiwhen iinecessary
6- iido iinot iidiscriminate iiagainst iiclients iior iicolleagues iion iiany iilevel;
7- iidon't iiintentionally iisolicit iiother iipilates iiprofessional iiclients
,8- iitreat iiclients iiand iicolleagues iiwith iirespect, iitruth, iifairness iiand iiintegrity
9- iicomply iiwith iiall iiapplicable iibusiness, iiemployment ii& iiintellectual iiproperty iilaws
10- iimaintain iiprofessional iiappearance iiand iiconduct
11- iido iinot iimisrepresent iiskills, iitraining, iiprofessional iicredentials, iiidentity, iior
12- iicon't iigaining iieducation iito iienhance iiyour iiskills ii& iiknowledge ii& iiprovide iihighest
iiquality iito iiclients
13- iimaintain iiappropriate iiteacher-to-student iiratios iiin iiclasses
What iiconstitutes iiimproper iibehavior? ii- iiAnswers ii-inappropriate iiphysical iicontact,
iifinancial iiexploitation, iisexual iiexploitation
What iibest iidescribes iiwhat iiwould iibe iiincluded iiin iia iipilates iiteachers iidocumentation?
ii- iiAnswers ii-it iiinvolves iinoting iinew iiexercises iiand iiunique iiobservations
Describe iiproper iiset iiup iifor iibreast iistroke iion iithe iireformer ii- iiAnswers ii-long iibox iion
iithe iicarriage, iihands iiin iistraps, iiclient iifacing iifoot iibar
Placing iithe iimagic iicircle iibetween iithe iiankles iifor iiteaser iiis iian iiappropriate
iiadjustment iifor ii- iiAnswers ii-increasing iithe iilevel iiof iichallenge
Short iispine, iiSwan ii& iiTwist iiare iipart iiof iia iiclients iiprogram. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing
iiexercises iiwould iibalance iiout iithis iiprogram?
a- iiteaser
b- iicorkscrew
c- iidown iistretch
d- iicleopatra ii- iiAnswers ii-D iiCleopatra
What's iia iigood iireason iito iiarrive iiearly iito iiclass? ii- iiAnswers ii-greet iiclients iiand iiset iiup
iithe iiroom
Why iishould iiyou iicontinue iiyour iipersonal iipilates iipractice? ii- iiAnswers ii-to iimaintain
iiyour iistrength, iistamina ii& iienthusiasm
Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiexercises iiis iiBEST iisuited iifor iia iiclient iiin iithe ii2nd iitrimester?
a ii- iishort iispine iimassage iion iithe iireformer
b- iiseated iidouble iileg iipumps iion iithe iiwunda iichair
c- iiswan iion iithe iitrapeze iitable
d-standing iiside iisplits iion iithe iireformer ii- iiAnswers ii-B iiseated iidouble iileg iipumps iion
iithe iiwunda iichair
Which iiof iithe iifollowing iicues iican iiimprove iithe iistart iiposition iifor iithe iiStanding iiChest
a- iidraw iishoulder iiblades iitogether
b- iihips iiback iiand iichest iiforward ii
c- iiweight iiin iithe iiheels
, d- iireach iithe iicrown iiof iithe iihead iito iithe iiceiling ii- iiAnswers ii-D iireach iithe iicrown iiof
iithe iihead iito iithe iiceiling
What iiword iidid iiJoseph iiPilates iiuse iito iidescribe iihis iibody iiof iiwork iiand iiexercise
iisystem? ii- iiAnswers ii-Contrology
During iiyour iisession, iiyou iinotice iithe iiclient iistops iimoving iiwhen iiyou iiprovide iia iitactile
iicue ii- iiwhat iicould iithis iiindicate? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiclient iimay iibe iiunclear iiof iithe
iitactile iicue iipurpose
Which iiof iithe iifollowing iishould iibe iithe iifocus iiof iia iipilates iiprogram iifor iia iisemi-
professional iiathlete iiwith iihyper iimobility?
a- iicore iicontrol iiand iiflexibility
b- iirang iiof iimotion iiand iicore iicontrol
c- iiflexibility iiand iicontrol
d- iistrength iiand iistability ii- iiAnswers ii-D iistrength iiand iistability
Which iiof iithe iifollowing iisymptoms iirequires iiimmediate iicessation iiof iiexercise iiwith iia
iipregnant iiclient iiand iia iifollow iiup iiwith iiher iiphysician?
a- iilow iiback iipain
b- iinausea
c- iiabdominal iipain
d- iiheadache ii- iiAnswers ii-C iiabdominal iipain
Why iishouldn't iiyou iiphysically iimodify iipilates iiequipment? ii- iiAnswers ii-the iiintegrity iiof
iithe iiequipment iimight iibe iicompromised
Which iiof iithe iifollowing iimuscles iiwould iibenefit iifrom iia iistretch iiafter iia iilong iitime
a- iirectus iiabdominus
b- iiIT iiband
c- iivastus iilateralis
d- iirectus iifemoris ii- iiAnswers ii-D iirectus iifemoris
def iiof iirectus iifemoris ii- iiAnswers ii-part iiof iithe iiquads. iibulk iimuscle iilocated iiin iithe
iisuperior, iianterior iimiddle iiof iithe iithigh. iimost iisuperficial iimuscle iiof iithe iiquads
Def iiof iirectus iiabdominus ii- iiAnswers ii-slung iibetween iithe iiribs iiand iithe iipubic iibone
ii"six iipack"
Def iiIT iiband ii- iiAnswers ii-iliotibial iiband ii- iithick iiband iiof iifibrous iitissue iithat iiruns
iialong iithe iioutside iiof iiyour iileg
Def iiof iivastus iilateralis ii- iiAnswers ii-located iion iithe iilateral iiside iiof iithe iithigh. iilargest
iimuscle iiof iithe iiquads