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OHSAA General Knowledge
OHSAA General Knowledge
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OHSAA General Knowledge
OHSAA General Knowledge
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B4 gghits gga ggball gginto ggthe ggleft-center gggap. ggAs gghe ggrounds gg1st gghe
ggdeliberately ggremoves gghis ggbatting gghelmet ggas gghe gggoes ggto gg2nd, ggwhere gghe
ggis ggsafe. ggSince ggB4's ggteam gghad ggpreviously ggbeen ggwarned ggabout ggthe
ggremoval ggof ggthe gghelmet ggwhile ggin gglive-ball ggterritory, ggwhile ggthe ggball ggis gglive,
ggat ggthe ggend ggof ggplaying ggaction:
a. ggB4 ggis ggcalled ggout. ggB4 ggand ggB4's ggcoach ggare ggrestricted ggto ggthe ggdugout
ggfor ggthe ggduration ggof ggthe gggame.
b. ggNo ggpenalty. ggB4 ggremains ggin ggthe gggame ggat gg2nd.
c. ggB4 ggis ggcalled ggout ggand ggejected.
d. ggAt ggthe ggend ggof ggplaying ggaction ggB4 ggis ggejected ggand gga ggsubstitute ggtakes
gghis ggplace ggon ggbase. ggNo ggout ggis ggdeclared. gg- ggAnswer ggD
The ggcatcher ggremoves gghis ggequipment ggand ggleaves ggit gglying ggon ggthe ggground
ggoutside ggthe ggdugout. ggA ggthrown ggball ggrolls gginto gghis ggmask/helmet.
a. ggAll ggouts ggrecorded ggbefore ggthe ggball ggrolled gginto ggthe ggmask/helmet ggare
b. ggThe ggcoach ggis ggrestricted ggfor ggthe ggduration ggof ggthe gggame ggfor ggallowing
ggthe ggequipment ggbe ggleft ggoutside ggthe ggdugout ggin gglive ggball ggterritory.
c. ggThe ggcatcher ggis ggejected ggfor ggleaving gghis ggequipment ggoutside ggthe ggdugout
ggin gglive ggball ggterritory.
d. ggAll ggouts, ggawarded ggbases, ggor ggreturned ggrunners ggare ggbased ggon ggthe
ggumpire's ggjudgment ggand ggthe ggcircumstances ggof ggthe ggplay. gg- ggAnswer ggD
If ggan ggon-deck ggbatter ggwishes ggto ggwarm ggup, gghe;
a. ggcan ggbe ggjust ggoutside ggthe ggbatter's ggbox.
b. ggcan ggbe ggin ggthe ggother ggteam's ggon-deck ggcircle.
c. ggmust ggbe ggin gghis ggteam's ggon-deck ggcircle ggonly.
d. ggcan ggbe ggbehind ggthe ggcatcher ggwhile ggthe ggpitcher ggis ggwarming ggup. gg-
ggAnswer ggC
With gg2 ggouts, ggWilson ggsingles ggto ggdrive ggin gg2 ggruns. ggThe gghome ggcoach
ggcomes ggto ggthe ggplate ggumpire ggand ggshows gghim ggthat ggWilson ggis gglisted ggas
gg#4 ggon ggthe gglineup ggcard ggbut ggis ggactually gg#10. ggHe ggwants ggWilson ggcalled
ggout ggand ggthe ggruns ggnegated.
a. ggBecause ggWilson ggis gglisted ggon ggthe ggline ggup ggcard ggby ggthe ggwrong ggnumber,
gghe ggis ggcalled ggout ggfor ggthe gg3rd ggout. ggNo ggruns ggscore.
, b. ggBecause ggWilson ggis gglisted ggon ggthe ggline ggup ggcard ggby ggthe ggwrong ggnumber,
gghe ggis ggcalled ggout ggfor ggthe gg3rd ggout, gghowever, ggthe ggruns ggscore.
c. ggWilson ggis ggrestricted ggto ggthe ggdugout ggand gga ggsub ggtakes gghis ggplace ggon
ggbase. ggAll ggruns ggscore.
d. ggWilson ggbeing gglisted ggon ggthe ggline ggup ggcard ggby ggthe ggwrong ggshirt ggnumber
ggdoes ggnot ggaffect ggthe ggplay. ggThe ggplayer's ggnumber ggon ggthe ggline ggup ggcard
ggmust ggbe ggcorrected. ggAll ggruns ggscore. gg- ggAnswer ggD
Team ggA's ggpitcher gggoes ggto ggthe ggmound ggto ggbegin gghis ggwarm ggup ggthrows.
ggThe ggumpire ggnotices ggthat gghe ggis ggwearing gga ggdark ggcompression ggsleeve ggon
gghis ggpitching ggarm ggthat ggextends ggto gghis ggwrist ggbut ggdoes ggnot gghave ggone ggon
gghis ggother ggarm.
a. ggThis ggis ggillegal. ggThe ggpitcher ggcannot gghave gganything ggbelow gghis ggelbow,
ggno ggmatter ggthe ggcolor.
b. ggThis ggis gglegal ggas gglong ggas ggthe ggpitcher's ggsleeve ggis ggblack ggor gganother
ggsolid ggdark ggcolor.
c. ggThis ggis ggillegal. ggBoth ggof ggthe ggpitcher's ggarms ggmust ggbe ggthe ggsame.
d. ggBoth ggA ggand ggC gg- ggAnswer ggB
R1 ggslides ggpast ggthe ggbase ggon gga ggforce ggplay ggat gg2nd ggand ggalters ggthe ggplay
ggwithout ggmaking ggcontact ggwith ggthe ggfielder. ggThis ggis:
a. gga gglegal ggslide. ggContact ggmust ggbe ggmade ggfor ggthis ggto ggbe ggan ggillegal ggslide.
b. ggan ggillegal ggslide. ggContinuing ggpast ggthe ggbase ggand ggaltering ggthe ggplay, ggeven
ggwithout ggcontact ggmakes ggthis ggan ggillegal ggslide.
c. ggNone
d. ggNone gg- ggAnswer ggA
Time ggof ggthe ggpitch ggfor ggthe ggset ggposition ggoccurs:
a. ggthe gginstant ggthat ggthe ggpitcher ggcomes ggto gga ggdiscernible ggstop.
b. ggas ggthe ggpitcher ggis ggcoming ggset.
c. ggthe gginstant ggthe ggpitcher ggcomes ggto gga ggdiscernible ggstop, ggand gghe ggthen
ggstarts ggany ggmovement ggwith gghis ggarm/s ggand/or ggleg/s ggthat ggcommits gghim ggto
d. ggthe gginstant ggthe ggpitcher ggmoves gghis ggarm(s) ggor ggleg(s) ggto ggcome ggset. gg-
ggAnswer ggC
With ggboth gghands ggat gghis ggside ggin ggthe ggwindup ggposition, ggthe ggtime ggof ggthe
ggpitch ggoccurs ggwhen ggthe ggpitcher:
a. ggmoves ggone gghand ggin ggfront ggof gghis ggbody.
b. ggstarts ggany ggmovement ggwith ggboth ggarms.
c. ggstarts ggany ggmovement ggwith gghis ggnon-pitching ggarm.
d. ggA ggand ggC gg- ggAnswer ggD
No ggouts ggR3 ggon gg3rd ggand ggR1 ggon gg1st. ggR1 ggbreaks ggfor ggsecond ggas ggthe
ggpitcher ggbegins gghis ggstretch. ggBecause ggR3 ggis ggon gg3rd, ggthe ggpitcher ggcontinues
gghis ggstretch ggignoring ggR1. ggR1 ggreaches ggsecond ggand ggrounds ggthe ggbase ggas