The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
1. Which of the following occur
massage therapy, during
and other an asthma
non-invasive manual attack?
therapies is
A. Bronchospasmgenerally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
B. Increased secretions
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
C. Mucosal edema chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
D. All of the above
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
2. Which of the following are methods of producing natural
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
surfactants? massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
A. Cloning
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
B. Use of amnioticpractices
fluid that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
C. Pleural wash chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
D. Acid-Base balance
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
3. Which of the following
The branch ofdrugs
medicinebreaks down
that includes thelike
practices DNA of infected
secretions in patients
massagewith cystic
therapy, fibrosis?
and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
A. Acetylcysteine"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
B. Pancreatic dornase
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
C. Dornase alfa chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
D. Fenoterol
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
4. When administering
The branch Survanta
of medicine as
prevention therapy
practices like to RDS, a
premature infantmassage
less thantherapy, and other
1250 gramsnon-invasive
should manual therapies
be given is drug how
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
long after birth? "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
A. 15 minutes after birththat focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
B. 1 hour after birth
bodywork therapies.
C. 6 hours after birth
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
D. 48 hours after and
birthrehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
, The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
5. Adrenergic bronchodilators
massage therapy, and mimic the actions
other non-invasive manualof:
therapies is
A. Acetylcholine generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
B. Penicillin practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
C. Epinephrine chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
D. Norepinephrine
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
6. Relaxation of smooth airway muscle in the presence of reversible
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
airflow obstruction is atherapy,
massage general and indication formanual
other non-invasive the use of: is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
A. Adrenergic bronchodilators
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
B. Anti-infective agents
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
C. Steroids chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
D. Mucolytics
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
7. Disease states The that could
branch benefit
of medicine thatfrom
includesthe use like
practices of chiropractic,
bronchodilators include which
massage therapy, andof thenon-invasive
other following? manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
I. Asthma "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
II. Bronchitis practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
III. Emphysema chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
IV. Tuberculosis
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
A. I only and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
B. I and II only scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
C. I, II, and III onlyThe branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
D. I, II, III, and IV generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
8. Which of the following is true regarding the use of beta-agonist
bodywork therapies.
bronchodilators?Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
A. They are only used in emergencies
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
B. They are considered short-acting
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
, The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
C. They may cause hypertension
massage and non-invasive
therapy, and other tachycardia manual therapies is
D. Both B and C generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
9. Anticholinergicbodywork
therapies. may be beneficial in treating:
A. Chronic bronchitis
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
B. Cystic fibrosis scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
C. Asthma The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
D. Pneumonia massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
10. Which of the chiropractic
following andstatements
massage, are partisoftrue regarding
manual therapy or the use of
bodywork therapies.
A. It is a long-acting these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
B. It is a short-acting
scope bronchodilator
of care and integration with conventional medicine.
C. It is an anticholinergic
The branch agent
of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
D. It is a steroid massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
11. Which of the chiropractic
following andconditions may
massage, are part be treated
of manual with the
therapy or use of
bodywork therapies.
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
A. Cystic fibrosis and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
B. Bronchitis scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
C. Asthma The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
D. Both A and C massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
12. In the chiropractic
treatment of anandacute
massage, are part of manual
exacerbation oftherapy
asthma, or which of the
bodywork therapies.
following agents is most appropriate to use?
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
A. Corticosteroidsand rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
B. Adrenergic agonists
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
, The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
C. Cromolyn sodium
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
D. Mucolytics generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
13. Which of the bodywork
following statements is NOT true concerning
therapies. the use
of inhaled corticosteroids?
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
A. They are effective in reducing inflammation
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
B. They have no systemic side effects
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
C. They can be used long-term
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
D. They are used generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
for long-term control
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
14. The administration of bronchodilators in patients with asthma is
generally recommended these therapies often fall under physical medicine
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
A. Intravenous route
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
B. Inhalation route
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
C. Subcutaneous massage
route therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
D. Oral route "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
15. The effects of adrenergic bronchodilators are primarily mediated
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
through stimulation of:
and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
A. Alpha receptors
scope of care and integration with conventional medicine.
B. Beta-2 receptors
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
C. Histamine receptors
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
D. Acetylcholine receptors
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or
bodywork therapies.
16. Which of the following is an advantage of using a small volume
Additionally, these therapies often fall under physical medicine
nebulizer? and rehabilitation or holistic health, depending on the broader
A. Convenience of useof care and integration with conventional medicine.
The branch of medicine that includes practices like chiropractic,
massage therapy, and other non-invasive manual therapies is
generally referred to as "alternative medicine" or
"complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM). Specifically,
practices that focus on the musculoskeletal system, such as
chiropractic and massage, are part of manual therapy or