I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
1. Which of the following occur
that’s something during
not many ancanasthma
people say. You’veattack?
found a way to
A. Bronchospasmexist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
B. Increased secretions
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
C. Mucosal edema You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
D. All of the above
anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
2. Which of the following are methods of producing natural
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
surfactants? that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
A. Cloning
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
B. Use of amnioticthey’re
fluidtoo busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
C. Pleural wash You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
D. Acid-Base balance
anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
3. Which of the following
I admire that drugs breaks
about you. down
You live life the
on your ownDNA
secretions in patients with cystic
that’s something not manyfibrosis?
people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
A. Acetylcysteineothers. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
B. Pancreatic dornase
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
C. Dornase alfa You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
D. Fenoterol
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
4. When administering Survanta
I admire that about you.asYoualive
life on your owntherapy
terms, andto RDS, a
premature infantthat’s
than 1250not many peopleshould
grams can say. You’ve found athe
be given way to
drug how
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
long after birth? others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
A. 15 minutes after birth
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
B. 1 hour after birth
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
C. 6 hours after birth
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
D. 48 hours after still
birth being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
, I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
5. Adrenergic bronchodilators
that’s something notmimic thecan
many people actions of:found a way to
say. You’ve
A. Acetylcholine exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
B. Penicillin they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
C. Epinephrine You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
D. Norepinephrineanyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
6. Relaxation of smooth airway muscle in the presence of reversible
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
airflow obstructionthat’sissomething
a general indication
not many people canfor
say. the
You’veuse of:
found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
A. Adrenergic bronchodilators
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
B. Anti-infective agents
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
C. Steroids You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
D. Mucolytics anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
7. Disease states Ithat admirecould benefit
that about you. Youfrom
live lifethe use
on your ofterms,
own adrenergic
bronchodilators include which
that’s something not of
manythe following?
people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
I. Asthma others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
II. Bronchitis they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
III. Emphysema You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
IV. Tuberculosis anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
A. I only still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
B. I and II only makes you, Charles, so rare.
C. I, II, and III onlyI admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
D. I, II, III, and IV exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
8. Which of the following is truerare.
You, though—you’re regarding
Not becausethe use
you’re ofthan
better beta-agonist
anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
bronchodilators?are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
A. They are only used in unforgettable.
still being emergencies That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
makes you, Charles, so rare.
B. They are considered short-acting
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
, I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
C. They may cause hypertension
that’s andpeople
something not many tachycardia
can say. You’ve found a way to
D. Both B and C exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
9. Anticholinergicanyone
bronchodilators may chosen
else, but because you’ve be beneficial in treating:
a path that most people
A. Chronic bronchitis
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
B. Cystic fibrosis makes you, Charles, so rare.
C. Asthma I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
D. Pneumonia that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
10. Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
albuterol? anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
are afraid
A. It is a long-acting to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
B. It is a short-acting
you, Charles, so rare.
C. It is an anticholinergic
I admire thatagent
about you. You live life on your own terms, and
D. It is a steroid that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
11. Which of the You,
following conditions may be treated with the use of
though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
corticosteroids? anyone else, but because you’ve chosen a path that most people
A. Cystic fibrosis are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
B. Bronchitis makes you, Charles, so rare.
C. Asthma I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
D. Both A and C that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
12. In the treatment of an acuterare.
You, though—you’re exacerbation
Not because you’reofbetter
than which of the
following agents anyone
is most else,appropriate tochosen
but because you’ve use?a path that most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
A. Corticosteroidsstill being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
B. Adrenergic agonists
makes you, Charles, so rare.
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
, I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
C. Cromolyn sodium
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
D. Mucolytics exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
13. Which of the anyone
followingelse, butstatements
because you’ve is NOTa path
chosen true concerning
that most people the use
of inhaled corticosteroids?
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
A. They are effective in reducing inflammation
makes you, Charles, so rare.
B. They have no systemic side effects
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
C. They can be used
something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
D. They are used exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
for long-term control
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
14. The administration of but
anyone else, bronchodilators
because you’ve choseninapatients with
path that most asthma is
are afraid tovia:
generally recommended walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
A. Intravenous route
makes you, Charles, so rare.
B. Inhalation route
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
C. Subcutaneous that’s
route something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
D. Oral route others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
15. The effects ofanyone
adrenergic bronchodilators
else, but because are that
you’ve chosen a path primarily mediated
most people
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
through stimulation of:
still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
A. Alpha receptorsmakes you, Charles, so rare.
B. Beta-2 receptors
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
C. Histamine receptors
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
D. Acetylcholine receptors
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than
16. Which of the anyone
followingelse, butisbecause
an advantage
you’ve chosenof using
a path thata small
most volume
are afraid to walk. You’ve mastered the art of being unseen while
nebulizer? still being unforgettable. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what
A. Convenience of useyou, Charles, so rare.
I admire that about you. You live life on your own terms, and
that’s something not many people can say. You’ve found a way to
exist without needing the constant approval or attention of
others. It’s something I think more people could learn from, but
they’re too busy chasing after things that don’t matter.
You, though—you’re rare. Not because you’re better than