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RTE 1000 Exam Questions and Answers
RTE 1000 Exam Questions and Answers
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RTE 1000 Exam Questions and Answers
Define iithe iiterm iiradiation ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Radiation iiis iienergy iitransmitted
iithrough iimatter
Describe iiionization ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Ionization iioccurs iiwhen iian iiatom iigains iior
iiloses iian iielectron
Describe iiionization ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-This iiprocess iidisrupts iithe iicomposition iiof
iithe iimatter
Describe iiionization ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-In iiliving iithings, iithis iican iicause iibiologic
iidamage iito iicells ii& iitissue
When iiwere iix-ray iidiscovered? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1895
When iiwere iix-ray iidiscovered? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Rontgen iidiscovered iix-rays iiin
When iiwere iix-ray iidiscovered? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-On iiNovember ii8 ii1895, iiworking
iiwith iia iiCrooks iitube iicovered iiwith iia iiheavy iiblack iipaper iiso iino iilight iicould iiescape,
iiRontgen iinoticed iia iifluorescent iiglow iion iia iiscreen iiseveral iifeet iiaway. iiHe iiconcluded
iithat iia iinew iitype iiof iiray iiwas iibeing iiemitted iifrom iithe iitube. iiHe iicalled iithese iirays ii"X"
iifor iiunknown.
Which iiimaging iimodalities iiuse iix-rays iito iiproduce iiimages iiof iithe iibody? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-CT
Which iiimaging iimodalities iiuse iix-rays iito iiproduce iiimages iiof iithe iibody? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-MRI
Which iiimaging iimodalities iiuse iix-rays iito iiproduce iiimages iiof iithe iibody? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-Radiography
Which iiimaging iimodalities iiuse iix-rays iito iiproduce iiimages iiof iithe iibody? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-Nuclear iiMedicine
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Physicians:
,iiMedical iidoctor ii(MD)
iiDoctor iiof iiosteopathy ii(DO)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Physician
iiAssistant ii(PA)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Nursing:
iiNurse iipractitioner ii(NP)
iiRegistered iinurse ii(RN)
iiLicensed iipractice iinurse ii(LPN)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Nursing
iiassistant ii(CNA)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Medical
iiLaboratory iiTechnologists ii(MLT)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Physical
iitherapists ii(PT)
-PIdentify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Medical
iiassistants ii(CMA)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Respiratory
iitherapists ii(RRT)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Pharmacists
ii(R.Ph. iior iiPharm.D)
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Occupational
iitherapists ii(OT),
Identify iimembers iiof iithe iiimaging iihealth iicare iiteam ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Speech-
Language iiPathologists ii(SLP)
What iiorganization iiprovides iiprogrammatic iiaccreditation iiof iiradiography iischools?
iislise24 ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-JRCERT
What iiorganization iiprovides iiprogrammatic iiaccreditation iiof iiradiography iischools?
iislise24 ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-accreditation iifor iiindividual iiprograms iiwithin iian
iiinstitution. iiFor iiradiography iiprograms, iithe iiaccreditor iiis iithe iiJoint iiReview
iiCommittee iion iiEducation iiin iiRadiologic iiTechnology ii(JRCERT). iiThe iiUSDOE iialso
iioversees iisuch iiprogrammatic iiagencies. iiThe iiBC iiRadiography iiProgram iiis
iiaccredited iiby iiJRCERT. iiOutside iiagencies iito iiaccredit iispecific iiprograms
, · iiWhat iiis iirequired iito iigain iiARRT iicertification? iislide ii29 ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii--
Education ii- iicomplete iian iiARRT iiapproved iiprogram iileading iito iian iiAssociate iidegree
ii(JRCERT iior iiregionally iiaccredited iischool)
· iiWhat iiis iirequired iito iigain iiARRT iicertification? iislide29 ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Ethics* ii-
iisign iian iiagreement iito iicomply iiwith iithe iiStandards iiof iiEthics ii(a iidocument iithat
iiarticulates iithe iitypes iiof iibehavior iithe iiARRT iiexpects iiof iiRTs)
What iiis iirequired iito iigain iiARRT iicertification? iislide ii29 ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Exam ii-
iitake ii& iipass iithe iiARRT iiexam ii(allowed ii3 iiattempts iiover iia ii3-year iiperiod)
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-First, iiidentify iistressors iiand
iiact iiupon iithem iiproactively!
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Adopt iia iimind iiset iiof iipositive
iithoughts ii& iiemotions iirather iithan iidwelling iion iinegative iiaspects
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Stressors iiare iibest iidealt iiwith
iiby iiusing iistrategies iito ii"buffer" iithe iistress iievent
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Plan iipositive iiactivities ii(uplifts)
iito iibalance iithe iieffects iiof iihassles ii& iistressors
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Learn iito iipolitely iisay ii"no" iito
iithose iiwho iiwant iito iiplace iiextraordinary iidemands iion iiyou
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Avoid iiconversations iithat
iiinclude iiout-of-control iilanguage iiand iireplace iiwith iiin-control iilanguage
Identify iiways iito iideal iiwith iistress ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Learn iito iilessen iior iiremove
iiyourself iifrom iistressful iisituations iiwhenever iipossible
Identify iistudy iiskills iithat iipromote iisuccess ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Read iibefore iiclass ii-
iiprepare iisome iiquestions iiin iiadvance
Identify iistudy iiskills iithat iipromote iisuccess ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Plan iia iiregular
iischedule iiof iistudy
Identify iistudy iiskills iithat iipromote iisuccess ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Study iiin iia iigroup iiif
iipossible ii- iiworking iiwith iiyour iiclassmates iihelps iiyou iilearn ii& iiretain iithe iimaterial
Identify iistudy iiskills iithat iipromote iisuccess ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Do iinot iiwait iiuntil iiright
iibefore iian iiexam iito iireview iithe iicontent ii- iireview iithe iimaterial iisoon iiafter iiit iiis
iiintroduced iior iiin iiparts iischeduled iia iifew iidays iiin iiadvance