Test v Bank v For v Fundamentals v of v Nursing v 11th v Edition v Potter
v PerryvAll vchapters v- vVerified vAnswers
1. Which vnurse vmost vlikely vkept vrecords von vsanitation vtechniques vand vthe veffects von vhealth?
a. Florence vNightingale
b. Mary vNutting
c. Clara vBarton
d. Lillian vWald
ANS: v A
Nightingale vwas vthe vfirst vpracticing vnurse vepidemiologist. vHer vstatistical vanalyses
vconnected vpoor vsanitation vwith vcholera vand vdysentery. vMary vNutting, vClara vBarton,
vand vLillian vWald vcame vafter vNightingale, veach vcontributing vto vthe vnursing vprofession
vin vher vown vway. vMary vNutting vwas vinstrumental vin vmoving vnursing veducation vinto
vuniversities. vClara vBarton vfoundedvthe vAmerican vRed vCross. v Lillian vWald vhelped vopen
vthe vHenry vStreet vSettlement.
DIF:Understand v(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss vthe vinfluence vof vsocial, vhistorical, vpolitical, vand veconomic vchanges von vnursing
TOP: Evaluation MSC: v Health vPromotion vand vMaintenance
2. The vnurse vprescribes vstrategies vand valternatives vto vattain vexpected voutcome. vWhich
vstandard vofvnursing vpractice vis vthe vnurse vfollowing?
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
ANS: v C
In vplanning, vthe vregistered vnurse vdevelops va vplan vthat vprescribes vstrategies vand
valternatives vto vattain vexpected voutcomes. vDuring vassessment, vthe v registered vnurse
vcollects vcomprehensive vdata vpertinent vto vthe vpatient’s vhealth vand/or vthe vsituation. vIn
vdiagnosis, vthe vregistered vnurse vanalyzes vthe vassessment vdata vto vdetermine vthe
vdiagnoses vor vissues. vDuring vimplementation, vthevregistered vnurse vimplements v(carries
vout) vthe videntified vplan.
DIF:Understand v(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss vthe vdevelopment vof vprofessional vnursing vroles. TOP:
vPlanningvMSC: v Management vof vCare
3. An vexperienced vmedical-surgical vnurse vchooses vto vwork vin vobstetrics. vWhich
vlevel vofvproficiency vis vthe vnurse vupon vinitial vtransition vto vthe vobstetrical vfloor?
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced vbeginner
ANS: v A
, A vbeginning vnursing vstudent vor vany vnurse ventering va vsituation vin vwhich vthere vis vno
vprevious vlevel vof vexperience v(e.g., van vexperienced voperating vroom vnurse vchooses vto
vnow vpractice vin vhome vhealth) vis van vexample vof va vnovice vnurse. vA vproficient vnurse
vperceives va vpatient’s vclinicalvsituation vas va vwhole, vis vable vto vassess van ventire vsituation,
vand vcan vreadily vtransfer vknowledge vgained vfrom vmultiple vprevious vexperiences vto va
vsituation. vA vcompetent vnurse vunderstands vthe vorganization vand vspecific vcare vrequired
vby vthe vtype vof vpatients v(e.g., vsurgical, voncology, vor vorthopedic vpatients). vThis vnurse vis
va vcompetent vpractitioner vwho vis vable vto vanticipate vnursing vcare vand vestablish vlong-
range vgoals. vA vnurse vwho vhas vhad vsome vlevel vof vexperience vwith vthe vsituation vis van
vadvanced vbeginner. vThis vexperience vmay vonly vbe vobservational vin vnature, vbut vthe
vnurse vis vable vto videntify vmeaningful vaspects vor v principles vof vnursing vcare.
DIF:Apply v(application)
OBJ:Discuss vthe vdevelopment vof vprofessional vnursing vroles. TOP:
vEvaluationvMSC: v Management vof vCare
4. A vnurse vassesses va vpatient’s vfluid vstatus vand vdecides vthat vthe vpatient vneeds vto vdrink
vmore vfluids.vThe vnurse vthen vencourages vthe vpatient vto vdrink vmore vfluids. vWhich
vconcept vis vthe vnurse vdemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
ANS: v B
Autonomy vis van vessential velement vof vprofessional vnursing vthat vinvolves vthe vinitiation
vof vindependent vnursing vinterventions vwithout vmedical vorders. vTo vobtain vlicensure vin
vthe vUnited vStates, vthe vRN vcandidate vmust vpass vthe vNCLEX-RN. vBeyond vthe
vNCLEX-RN, vthe vnurse vmay vchoose vto vwork vtoward vcertification vin va vspecific varea
vof vnursing vpractice. vAccountabilityvmeans vthat vyou vare vresponsible, vprofessionally vand
vlegally, vfor vthe vtype vand vquality vof vnursingvcare vprovided.
DIF:Apply v(application)
OBJ:Discuss vthe vroles vand vcareer vopportunities vfor vnurses. TOP:
vImplementationvMSC: v Management vof vCare
5. A vnurse vprepares vthe vbudget vand vpolicies vfor van vintensive vcare vunit. vWhich vrole vis
vthe vnursevimplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
ANS: v B
, A vmanager vcoordinates vthe vactivities vof vmembers v of vthe vnursing vstaff vin vdelivering
vnursing vcare vand vhas vpersonnel, vpolicy, vand vbudgetary vresponsibility vfor va vspecific
vnursing vunit vor vfacility. vAs van veducator, vyou vexplain vconcepts vand vfacts vabout vhealth,
vdescribe vthe vreason vfor vroutine vcare vactivities, vdemonstrate vprocedures vsuch vas vself-
care vactivities, vreinforce vlearning vor vpatient vbehavior, vand vevaluate vthe vpatient’s
vprogress vin vlearning. vAs va vpatient vadvocate, vyouvprotect vyour vpatient’s vhuman vand
vlegal vrights vand vprovide vassistance vin vasserting vthese vrights vifvthe vneed varises. vAs va
vcaregiver, vyou vhelp vpatients vmaintain vand vregain vhealth, vmanage vdisease vand
vsymptoms, vand vattain va vmaximal vlevel vfunction vand vindependence vthrough vthe vhealing
DIF:Apply v(application)
OBJ:Discuss vthe vroles vand vcareer vopportunities vfor vnurses. TOP:
vImplementationvMSC: v Management vof vCare
6. The vnurse vhas vbeen vworking vin vthe vclinical vsetting vfor vseveral vyears vas van vadvanced
vpractice vnurse. vHowever, vthe vnurse vhas va vstrong vdesire vto vpursue vresearch vand vtheory
vdevelopment. vTovfulfill vthis vdesire, vwhich vprogram vshould vthe vnurse vattend?
a. Doctor vof vNursing vScience vdegree v(DNSc)
b. Doctor vof vPhilosophy vdegree v(PhD)
c. Doctor vof vNursing vPractice vdegree v(DNP)
d. Doctor vin vthe vScience vof vNursing vdegree v(DSN)
ANS: v B
Some vdoctoral vprograms vprepare vnurses vfor vmore vrigorous vresearch vand vtheory
vdevelopment vand vaward vthe vresearch-oriented vDoctor vof vPhilosophy v(PhD) vin vnursing.
vProfessional vdoctoralvprograms vin vnursing v(DSN vor vDNSc) vprepare vgraduates vto vapply
vresearch vfindings vto vclinical vnursing. vThe vDNP vis va vpractice vdoctorate vthat vprepares
vadvanced vpractice vnurses vsuch vas vnursevpractitioners.
DIF:Understand v(comprehension)
OBJ:Compare vand vcontrast vthe veducational vprograms vavailable vfor vprofessional vregistered
vnurse v(RN)veducation. TOP: v Teaching/Learning
MSC: v Management vof vCare
7. A vnurse vattends va vworkshop von vcurrent vnursing vissues vprovided vby vthe vAmerican
vNursesvAssociation. vWhich vtype vof veducation vdid vthe vnurse vreceive?
a. Graduate veducation
b. Inservice veducation
c. Continuing veducation
d. Registered vnurse veducation
ANS: v C
Continuing veducation vinvolves vformal, vorganized veducational vprograms voffered vby
vuniversities, vhospitals, vstate vnurses vassociations, vprofessional vnursing vorganizations, vand
veducational vand vhealth vcare vinstitutions. vAfter vobtaining va vbaccalaureate vdegree vin
vnursing, vyouvcan vpursue vgraduate veducation vleading vto va vmaster’s vor vdoctoral vdegree vin
vany vnumber vof vgraduate vfields, vincluding vnursing. vInservice veducation vprograms vare
vinstruction vor vtraining vprovided vby va vhealth vcare vfacility vor vinstitution. vRegistered
vnurse veducation vis vthe veducation vpreparation vfor van vindividual vintending vto vbe van vRN.
DIF:Apply v(application)
OBJ:Compare vand vcontrast vthe veducational vprograms vavailable vfor vprofessional vregistered vnurse