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FAML 400 Exam 2 with correct Answers
FAML 400 Exam 2 with correct Answers
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FAML 400: Exam 2 with correct Answers
Mead iibelieved iithat iipeople iifollow iitwo iistages iito
develop iia iisense iiof iiself. iiWhat iiare iithey ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Play iiStage iiand iiGame
Play iiStage ii(Mead) ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-the iichild iitries iito iiuse iigestures iito iipractice
iithe iibehaviors iiassociated iiwith iidifferent iiroles, iisuch iias iithat iiof iimother, iifather,
iifirefighter, iior iiteacher. iichildren iiare iiable iito iiimagine iithe iiattitudes iiof iitheir iiparent iior
iilearn iito iitake iion iithe iiperspective iiof iianother iiperson. iiDuring iithis iistage, iichildren
iiusually iiassume iithe iirole iiof iionly iione iiperson iiat iia iitime.
Game iiStage ii(Mead) ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-children iibegin iito iitake iion iithe iiperspectives
iiof iimany
people iiat iione iitime iiand iito iisee iihow iithe iiindividual iifits iiwithin iithat iigroup. iiChildren
iican iiunderstand iiwhat iieach iiperson's iirole iiin iithe iifamily iiis, iiincluding iitheir iiown, iiand
iihow iithe iibehavior iiof iione iifamily iimember iiaffects iithe iiinteractions iiof iiother iifamily
generalized iiother ii(Mead) ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-The iifinal iistep iiin iithis iiprocess iiis
iibeing iiable iito iianticipate iihow iione's iibehaviors iiaffect iinot
only iithose iiindividuals iiin iiour iiimmediate iienvironment, iibut iialso iithose iiin iisociety iiat
iilarge. iiUnderstanding iisocial iinorms iiand iiexpectations iiso iithat iione iican iiguess iihow
iiother iipeople iiwill iireact iito iia iispecific iigesture iior iiinteraction.
Mead iibelieved iithat iithe iiself iiis iinot iia iithing, iibut iia iiprocess iibased iion iiconstant
iimovement iibetween iithe ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-"I" iiand iithe ii"me."
the ii"I" iiis iithe ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-spontaneous iiacts iiin iiwhich iiwe iiengage; iithese iiare
iiunpredictable iiand iiunstable. iiwhereas iithe iiI iiis iiour iiimmediate iireaction iito iisituations.
iiThe ii"I" iiis iithe iiresponse iiof iithe iiindividual iito iithe iime, iiwhich iiis iia iireflection iiof iithe
iisocial iiworld iiin iiwhich iiwe iilive iiand iiinteract.
Me/Social iiself ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-is iithose iilearned iiroles iithat iiare iidetermined iiby
iiinteractions iiwith iiothers. iiIn iiother iiwords, iithe iisocial iiself ii(or iime) iiis iiall iiof iiour
iilearned iiexperiences
, "looking-glass iiself" ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-which iiis iibased iion iithe iipremise iithat
iiindividuals iithink iiabout iihow iithey iiappear iito iiothers, iimake iia iijudgment iiabout iiwhat
iithe iiother iiperson iithinks iiabout iithem, iiand iithen iiincorporate iithose iiideas iiinto iitheir
iiown iiconcept iiof iiself
This iibook iiwas iione iiof iithe iifirst iito iistate iithat iithe iifamily iihas iia iirole iiin iithe
iisocialization iiprocess ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-The iiPolish iiPeasant iiin iiEurope iiand
iiAmerica ii(1918-1920).
Thomas iitheorem, iiwhich iistates iithat: ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-"if iipeople iidefine iisituations
iias iireal, iithey iiare iireal iiin iitheir iiconsequences"
Front iistage iiperformance ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-People iitake iion iiroles iior iiact iiin iiways
iibased iion iithe iienvironment iiof iiwhich iithey iiare iia iipart. iiWhen iiwe iiare iiin iipublic, iiwe
iidisplay iithe iibehaviors iithat iiwe iithink iiare iimost iiappropriate iifor iithat iiaudience, iithat iifit
iithe iisocial iinorms, iiand iithat iiwill iishow iius iiin iithe iibest iilight iipossible.
backstage iibehavior ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-When iiwe iiare iiin iinot iiin iipublic, iiwe iidisplay
iiour iibackstage iibehavior iiand iiact iiin iiways iithat iiare iimore iifitting iifor iiour iiindividual
iicomfort iizone. iiBecause iiwe iiare iitrying iito iigive iioff iian iiimpression iithat iiwe iiwant
iiothers iito iihold iiof iius iiand iiwe iiare iialways iimaking iian iiimpression iiof iisome iisort,
Impression iimanagement ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Front iistage iiperformance
backstage iibehavior: ii
the iiattempt iiby iipeople iito iiget iiothers iito iisee iithem iias iithey iiwant iito iibe iiseen.
First iiperson iito iiuse iithe iiterm iisymbolic iiinteractionism. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Herbert
First iiOverarching iiTheme ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Meaning iiis iia iicentral iielement iiof
iihuman iibehavior
First iiOverarching iiTheme: iiAssumptions ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1. iiPeople iiwill iireact iito
iisomething iiaccording iito iithe iimeaning iithe iithing iihas iifor iithem
2. iiWe iilearn iiabout iimeaning iithrough iiinteraction iiwith iiothers
3. iiAs iipeople iicome iiinto iicontact iiwith iidifferent iithings iiand iiexperiences, iithey
iiinterpret iiwhat iiis iibeing iilearned
People iiwill iireact iito iisomething iiaccording iito iithe iimeaning iithe iithing iihas iifor iithem. ii-
iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-In iiother iiwords, iipeople iilive iiin iia iisymbolic iienvironment iiand iiwill
iirespond iito iisomething iibased iion iitheir iidefinition iiof iithat iisymbol. iiA iicigarette, iifor
iiexample, iiis iia iisymbol iiof iirelief iiand iipleasure iifor iione iiperson iiand iia ii"death iistick" iito
We iilearn iiabout iimeaning iithrough iiinteractions iiwith iiothers. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-
Meaning iiis iilearned iiand iiprocessed iithrough iiour iisocial iiinteractions. iiPeople iimake