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NURS 5220 Exam -1 Module 2 Ch 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Exam Questions And Correct Answers

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NURS 5220 Exam -1 Module 2 Ch 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Exam Questions And Correct Answers

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  • NURS 5220
NURS 5220: Exam #1 Module 2: Ch 9, 10,
11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Exam Questions And
Correct Answers
In iwhich iage igroup iare imilia ian iexpected ifinding?

A. iNewborns i
B. iYoung ichildren
C. iAdolescents
D. iOlder iadults i- iCorrect iAnswers i-A: iCorrectMilia iare ismall, iwhitish, idiscrete ipapules
ion ithe iface; ithey iare icommonly ifound iduring ithe ifirst i2 ito i3 imonths iof ilife. iThe
isebaceous iglands ifunction iin ian iimmature ifashion iat ithis iage iand iare ieasily iplugged
iby isebum. iAnswers ib, ic, iand id iare iincorrect.

Mr. iBabson iis ia i74-year-old iman iwho ipresents ito iyour ioffice iwith ia icomplaint iof ia
i"spot" ion ihis ichin iand iwants ito iknow iwhether iit iis icancerous. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing
isigns ior isymptoms iindicates ia ineed ifor ifurther imedical iinvestigation?

A. iThe i"spot" iis ia ireddish ibrown icolor.
B. iThe i"spot" ihas ibeen ion ihis ichin ifor i20 iyears.
C. iThe i"spot" ibleeds ieasily iwhen iit iis itouched.
D. iThe i"spot" iis islightly iraised iand icircumscribed. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-C: iCorrectA
i"spot" ithat ibleeds ieasily iwhen iit iis itouched imay ibe iindicative iof ia imore iserious
icondition ilike ibasal icell icarcinoma, ithe imost icommon iform iof iskin icancer.

A i6-year-old igirl ihas ifreckles iover iher inose iand icheeks. iThe iexaminer iwill irecall ithat
ifreckles iare ia itype iof:

A. imacule. i
B. ipapule.
C. inodule.
D. ipatch. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-A:correctA imacule iis ia iflat, icircumscribed iarea ithat iis ia
ichange iin ithe icolor iof ithe iskin iusually iless ithan i1 icm iin idiameter. iFreckles, iflat
imoles, ipetechiae, iand imeasles iare iexamples iof imacules.

Mrs. iTomberg ibrings iher i4-day-old iinfant ito iyour ioffice iwith ia iconcern iof ia iyellowish
iskin itone. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing istatements ibest idescribes ithe irationale ifor ithe iskin

,A. iIncreased iformation iof isubcutaneous itissue icauses ia iyellow ihue.
B. iCapillaries ibroken iduring ithe ibirth iprocess iturn ithe iskin islightly iyellow ias ibruises
C. iThe iyellowish icolor iresults ifrom iincreased ifat imetabolism iand iheat iproduction.
D. iThe iinfant ihas ihyperbilirubinemia. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-D:CorrectHyperbilirubinemia,
ior iphysiologic ijaundice, iis ipresent ito ia imild idegree iin imany inewborn iinfants. iIt
iusually istarts iafter ithe ifirst iday iof ilife iand idisappears iby ithe ieighth ito itenth iday ibut
imay ipersist ifor ias ilong ias i3 ito i4 iweeks. iIntense iand ipersistent ijaundice isuggests
iliver idisease, ia ihemolytic iprocess, ior isevere, ioverwhelming iinfection.

Mr. iRussel iis ia i17-year-old iadolescent ipatient iwho ipresents iwith ia icomplaint iof iacne.
iHe iasks ithe iexaminer iwhy iteens ihave imore iproblems iwith iacne ithan ichildren. iWhich
iof ithe ifollowing iwould ibe ian iappropriate iresponse?

A. i"Children ihave ibetter ihygiene ihabits ithan iadolescents ibecause iof iparental

B. i"Adolescents ihave ireduced iblood iflow ito ithe iepidermal ilayer iof ithe iskin, imaking
ithem imore iprone ito iinfections."

C. i"At ipuberty, iadolescents ibegin ito isecrete imore ioil ifrom isebaceous iglands." i

D. i"Children ihave ivery ilittle iskin imass, iwhich iprevents idevelopment iof iacne." i-
iCorrect iAnswers i-C: iCorrectDuring iadolescence, ithe iapocrine iglands ienlarge iand
ibecome iactive, icausing iincreased iaxillary isweating iand isometimes ibody iodor.
iSebaceous iglands iincrease isebum iproduction iin iresponse ito iincreased ihormone
ilevels, iprimarily iandrogen, igiving ithe iskin ian ioily iappearance iand ipredisposing ithe
iindividual ito iacne.

While iexamining ithe iskin iof ian i87-year-old iwoman, ithe inurse iobserves isignificant
itenting. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing ibest iexplains ithat ifinding?

A. iSmall itags iof iskin iform ion ithe ineck.
B. iThe iskin ibecomes ithin iand itakes ion ia iparchment-like iappearance.
C. iThe iskin ibecomes idry iwith isignificant iflaking.
D. iThere iis ia iloss iof iadipose itissue iand ielasticity. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-
D:CorrectTenting ioccurs iin ithe iolder iadult ias ia iresult iof iloss iof iadipose itissue iand
ielasticity. iThe iskin ioften iappears ito ihang iloosely ion ithe ibony iframe ias ia iresult iof ia
igeneral iloss iof ielasticity, iloss iof iunderlying iadipose itissue, iand iyears iof igravitational

Mr. iAllen iis ia i66-year-old iman iwho ipresents ito iyour iclinic ifor ifollow-up ifor ihis ichronic
iobstructive ipulmonary idisease i(COPD). iWhen iassessing ifor ithe ipresence iof iclubbing,
ithe iexaminer ispecifically iexamines:

,A. ithe iwidth iof ithe inail ibase.
B. ithe iangle iof ithe inail ibase. i
C. ithe ithickness iof ithe inail.
D. ithe icolor iof ithe inail. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-B:CorrectThe iaverage inail ibase iangle
ishould imeasure i160 idegrees. iIn iclubbing, ithe inail ibase iis iboggy iand ithe iangle
iincreases iand iapproaches ior iexceeds i180 idegrees. iAnother imethod iof iassessment iis
ithe iSchamroth itechnique. iClubbing iis iassociated iwith ia ivariety iof irespiratory iand
icardiovascular idiseases, icirrhosis, icolitis, iand ithyroid idisease.

Mrs. iJones ipresents iwith ia icomplaint iof ia ispot ion iher iskin. iWhich itype iof ilesion ican
idevelop iin ian ialready ipresent inevi?

A. iMalignant imelanoma i
B. iSquamous icell icarcinoma
C. iBasal icell icarcinoma
D. iKaposi isarcoma i- iCorrect iAnswers i-A: iCorrectMalignant imelonoma iis ithe imost
ilethal iform iof iskin icancer ithat idevelops ifrom imelanocytes. iSquamous icell icarcinoma,
ibasal icell icarcinoma, iand iKaposi isarcoma irarely idevelop iin ian ialready iexisting inevi.

Mrs. iXavier iis ia i45-year-old ipatient iwho ipresents ito iyour ioffice iwith ia icomplaint iof ia
irash. iOn iexamination, iyou ifind ia iherald ipatch i(round iplaque iwith ifine isuperficial
iscaling). iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iconditions iidentifies ithis ifinding?

A. iPityriasis irosea i
B. iDermatophytosis
C. iRosacea
D. iHerpes izoster i- iCorrect iAnswers i-A:CorrectPityriasis irosea iis ia iself-limiting
iinflammation iof iunknown icause. iThe iherald ilesion iis icommonly imissed, ialthough ithe
imost icommon isign iof ithis icondition.

The iexaminer inotes ia ilarge iblue-black ispot ion ithe ibuttock iof ia i4-week-old iblack
ineonate. iThe imother istates ithat ithe iinfant iwas iborn iwith iit. iThe iexaminer ishould
irecognize ithat ithis:

A. iis ian iexpected ifinding. i
B. imay iindicate ichild iabuse.
C. iis irelated ito ibirth itrauma.
D. isuggests ia icongenital idefect. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-A:CorrectThis ifinding iis iindicative
iof iMongolian ispots. iMongolian ispots iare iirregular iareas iof ideep iblue ipigmentation,
iusually iin ithe isacral iand igluteal iregions, iand iare iseen ipredominantly iin inewborns iof
iAfrican, iNative iAmerican/American iIndian, iAsian, ior iLatin idescent. iThey icommonly
iappear ion ithe iback, ibuttocks, ishoulders, iand ilegs iof iwell ibabies iand iusually
idisappear iin ithe ipreschool iyears.

A iskin ilesion ithat imay ibe iassociated iwith ineurofibromatosis ior ipulmonary istenosis iis:

, A. icafé iau ilait ispots. i
B. inevus ivasculosus.
C. iport iwine ilimb istain.
D. ispider iangioma. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-A:CorrectCafé iau ilait ispots iare iflat, ievenly
ipigmented ispots ivarying iin icolor ifrom ilight ibrown ito idark ibrown ior iblack ion idark iskin,
iare ilarger ithan i5 imm iin idiameter, iand iare ipresent iat ibirth ior ishortly ithereafter. iThey
imay ibe iassociated iwith ineurofibromatosis ior imiscellaneous iother iconditions, iincluding
ipulmonary istenosis, itemporal ilobe idysrhythmia, iand ituberous isclerosis.

Mr. iTucker iis ia i68-year-old iman iwho icomes ito iyour ioffice icomplaining iof ispots ion ihis
iskin. iOn iexamination, iwhich ilesion iis ian iexpected ifinding ion ithe iskin iof ihealthy iolder

A. iAcne ivulgaris
B. iCherry iangioma
C. iMiliaria
D. iTrichotillomania i- iCorrect iAnswers i-B: iCorrectCherry iangiomas iare itiny, ibright
iruby-red, iround ipapules ithat imay ibecome ibrown iwith itime. iThey ioccur iin ivirtually
ieveryone iolder ithan i30 iyears iand iincrease inumerically iwith iage.

The iexaminer inotes ihyperkeratosis ion ia ipatient's ipalms iand isoles. iThe iexaminer
irecognizes ithat ithis:

A. imay ibe ia isign iof ia isystemic idisorder.
B. imay ibe ian iindication iof ia icongenital iheart idefect.
C. iis icommonly ifound iamong iindividuals iwith iDown isyndrome.
D. iis iconsidered ia inormal ifinding. i- iCorrect iAnswers i-D:CorrectHyperkeratosis ior
icallus iis ia isuperficial iarea ithat ioccurs ion ithe iweight-bearing iareas iof ithe ifeet iand ion
ithe ipalmar isurface iof ithe ihands. iCalluses iare iless iwell idemarcated ithan icorns iand
iare iusually inot itender.

A ipatient iwith idiabetes ipresents ito ithe iclinic icomplaining iof ian iinfected ifoot. iOn
iremoving ithe ipatient's isock, ithe iexaminer inotes ian iodor ithat iresembles irotting
iapples. iWhat itype iof iinfection iis ithis iconsistent iwith?

A. iPseudomonas iinfection
B. iPeritonitis
C. iAnaerobic iinfection
D. iClostridium igas igangrene i- iCorrect iAnswers i-D:CorrectThe iskin, ilike iother ibody
iparts, imay ihave iodors isuggesting ia ivariety iof iproblems: iinfectious, imetabolic, ior
ineurologic. iThe ismell iof irotting iapples iusually iindicates iClostridium igas igangrene.

Mrs. iNieland ibrings iher itoddler iin ifor ia iroutine ioffice ivisit. iShe itells iyou ithat ishe ihas ia
inew ibabysitter. iWhich ifinding iis iconsistent iwith ia iphysical iabuse iinjury iin ia itoddler? i

A. iA iburn ito ithe iskin iwith ia isplash ipattern

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