NURS 221 Test 2 Terms
Healthy People - correct answer ✔a nationwide health promotion and
disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health
of all people in the United States
Provides evidence based, 10 year objectives
Heathy People 2020 - correct answer ✔Identifies leading health indicators
which are high-priority issues
Healthy People 2030 - correct answer ✔Promote holistic approaches to
disease prevention
Health - correct answer ✔a state of complete physical, mental, and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Models - correct answer ✔Help to explain complex ideas or concepts, like
health and illness
Health Belief Model (HBM) - correct answer ✔A model that attempts to
explain why people engage in health behavior(s). According to the model, a
person is more likely to engage in healthier behavior if he or she feels
threatened by the condition (perceived susceptibility), and believes that he or
she can overcome the barriers (perceived barriers), will benefit, and can
successfully perform the action (self-effi cacy) (Rosenstock, Stretcher, &
Becker, 1988).
health promotional model - correct answer ✔defines health as a dynamic,
positive state
1. individual characteristics (prior related behavior and psychological)
,2. Behavioral-specific affect (what does the patient think)
3. Behavioral outcome (when the behavior change occurs)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - correct answer ✔physiological, safety,
love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization
small children- fear and anxiety
emotional development (use different techniques to teach activity depending
on development)
developmental stage is different than chronological age - correct answer
✔How does the developmental stage of a person effect how someone views
The way we view health is shaped by how much we know about the human
body, education, tradition and experience.
Cognitive abilities affect HOW a person thinks - correct answer ✔How does
the intellectual background of a person effect how someone views health?
SDOH - correct answer ✔social determinants of health (where people live,
learn, work, and play) economic stability, education, health care,
social/community context, neighborhood
Health Promotion - correct answer ✔helps individuals maintain or enhance
their present health
Naxolone (narcan) - correct answer ✔opioid antagonist - used to reverse
effect of opioids
will bring back pain masked by opioids
,Health Education - correct answer ✔Helps people to understand their health
and how to manage their personal risks, using stress-management, self-
responsibility and awareness
illness prevention - correct answer ✔Health education programs or activities
directed toward protecting patients from threats or potential threats to health
and minimizing risk factors
Blood pressure screenings, vaccinations
Passive Health Promotion Strategies - correct answer ✔flourization of water,
adding vitamin D to milk, etc.
Gain without acting themselves
Active Health Promotion Strategies - correct answer ✔weight-reduction,
smoking-cessation, require patient to be involved
primary activities - correct answer ✔"true prevention" lowers chance disease
will occur
(health education, adequate living, wearing helmets, vaccination)
secondary activities - correct answer ✔Focuses on those who have health
problems, preventing the spread and caring for disease (curing diseases,
preventing spread/masks, individual screening)
tertiary activities - correct answer ✔Occurs when a defect is permanent or
irreversible, involves minimizing the effects
nonmodifiable risk factors - correct answer ✔Age
, Family history
Ethnic background
Modifiable risk factors - correct answer ✔Factors contributing to the
development of a noncommunicable disease that can be altered by modifying
one's behavior or environment, nutrition, weight, exercise
Transtheoretical Model of Change - correct answer ✔precontemplation,
contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance
Respiration - correct answer ✔Exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon
dioxide) at the lung capillaries (external respiration) and at the tissue
capillaries (internal respiration).
Ventilation - correct answer ✔movement of air into and out of the lungs
Ventilation, Perfusion, Diffusion - correct answer ✔3 stages of process of
Inspiration - correct answer ✔active process stimulated by chemical
receptors in the aorta
Exhalation - correct answer ✔The passive process in which the diaphragm
and the intercostal muscles relax
atelectasis - correct answer ✔collapsed lung; incomplete expansion of
alveoli caused by too little surfactant