Test bBank bFor bMaternal bChild bNursing bCare b7th bEdition
bby bShannon bE. bPerry, bMarilyn bJ. bHockenberry, bMary
bCatherineb Cashion bChapter b1-50 bComplete b.Latest bupdated
b2023 b(859 bPages bcomplete bwith bverified bAnswers)
, Test bBank bFor bMaternal bChild bNursing bCare b7th bEdition
bby bShannon bE. bPerry, bMarilyn bJ. bHockenberry, bMary
bCatherineb Cashion bChapter b1-50 bComplete b.Latest bupdated
b2023 b(859 bPages bcomplete bwith bverified bAnswers)
Chapter b01: b21st bCentury bMaternity bNursing
1. When bproviding bcare bfor ba bpregnant bwoman, bthe bnurse bshould bbe baware bthat bone bof
bthe bmostbfrequently breported bmaternal bmedical brisk bfactors bis:
a. Diabetes bmellitus. c. b Chronic bhypertension.
b. Mitral bvalve bprolapse b(MVP). d. bAnemia.
2. To bensure boptimal boutcomes bfor bthe bpatient, bthe bcontemporary bmaternity bnurse bmust
bincorporate bboth bteamwork band bcommunication bwith bclinicians binto bher bcare bdelivery, bThe
bSBARbtechnique bof bcommunication bis ban beasy-to-remember bmechanism bfor
bcommunication. bWhich bof bthe bfollowing bcorrectly bdefines bthis bacronym?
a. Situation, bbaseline bassessment, bresponse
b. Situation, bbackground, bassessment, brecommendation
c. Subjective bbackground, bassessment, brecommendation
d. Situation, bbackground, banticipated brecommendation
3. The brole bof bthe bprofessional bnurse bcaring bfor bchildbearing bfamilies bhas bevolved bto
a. Providing bcare bto bpatients bdirectly bat bthe bbedside.
,Test bBank bFor bMaternal bChild bNursing bCare b7th bEdition
bby bShannon bE. bPerry, bMarilyn bJ. bHockenberry, bMary
bCatherineb Cashion bChapter b1-50 bComplete b.Latest bupdated
b2023 b(859 bPages bcomplete bwith bverified bAnswers)
b. Primarily bhospital bcare bof bmaternity bpatients.
c. Practice busing ban bevidence-based bapproach.
d. Planning bpatient bcare bto bcover blonger bhospital bstays.
4. A b23-year-old bAfrican-American bwoman bis bpregnant bwith bher bfirst bchild. bBased bon bthe
bstatisticsbfor binfant bmortality, bwhich bplan bis bmost bimportant bfor bthe bnurse bto bimplement?
a. Perform ba bnutrition bassessment.
b. Refer bthe bwoman bto ba bsocial bworker.
c. Advise bthe bwoman bto bsee ban bobstetrician, bnot ba bmidwife.
d. Explain bto bthe bwoman bthe bimportance bof bkeeping bher bprenatal bcare bappointments.
5. During ba bprenatal bintake binterview, bthe bnurse bis bin bthe bprocess bof bobtaining ban binitial
bassessment bof ba b21-year-old bHispanic bpatient bwith blimited bEnglish bproficiency. bIt bis
bimportant bforbthe bnurse bto:
a. Use bmaternity bjargon bin border bfor bthe bpatient bto bbecome bfamiliar bwith bthese bterms.
, Test bBank bFor bMaternal bChild bNursing bCare b7th bEdition
bby bShannon bE. bPerry, bMarilyn bJ. bHockenberry, bMary
bCatherineb Cashion bChapter b1-50 bComplete b.Latest bupdated
b2023 b(859 bPages bcomplete bwith bverified bAnswers)
b Speak bquickly band befficiently bto bexpedite bthe bvisit.