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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball $17.99   Add to cart

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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball

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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball

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  • September 20, 2024
  • 824
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • 9th edition
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  • Seidel's To Physical
  • Seidel's To Physical
,Chapterz01: zThezHistory zandzInterviewing zProcess
r r r

r r r r r


1. Whichzquestion zwould zbezconsidered zaz―leadingzquestion?‖
r r r r r r r

a. ―Pleasezdescribezanyzassociatedzsymptoms zwith zyourzheadaches?‖ r r r r r r r

b. ―You zdon't zget zheadaches zoften, zdo z you?‖
r r r r r r

c. ―What zactivities zaffect zthezseverityzofzyour zheadaches?‖
r r r r r r r

d. ―What ztimes zofzthezdayzare zyourzheadaches zthe zmost zsevere?‖
r r r r r r r r r r

e. ―Whatzworries zyouzmost zaboutzyourzheadache?‖ r r r r r r

ANS: zB r r

Thiszquestionzwouldzlimitzthezinformationzinzthezpatient's zanswer.zThezotherzchoices zallowzthe
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

zpatient zmore zdiscretion zabout zthe zextent zof zan zanswer.
r r r r r r r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

2. Whichzactionzwouldzbestzpromotezaccurateztranslationszaszwellzas
r r r r r r r r r


a. Askzazpersonzunfamiliarzwithzthezpatient ztoztranslate.
r r r r r r r r

b. Havezazfriendzofzthezpatientztranslate.
r r r r r r

c. Askzsimplezleadingzquestionszthatzthezpatient zmayzunderstand.
r r r r r r r r

d. Usezazneighbor zas ztranslator.
r r r r

e. Involvezthezfamilyzwith ztheztranslation. r r r r r

ANS: z A r r

When zyou zdo znot zspeak zthezpatient's zlanguage, zfamilyzmembers zor zfriends zmayzpose
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

zazcommunication zbarrier zand zmayzhave zissues zof zconfidentiality; za zstranger zas zan
r r r r r r r r r r r r

zinterpreterzis zless zbiased.
r r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

3. Periodszofzsilencezduringzthezinterviewzcanzservezimportantzpurposes,zsuch zas:
r r r r r r r r r r r

a. allowingzthe zclinicianzto zcatchzupzonzdocumentation. r r r r r r r

b. givingzyou zazcluezthatzyou zshould zspeedzup zthezinterview.
r r r r r r r r r r

c. providingztimezforzreflection. r r r

d. increasingzthezlength zofzthezvisit. r r r r r

e. promotingzazcalm zenvironment. r r r

ANS: zC r r

Silence zis za zuseful ztool zduring zinterviews zfor zthe zpurposes zof zreflection, zsummoning
r r r r r r r r r r r r

zofzcourage, zand zdisplayingzcompassion. zIt zis zusuallyza zcluezfor zyou zto zgo zslowerzand znot zto
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

zpush ztoo zhard.
r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

4. Whichztechniquezis zmost zlikelyzto zresult zin zthe zpatient's zunderstandingzof zquestions?
r r r r r r r r r r r r

a. Usezphraseszthat zare zcommonlyzused zbyzotherzpatients zin zthe zarea.
r r r r r r r r r r

b. Usezthe zpatient's zown zterms zif zpossible.
r r r r r r

, c. Usezlanguagezthat zkeepszthezpatientzfrom zbeingzexpansivezinzhiszorzher zanswer.
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

d. Usezproperzmedical zandztechnical zterminology.
r r r r r

e. Usezthezsimplest zlanguagezpossible. r r r r

ANS: zB r r

r r r r r r r r r r r

zexplicitzwhilezusingzthezpatient's zidiom zand zlevel zof zunderstanding.
r r r r r r r r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

5. A zpatient zbecomes zrestless zduring zthe zhistory zand zsays, z―I zdon't zhave ztime zfor
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

rzallrzof rzthis rzconversation. rzI've rzgot rzto rzget rzback rzto rzwork.‖ rzYour rzmost rzappropriate
r zresponserzwouldrzberzto:
a. stopzusingzopen-endedzquestionszandzbecomezmorezdirect.
r r r r r r r

b. askzanotherzopen-ended zquestionzandzinsist zonzan zanswer.
r r r r r r r r

c. askzquestions zabout zhiszangerzandzmovezcloserzto zhim.
r r r r r r r r r

d. acknowledgezhis zangerzandzproceed zwithzthezhistoryzand zexamination. r r r r r r r r r

e. ignorezhiszdispleasurezandzbecomezmorezassertivezaboutzgettingzanswers.
r r r r r r r r r

ANS: zD r r

r r r r r r r r r r r

zthezinformation, zand zconfronts zthe zpatient's zanger.
r r r r r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

6. Whenzquestioningzazpatientzregardingzalcoholzintake,zsheztells zyouzthat zshezisz―onlyza
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

r zsocialrzdrinker.‖rzWhichrzinitialrzresponserzisrzappropriate?
a. ―I'm zglad zthat z you zarezazresponsible zdrinker.‖
r r r r r r r

b. ―Manyz peoplez who z arez reN
al lyRalc
c. ―What U zSIozhoNzGlTic z sBay.tCheyMare z social z drinkers.‖

zamount zand zwhat zkind zof zalcoholzdo
r r r r r r
r r
r r r

r r

r r


r r

r r

d. ―If zyou zonly zdrink zsocially, zyou zwon'tzneed zto zworryzabout zalways
r r r r r r r r r r

rzhavingrzarzdesignated rzdriver.‖

e. ―Dozthe zotherzpeople zin zyour zhousehold zconsume zalcohol?‖
r r r r r r r r

ANS: zC r r

This zanswerzclarifieszthezpatient's zownztermzwithout zaskingzazleadingzquestion zor
r r r r r r r r r r r r

r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

7. A z50-year-old zman zcomes zto zthe zprimary zcare zclinic. zHe ztells zyou zhe zis
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

r zworriedrzbecauserzherzhasrzhadrzsevererzchestrzpainsrzforrztherzpastrz2rzweeks.rzWhichrzinitial
a. ―Can zyouzdescribezthezpain?‖ r r r r

b. ―Thezpain zdoesn't zradiate zto z your zarm, zdoes zit?‖
r r r r r r r r

c. ―Have zyouzbeen ztreated zforzanxiety zbefore?‖
r r r r r

d. ―Does zyourzfatherzhavezheartzdisease?‖ r r r r r

e. ―Arezthezpainszworsezafterzyouzeat?‖
r r r r r r

ANS: zA r r

Initially,zanzopen-ended zquestion ziszazmorezappropriatezresponse.z―Can zyouzdescribezthe zpain?‖
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

zis zan zopen-ended zquestion zthat zoffers zclues zto zthe zchief zconcern.
r r r r r r r r r r r

, TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

8. Ms. zA.zstates,z―Myzlifezis zjust ztoozpainful. zIt zisn't zworth zit.‖zShezappearszdepressed.
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

r zWhichrzonerzofrztherzfollowingrzstatementsrzisrztherzmostrzappropriaterzcaregiverrzresponse?
a. ―Try ztozthink zabout zthe zgood zthings zin zlife.‖ r r r r r r r

b. ―Youzshouldn't zfeel zthat zway; zlook zat zall zthe zgood zthings zin zyourzlife.‖
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

c. ―You zcan't zmean z what z you're zsaying.‖
r r r r r

d. ―If zyouzthink zabout zit,znothingziszworth zgettingzthiszupsetzabout.‖
r r r r r r r r r r r

e. ―What zin zlifezis zcausing zyou zsuch zpain?‖ r r r r r r r

ANS: zE r r

Specificzyetzopen-ended zquestionszarezbestzusedzwhenzthezpatientzhaszfeelingszofzloss
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

zof zself-worth zand zdepression. zThe zother zresponses zhurry zthe zpatient zand zoffer
r r r r r r r r r r r r

zsuperficial zassurance.
r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

9. Duringzanzinterview,zyou zhavezthezimpressionzthatzazpatientzmayzbe
r r r r r r r r r r

a. Immediatelyzbegin zproceedingszforzan zinvoluntaryzcommitment. r r r r r r

b. Askzwhetherzthezpatientzhaszconsidered zself-harm.
r r r r r r

c. Askzwhetherzthezpatient zwouldzlikeztozvisit zazpsychiatrist.
r r r r r r r r r

d. Recordzthezimpression zinzthezpatient's zchartzand zrefer r r r r r r r r

zthezpatient zforzhospitalization.
r r r r

e. Avoidzdirectlyzconfrontingzthe zpatientzregarding zyourzimpression.
r r r r r r r

ANS: zB r r

Ifzyouzthinkzthezpatientzmay zbNezc R IdzeTriGn g zB
ide,Mhezorzshezprobably zis.zMentioning zit
r r
zgiveszpermission zto ztalk zabout zit.
r r

r r


r r r r r r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

10. Youzarezcollectingzazhistoryzfromzan z11-year-old zgirl.zHerzmotherzis zsittingznextztozher
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

r zin rzthe rzexamination rzroom. rzWhen rzcollecting rzhistory rzfrom rzolder rzchildren rzor
r zadolescents,rztheyrzshould:
a. neverzbezinterviewed zalonezbecausezthiszmayzalienatezthezparent.
r r r r r r r r r

b. bezmailedzazquestionnaire zin zadvanceztozavoidzthezneed zforzherzto ztalk.
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

c. bezgivenzthezopportunityztozbezinterviewed zwithout zthezparent zat zsomezpoint.
r r r r r r r r r r r r

d. bezallowed zto zdirectzthezflow zofzthezinterview.
r r r r r r r r

e. bezignoredzwhile zyouzaddresszall zquestions ztozthezparent.
r r r r r r r r r

ANS: zC r r

Anzolderzchildzshouldzbezgivenzthezopportunityztozgivezinformationzdirectly. zThis zenhanceszthe
r r r r r r r r r r r r r

zprobabilityzthatzthe zchild zwill zfollow zyour zadvice.
r r r r r r r r

TOP: r z r Discipline: rzBehavioralrzScience MSC: z Organ zSystem: zGeneral r r r r

11. Whenzcommunicatingzwithzolderzchildrenzand zteenagers, zyouzshouldzbezsensitivezto ztheir:
r r r r r r r r r r r r

a. parent'szneeds. r

b. naturalzurgezto zcommunicate. r r r

c. needzforzverbal zinstructions. r r r

d. typicalzreluctancezto ztalk. r r r

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