TEST sBANK sMaternal-Newborn sNursing: sThe sCritical sComponents sOf
sNursing sCare s3rd sEdition sDurham sChapman
, Maternal-Newborn sNursing: sThe sCritical sComponents sOf sNursing sCare, s3rd sEdition,
sRoberta sDurham, sLinda sChapman
Chapter s1: sTrends sand sIssues
1. The snurse sis scaring sfor sa spatient swho sis sin slabor swith sher sfirst schild. sThe spatient’s
smother sis spresent sfor ssupport sand snotes sthat sthings shave schanged sin sthe sdelivery sroom
ssince sshe slast sgave sbirth sin sthe searly s1980s. sWhich scurrent strend sor sintervention smay sthe
spatient’s smother sfind smost sdifferent?
1. Fetal smonitoring sthroughout slabor
2. Postpartum sstay sof s10 sdays
3. Expectant spartner sand sfamily sin soperating sroom sfor scesarean sbirth
4. Hospital ssupport sfor
sbreastfeeding sANS: s4
Chapter: sChapter s1 sTrends sand sIssues
Chapter sLearning sObjective: s1. sDiscuss scurrent strends sin sthe smanagement sof slabor sand sbirth
sPage: s4
Heading: sTable s1-1: sPast sand sPresent sTrends sIntegrated sProcesses: sNursing sProcess
Client sNeed: sHealth sPromotion sand sMaintenance sCognitive sLevel: sApplication s[Applying]
sConcept: sEvidence-Based sPractice
Difficulty: sModerate
1 This sis sincorrect. sFetal smonitoring sduring slabor sbegan sin sthe slate s1970s. sAs
ssuch, sthis slikely swould shave soccurred sduring sthe smother’s slabor sand sdelivery sduring
sthe s1980s.
,Maternal-Newborn sNursing: sThe sCritical sComponents sOf sNursing sCare, s3rd sEdition,
sRoberta sDurham, sLinda sChapman
2 This sis sincorrect. sIn sthe spast, sthe saverage shospital spostpartum sstay swas s10
sdays. sPresently, sthe saverage spostpartum sstay sis s48 shours sor sless.
3 This sis sincorrect. sIn sthe spast, sexpectant spartners sand sfamilies swere sexcluded sfrom
sthe slabor sand sbirth sexperience. sPresent strends sinvolve sthe sexpectant spartner sand sfamily sin
sthe slabor sand sbirth sexperience, sincluding spresence sin sthe soperating
room sfor scesarean sbirths.
4 This sis scorrect. sHospital ssupport sfor sbreastfeeding, sincluding sa slactation sconsultant
sand semployment sof sthe sBaby-Friendly sHospital sInitiative, swere sboth
enacted sduring sthe searly s1990s.
PTS: 1 CON: sEvidence-Based sPractice
2. A spatient swith sa shistory sof shypertension sis sgiving sbirth. sDuring sdelivery, sthe sstaff
swas snot sable sto sstabilize sthe spatient’s sblood spressure. sAs sa sresult, sthe spatient sdied sshortly
safter sdelivery. sThis sis san sexample sof swhat stype sof sdeath?
1. Early smaternal sdeath
2. Late smaternal sdeath
3. Direct sobstetric sdeath
4. Indirect sobstetric sdeath sANS: s4
Chapter: sChapter s1 sTrends sand sIssues
Chapter sLearning sObjective: s2. sDiscuss scurrent strends sin smaternal sand sinfant shealth
soutcomes. sPage: s7
Heading: sTrends s> sMaternal sDeath sand sMortality sRates sIntegrated sProcesses: sNursing
sProcess sClient sNeed: sPhysiological sIntegrity: sReduction sof sRisk sPotential sCognitive sLevel:
sApplication s[Applying]
Concept: sAnte/Intra/Post-partum sDifficulty: sHard
, Maternal-Newborn sNursing: sThe sCritical sComponents sOf sNursing sCare, s3rd sEdition,
sRoberta sDurham, sLinda sChapman
1 This sis sincorrect. sEarly smaternal sdeath sis snot san sexample sof smaternal sdeath.
Examples sof smaternal sdeath sinclude slate smaternal sdeath, sindirect sobstetric sdeath, sdirect
sobstetric sdeath, sand spregnancy-related sdeath.
2 This sis sincorrect. sLate smaternal sdeath soccurs s42 sdays safter
stermination sof spregnancy sfrom sa sdirect sor sindirect sobstetric scause.
3 This sis sincorrect. sDirect sobstetric sdeath sresults sfrom scomplications
sduring spregnancy, slabor, sbirth, sand/or spostpartum speriod.
4 This sis scorrect. sIndirect sobstetric sdeath sis scaused sby sa spreexisting sdisease,
sor sa sdisease sthat sdevelops sduring spregnancy.
PTS: 1 CON: sAnte/Intra/Post-partum
3. The snurse sis sproviding seducation sto sa spatient swho shas sgiven sbirth sto sher sfirst schild
sand sis sbeing sdischarged shome. sThe spatient sexpressed sconcern sregarding sinfant smortality
sand ssudden sinfant sdeath ssyndrome s(SIDS). sThe spatient shad san suncomplicated spregnancy,
slabor, sand svaginal sdelivery. sShe shas sa sbody smass sindex sof s25 sand shas sno sother shealth
sconditions. sThe sinfant sis shealthy sand swas sdelivered sfull-term. sWhat swill sbe smost shelpful
sthing sto sexplain sto sthe spatient?
1. Uses sof sextracorporeal smembrane soxygenation stherapy s(ECMO)
2. Uses sof sexogenous spulmonary ssurfactant
3. The sBaby-Friendly sHospital sInitiative
4. The sSafe sto sSleep
scampaign sANS: s4
Chapter: sChapter s1 sTrends sand sIssues
Chapter sLearning sObjective: s3. sIdentify sleading scauses sof sinfant sdeath. sPage: s7
sHeading: sTrends s> sInfant sMortality sRates sIntegrated sProcesses: sNursing sprocess
Client sNeed: sSafe sand sEffective sCare sEnvironment: sSafety sand sInfection sControl sCognitive
sLevel: sApplication s[Applying]
Concept: sHealth sPromotion sDifficulty: sModerate