Test zBank zVarcarolis' zFoundations zof zPsychiatric-Mental
zHealth zNursing zA zClinical z9th zEdition zby zMargaret
zJordan zHalter z|Test zBank|Chapter z1-36 zUPDATED z2024
Chapter z01: zMental zHealth zand zMental zIllness
Halter: zVarcarolis’ zFoundations zof zPsychiatric zMental zHealth zNursing: zA zClinical
zApproach, z8th zEdition
1. A zstaff znurse zcompletes zorientation zto za zpsychiatric zunit. zThis znurse zmay zexpect zan
zadvanced zpractice znurse zto zperform zwhich zadditional zintervention? za.Conduct zmental
zhealth zassessments.
b. Prescribe zpsychotropic zmedication.
c. Establish ztherapeutic zrelationships.
d. Individualize znursing zcare zplans.
In zmost zstates, zprescriptive zprivileges zare zgranted zto zmaster‘s-prepared znurse zpractitioners
zand zclinical znurse zspecialists zwho zhave ztaken zspecial zcourses zon zprescribing zmedication.
zThe znurse zprepared zat zthe zbasic zlevel zis zpermitted zto zperform zmental zhealth zassessments,
zestablish zrelationships, zand zprovide zindividualized zcare zplanning.
PTS: z1 zDIF: zCognitive zLevel: zUnderstand z(Comprehension) zREF: zPage z1-23
zTOP: zNursing zProcess: zImplementation
MSC: zClient zNeeds: zSafe, zEffective zCare zEnvironment
2. A znursing zstudent zexpresses zconcerns zthat zmental zhealth znurses z―lose zall ztheir zclinical
znursing zskills.‖ zSelect zthe zbest zresponse zby zthe zmental zhealth znurse.
a. ―Psychiatric znurses zpractice zin zsafer zenvironments zthan zother zspecialties. zNurse-to-
patient zratios zmust zbe zbetter zbecause zof zthe znature zof zthe zpatients‘ zproblems.‖
b. ―Psychiatric znurses zuse zcomplex zcommunication zskills zas zwell zas zcritical zthinking zto
zsolve zmultidimensional zproblems. zI zam zchallenged zby zthose zsituations.‖
c. ―That‘s za zmisconception. zPsychiatric znurses zfrequently zuse zhigh ztechnology
zmonitoring zequipment zand zmanage zcomplex zintravenous ztherapies.‖
d. ―Psychiatric znurses zdo znot zhave zto zdeal zwith zas zmuch zpain zand zsuffering zas
zmedical– zsurgical znurses zdo. zThat zappeals zto zme.‖
The zpractice zof zpsychiatric znursing zrequires za zdifferent zset zof zskills zthan zmedical–
surgical znursing, zthough zthere zis zsubstantial zoverlap. zPsychiatric znurses zmust zbe zable zto
zhelp zpatients zwith zmedical zas zwell zas zmental zhealth zproblems, zreflecting zthe zholistic
zperspective zthese znurses zmust zhave. zNurse–patient zratios zand zworkloads zin zpsychiatric
zsettings zhave zincreased, zjust zlike zother zspecialties. zPsychiatric znursing zinvolves zclinical
zpractice, znot zjust zdocumentation. zPsychosocial zpain zand zsuffering zare zas zreal zas
,Test zBank zVarcarolis' zFoundations zof zPsychiatric-Mental
zHealth zNursing zA zClinical z9th zEdition zby zMargaret
zJordan zHalter z|Test zBank|Chapter z1-36 zUPDATED z2024
zphysical zpain zand zsuffering.
,Test zBank zVarcarolis' zFoundations zof zPsychiatric-Mental
zHealth zNursing zA zClinical z9th zEdition zby zMargaret
zJordan zHalter z|Test zBank|Chapter z1-36 zUPDATED z2024
PTS: z1 DIF: zCognitive zLevel: zApply z(Application)
REF: zPages z1-2, z21 TOP: zNursing zProcess:
zImplementation zMSC: zClient zNeeds: zSafe, zEffective zCare zEnvironment
, Test zBank zVarcarolis' zFoundations zof zPsychiatric-Mental
zHealth zNursing zA zClinical z9th zEdition zby zMargaret
zJordan zHalter z|Test zBank|Chapter z1-36 zUPDATED z2022
3. When za znew zbill zintroduced zin zCongress zreduces zfunding zfor zcare zof zpersons
zdiagnosed zwith zmental zillness, za zgroup zof znurses zwrite zletters zto ztheir zelected
zrepresentatives zin zopposition zto zthe zlegislation. zWhich zrole zhave zthe znurses zfulfilled?
a. Recovery
b. Attending
c. Advocacy
d. Evidence-based zpractice
An zadvocate zdefends zor zasserts zanother‘s zcause, zparticularly zwhen zthe zother zperson
zlacks zthe zability zto zdo zthat zfor zself. zExamples zof zindividual zadvocacy zinclude zhelping
zpatients zunderstand ztheir zrights zor zmake zdecisions. zOn za zcommunity zscale, zadvocacy
zincludes zpolitical zactivity, zpublic zspeaking, zand zpublication zin zthe zinterest zof zimproving
zthe zhuman zcondition.
Since zfunding zis znecessary zto zdeliver zquality zprogramming zfor zpersons zwith zmental
zillness, zthe zletter-writing zcampaign zadvocates zfor zthat zcause zon zbehalf zof zpatients zwho
zare zunable zto zarticulate ztheir zown zneeds.
PTS: z1 zDIF: zCognitive zLevel: zUnderstand z(Comprehension) zREF: zPage z1-26
zTOP: zNursing zProcess: zEvaluation
MSC: zClient zNeeds: zSafe, zEffective zCare zEnvironment
4. A zfamily zhas za zlong zhistory zof zconflicted zrelationships zamong zthe zmembers. zWhich
zfamily zmember‘s zcomment zbest zreflects za zmentally zhealthy zperspective?
a. ―I‘ve zmade zmistakes zbut zeveryone zelse zin zthis zfamily zhas zalso.‖
b. ―I zremember zjoy zand zmutual zrespect zfrom zour zearly zyears ztogether.‖
c. ―I zwill zmake zsome zchanges zin zmy zbehavior zfor zthe zgood zof zthe zfamily.‖
d. ―It‘s zbest zfor zme zto zmove zaway zfrom zmy zfamily. zThings zwill znever zchange.‖
The zcorrect zresponse zdemonstrates zthe zbest zevidence zof za zhealthy zrecognition zof zthe
zimportance zof zrelationships. zMental zhealth zincludes zrational zthinking, zcommunication
zskills, zlearning, zemotional zgrowth, zresilience, zand zself-esteem. zRecalling zjoy zfrom
zearlier zin zlife zmay zbe zhealthy, zbut zthe zcorrect zresponse zshows za zhigher zlevel zof zmental
zhealth. zThe zother zincorrect zresponses zshow zblaming zand zavoidance.
PTS: z1 DIF: zCognitive zLevel: zAnalyze z(Analysis)
REF: zPages z1-2, z3, z32 z(Figure z1-1) TOP: zNursing zProcess: zAssessment
zMSC: zClient zNeeds: zPsychosocial zIntegrity
5. Which zassessment zfinding zmost zclearly zindicates zthat za zpatient zmay zbe zexperiencing za
zmental zillness? zThe zpatient
a. reports zoccasional zsleeplessness zand zanxiety.
b. reports za zconsistently zsad, zdiscouraged, zand zhopeless zmood.