homograph correct answersare words that have the same spelling , but have different meanings and
sometimes different pronunciations. ex: CONtract (noun - a written agreement)
conTRACT (verb - to make smaller in size)
digraph correct answersis TWO LETTERS that spell ONE SOUND.
that spell consonant sounds include the letter pairs sh, ch, th, wh, ck, ph, ng.
diphthong correct answersis ONE vowel SOUND formed by the combination of two vowel sounds. begins
as one vowel sound and moves toward another, such as the vowel sounds in coin or loud.
vowel digraph correct answersspell vowel sounds include the letter pairs ai, ay, ee, ea, ie, ei, oo, ou. ow,
oe, oo, ue, ey, ay, oy, oi, au, aw. The important thing to remember is that a _____________ is made of
two letters, and although the letters spell a sound, the _______________ is the two letters, not the
morphological/structural awareness. correct answersKnowing parts of words and types of affixes
(suffixes and prefixes) and being able to break words into parts.
segmentation correct answersThe ability to break a word into separate phonemes.
decoding correct answersFiguring out how to pronounce words by breaking the word down and
identifying individual sounds within the word.
blending correct answersThe ability to take separate sounds and blend them into a single word or
pre-communitive spelling correct answershe child uses symbols from the alphabet but shows no
knowledge of letter-sound correspondences. The child may also lack knowledge of the entire alphabet,
,the distinction between upper- and lower-case letters, and the left-to-right direction of English
figurative language correct answerscan be metaphor, simile, personification and alliteration and these
can all be expressed in written and spoken English.
Alphabetic Principal correct answerscomposed of two parts:
Alphabetic Understanding: Words are composed of letters that represent sounds.
Phonological Recoding: Using systematic relationships between letters and phonemes (letter-sound
correspondence) to retrieve the pronunciation of an unknown printed string or to spell words
applying language rules correct answersWhen children overgeneralize as in the example -- bestest -- they
are in reality applying grammar rules which indicate that they have passed the stage of mere repetition,
and they are beginning to decipher the grammar of the language. This overgeneralization is typical of
English native speakers acquiring a language, and does not show any kind of interference from a
Semantic clusters correct answerscan simplify the teaching of vocabulary because they can easily be
linked to content areas , and can be used in thematic units. Moreover, since these words are identified
by levels of complexity, teachers have a chance to enrich the vocabulary of the students.
writing can be used for communication correct answersWhat is the key advantage of using interactive
writing journals for emerging writers
thematic instruction correct answersthe same concepts and vocabulary are presented in multiple
lessons. This repetition can reinforce vocabulary and concepts and can improve comprehension of the
"learning to read" to "reading to learn" correct answersUnderstanding the organizational patterns of the
text to read more efficiently. When reading informational text, students have to analyze the type of text
structure and organizational pattern used in the writing. The faster they learn to decipher the structure,
the faster they will be able to retrieve information and read with greater efficiency.
,integrated thematic instruction correct answersIt eliminates the artificial boundaries created through
traditional course scheduling. Thus, the lesson can contain basic mathematics objectives in conjunction
with science and social studies concepts.
metacognition correct answersTeaching students to monitor their own learning is one of the basic
components of
Visual media correct answerscan be static like photographs or dynamic like videos. Visual media also
comes together with print media in magazines and newspapers. Paintings and photographs (B) are
examples of static visual media only. Video (C) and movies and TV shows (D) are examples of dynamic
media only.
reading comprehension correct answersSilent reading is designed primarily to improve vocabulary
master the content areas correct answersTier 3 words represent the nomenclature that students need to
Tier 2 Words correct answersThe words used to provide specificity to instruction
Tier 4 words. correct answersSophisticated words like those used in spelling bees are part of
TELPAS correct answerscontains a checklist of specific skills for teachers to document when these
behaviors occur during observation.
TELPAS correct answersTexas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
The best way to teach vocabulary to ELLs correct answersis to present the word together with a visual or
concrete representation. Teach content vocabulary through direct, concrete experience as opposed to
Homonyms correct answersare words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but have different
meanings. ex: the word club can refer to a night club or a wooden stick
, homophones correct answersare words that are pronounced the same but are different in spelling and
meaning. ex: to, two, and too.
multimedia as a model or "mentor text" correct answersReading aloud from a chapter book and
discussing rich imagery and style
connect letters and letter combinations to create sounds. correct answersWhen a child masters the
alphabetic principle of English, the child is able to
The alphabetic principle correct answersis the idea that letters represent sounds. As children develop
grapho-phonemic awareness, they build on this principle and learn that certain letters or combinations
of letters can represent certain sounds.
The LAD (Language Acquisition Device) correct answersenables human beings to produce language and
utilize correct language rules.
is said to be adaptable as it adjusts to the language being learned.
Chomsky's work provided the theoretical rationale for the work related to the LAD.
sight-word or holistic-word recognition correct answersHigh-frequency words in English are taught as
phonetic stage correct answersis when the child is using a letter or group of letters for every sound they
hear. The spelling can be "invented" spelling and not conventional or correct
ex:[I lik mi prasits!] Mai told Mr. Jefferson that she wrote, "I like my presents!"
conventional spelling correct answerswhat they write can be understood.
semi-phonetic stage correct answerschild uses single letters to represent sounds, letters, and words such
as "I M" to communicate "I am"