ahima rhit exam with complete solutions
Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) - ANSWER- A set of numbers used in a trauma
registry to indicate the nature and severity of injuries by body system
Abbreviations - ANSWER- Shortened forms of words or phrases; in
healthcare,when there is more than one meaning for an approved abbreviation,
only one meaning should be used or the context in which the abbreviation is to
be used should be identified
ABC Codes - ANSWER- A terminology created by Alternative Link that describes
alternative medicine, nursing, and other integrative healthcare interventions
Aberrancy - ANSWER- Services in medicine that deviate from what is typical in
comparison to the national norm
Ability (achievement) tests - ANSWER- Tests used to assess the skills an
individual already possesses; Also called performance tests
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) - ANSWER- A standardized form
that can be used in facilities to document involuntary movements
Abortion - ANSWER- The expulsion or extraction of all (complete) or any part
(incomplete) of the placenta or membranes, without an identifiable fetus or with a
live-born infant or a stillborn infant weighing less than 500 grams
Absolute frequency - ANSWER- The number of times that a score of value occurs
in a data set
Abstract - ANSWER- Brief summary of the major parts of a research study
,Abstracting - ANSWER- 1. The process of extracting information from a document
to create a brief summary of a patient's illness, treatment, and outcome 2. The
process of extracting elements of data from a source document or database and
entering them into an automated system
Abuse - ANSWER- Provider, supplier, and practitioner practices that are
inconsistent with accepted sound fiscal, business, or medical practices that
directly or indirectly may result in unnecessary costs to the program, improper
payment, services that fail to meet professionally recognized standards of care or
are medically unnecessary, or services that directly or indirectly result in adverse
patient outcomes or delays in appropriate diagnosis or treatment
Abuses - ANSWER- Coding errors that occur without intent to defraud the
Accept assignment - ANSWER- A term used to refer to a provider's or a supplier's
acceptance of the allowed charges (from a fee schedule) as payment in full for
services or materials provided
Acceptance testing - ANSWER- Final review during EHR implementation to
ensure that all tests have been performed and all issues have been resolved;
usually triggers the final payment for the system and when a maintenance
contract becomes effective
Acceptance theory of authority - ANSWER- A management theory based on the
principle that employees have the freedom to choose whether they will follow
managerial directions
Access - ANSWER- 1. The ability of a subject to view, change, or communicate
with an object in a computer system 2. One of the rights protected by the Privacy
Rule; an individual has a right of access to inspect and obtain a copy of his or her
own PHI that is contained in a designated record set, such as a health record
Access control - ANSWER- 1. A computer software program designed to prevent
unauthorized use of an information resource 2. The process of designing,
implementing, and monitoring a system for guaranteeing that only individuals
who have a legitimate need are allowed to view or amend specific data sets
Access control grid - ANSWER- A tabular representation of the levels of
authorization granted to users of a computer system's information and resources
,Access control system - ANSWER- A system that defines who has access to what
information in a computer system and specifies each user's rights and/or
restrictions with respect to that information
Accession number - ANSWER- A number assigned to each case as it is entered in
a cancer registry
Accession registry - ANSWER- A list of cases in a cancer registry in the order in
which they were entered
Accidents/incidents - ANSWER- Those mishaps, misfortunes, mistakes, events,
or occurrences that can happen during the normal daily routines and activities in
the long-term care setting
Accommodating - ANSWER- In business, the practice whereby one party in a
conflict or disagreement gives in to the other party as a temporary solution
Account - ANSWER- A subdivision of assets, liabilities, and equities in an
organization's financial management system
Accountability - ANSWER- 1. The state of being liable for a specific activity 2. All
information is attributable to its source (person or device)
Accountable - ANSWER- Required to answer to a supervisor for performance
Accountable Care Organization (ACO) - ANSWER- An organization of healthcare
providers accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of Medicare
beneficiaries who are assigned and enrolled in the traditional fee-for-service
Accounting - ANSWER- 1. The process of collecting, recording, and reporting an
organization's financial data 2. A list of all disclosures made of a patient's health
Accounting entity - ANSWER- The business structure, including the activities and
records to be maintained for the preparation of an individual organization's
financial statements
Accounting of disclosures - ANSWER- HIPAA requirement to list, upon patient
request, all disclosures that meet the criteria. Currently, this does not require
, accounting for disclosures for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations
(TPO), but under ARRA this changes to include these disclosures; awaiting final
Accounting period - ANSWER- The entire process of identifying and recording a
transaction and ultimately reporting it as part of an organization's financial
Accounting rate of return - ANSWER- The projected annual cash inflows, minus
any applicable depreciation, divided by the initial investment
Accounts Not Selected for Billing Report - ANSWER- A daily financial report used
to track the many reasons why accounts may not be ready for billing
Accounts payable (A/P) - ANSWER- Records of the payments owed by an
organization to other entities
Accounts receivable (A/R) - ANSWER- 1. Records of the payments owed to the
organization by outside entities such as third-party payers and patients 2.
Department in a healthcare facility that manages the accounts owed to the facility
by customers who have received services but whose payment is made at a later
Accreditation - ANSWER- 1. A voluntary process of institutional or organizational
review in which a quasi-independent body created for this purpose periodically
evaluates the quality of the entity's work against preestablished written criteria 2.
A determination by an accrediting body that an eligible organization, network,
program, group, or individual complies with applicable standards 3. The act of
granting approval to a healthcare organization based on whether the organization
has met a set of voluntary standards developed by an accreditation agency
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) - ANSWER- A
professional organization that offers accreditation programs for ambulatory and
outpatient organizations such as single-specialty and multispecialty group
practices, ambulatory surgery centers, college/university health services, and
community health centers
Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) - ANSWER- An organization
that provides quality standards and accreditation programs for home health and
other healthcare organizations