3 month old infant with down syndrome, due to milk intolerance, mom started on goats
milk; now has pale conjunctiva but otherwise healthy. Low HCT. What additional test
would you order? - Answer-Iron, TIBC
/.3 months of synthroid, TSH increased, T4 normal, what do you do? - Answer-Increase
/.3 ways to assess cognitive function in patient with signs/symptoms of memory loss -
Answer-Mini mental exam
/.4 month old with strabismus, mom is worried...... - Answer-tell her it is normal.
/.4 month old wont keep anything down, what is the main thing you look at? - Answer-
Growth chart
/.6 month old closed anterior fontanel. - Answer-XRAY
/.88/yr. old patient in for follow up secondary. She's been treated with Tylenol for Joint
arthritis. Her SED rate was checked after 6 weeks of treatment and it was 28. Normal
range is from something to 25. How would you treat the pt. - Answer-be changed to
NSAID, SED rate is a sign of inflammation
/.a pregnant female at slightly above symphysis pubic and Fundal height is 32cm
(above the umbilical). What should be done - Answer-Ultrasound
/.A1C > 9 - Answer-If you are already on TWO oral drugs for diabetes and A1c is 9 or
higher, start BASAL insulin. If you cannot tolerate metformin and your A1c is 9 or higher
start BASAL insulin. ON EXAM
/.Abnormal cells on PAP, what do you do next? - Answer-Refer for Colposcopy
/.ACE/ARB contraindications - Answer-pregnancy
Renal failure
Renal Stenosis
/.ACEI contraindicated - Answer-pregnancy
,/.Acne Rosacea - Answer-- chronic small acne like papules/pustules around nose mouth
chin. TREATMENT- Metrogel, Azelex. Low dose tetracycline. Clindamycin. EXAM
/.Acne Rosacea - Answer-Acne Rosacea- chronic small acne like papules/pustules
around nose mouth chin. TREATMENT- Metrogel, Azelex. Low dose tetracycline.
/.Acne Vulgaris - Answer-common acne. Retin-A, acne worsens 4-6 weeks if no
improvement in 8-12 weeks increase dose or add erythromycin, benzoyl peroxide.
/.actinic keratoses - Answer-Precursor to squamous cell carcinoma. "numerous dry
round and pink to red lesions" with a rough and scaly texture. Does not heal. Slow
growing in sun exposed areas. Diagnosis: BIOPSY Golden Standard. Treatment: Sm.
(cryotherapy), Lrg. (5-FU cream)- which causes ur skin to ooze, crust, scab, redness
/.Actinic Keratosis - Answer-Numerous round dry pink to red areas. Scaly red to yellow
located in sun exposed area
-a pre squamous cell carcinoma occurs on sun-damaged skin
cryo or 5fu cream
/.Actinic Keratosis - Answer-Scaly red to yellow located in sun exposed area
-a precancerous skin growth that occurs on sun-damaged skin
/.Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma - Answer-acute/severe halos, cupping optic nerve,
cloudy cornea, mid-dilated oval pupil. ER STAT. EXAM
/.Acute Bacterial Pneumonia- CXR - Answer-middle lobe. ON EXAM
/.Acute Closed Angle Glaucoma
Open Angle - Answer-Acute: Sudden pain, halos, cupping, dilated, cloudy , IOP, HA,
refer ED
Open (primary) : CN 2, gradual loss peripheral vision first
/.Acyclovir (cheapest) - Answer-200mg 5 x day
/.Addison's - Answer-Addison's- deficient in cortisol (think low sodium, blood sugar, but
Increase K. You must give cortisol. (Diagnosis Plasma Cortisol <5 mcg/dl @ 0800.)
/.ADHD - Answer-A behavioral problem characterized by short attention span, restless
movement, and impaired learning capacity.
, /.All diastolic murmurs are pathological. Grades Murmurs - Answer-I-barely II-audible III-
clearly audible. IV- first time thrill V-Steth edge VI-entire steth. EXAM
/.All diastolic murmurs are pathological. Murmurs Grades I-barely II-audible III- clearly
audible. IV- first time thrill V-Steth edge VI-entire steth. EXAM - Answer-III first time
audible, IV first time thrill
/.Allergic Conjunctivitis - Answer-"stringy; increased tearing" PO antihistamines. Type I
sensitivity. Typically bilateral. Rhinitis and allergic shiner.
/.allergic rhinitis - Answer-blue pale turbinate clear drainage. Tx inhaled corticosteroids
/.Aphthous stomatitis - Answer-Cancer sores. Aphthous stomatitis: painful shallow
ulcers heal 7-10 days. Magic mouthwash.
/.Assessment on patient with ascites - Answer-Dullness
/.Assessment on patient with ascites - Answer-Dullness to percussion
/.Atopic Dermatitis (eczema) - Answer-Inherited. Extremely itchy. On flexural folds,
neck, hands. Inc. IgE. "small vesicles that rupture leaving painful, bright-red, weepy
lesions" they become lichenified from itching. First line: Topical steroids. Avoid hot
water/soaps. PO antihistamines. EXAM
/.AV nicking (Arterioles pressing on vein of the eye) - Answer-HTN retinopathy
/.Basal cell cancer - Answer-Waxy, pearly, telangiectasia, ulcer center lesion
-most common type of skin cancer caused by UV exposure. Metastatic is rare
/.Bipolar med - Answer-lithium- monitor TSH, toxicity bind to TH cause hypothyroidism.
/.blood pressure - Answer-BP - ST 1 (140-159/ 90-99), if you know this you will get the
rest!! Normal is <120/80. ELERGLY OVER 60 150/90 IS OK. ISH WILL INCREASE
/.BPH and urge incontinence - Answer-anticholinergics/oxybutynin,
Anticholinergic- can't think or blink, can't see (Increase eye pressure) or pee, can't spit
or shit, SADCCUB sedation, anorexia, dry mouth confusion, constipation, urinary
retention, BPH
/.BPH and urge incontinence - Answer-TX anticholinergics/oxybutynin,
impamine/tricyclic antidepressant
/.CAGE ACRONYM - Answer-Cut down