AEMCA Comprehensive Final Exam Prep. ||
With Questions & All Accurate Answers
(Graded A+)
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, AEMCA Comprehensive Final Exam
Prep. || With Questions & All Accurate
Answers (Graded A+)
In the oxygen standard what is the range do we want to maintain SpO2 at -
ANSWER - 92-96%
what are some conditions that we want to administer high concentration oxygen in
the oxygen standard - ANSWER - a) suspected CO exposure b) upper airway burn
c) scuba diving disorder d) cardiopulmonary arrest e) complete airway obstruction,
E) Sickle cell anemia with suspected vast-occlusive crisis
If SpO2 monitor is not working what signs are we looking for to administer high
concentration oxygen - ANSWER - a)age specific hypotension b) abnormal
pregnancy c) cynotic/pale d) respiratory distress e) altered LOA
what is the special criteria outlined in the trauma field triage standard - ANSWER - a)
older adults - risk of injury or death increases after 55. SBP <110 may represent
shock after 55y/o b) bleeding disorders c) burns d) pregnancy > 20 weeks
According to the spinal motion restriction standard what MOIs should you consider
SMR - ANSWER - a) trauma associated with head or neck pain b) sports accident c)
diving injury d) explosions e) falls f) pedestrian struck g) electrocutions h) lightning
strikes i) penetrating injury to the head,neck or torso J)
what does a DNR not allow us to do in an event of cardiopulmonary arrest -
ANSWER - a) Chest compression b) defibrillator c) artificial ventilation d) OPA, NPA,
SGA e) endotracheal intubation f) transcutaneous pacing g)advanced resus drugs
Deceased pt criteria and obviously dead criteria - ANSWER - Deceased pt criteria :
1. Obviously dead, 2. subject of a medical cert of death 3. VSA and has a MOH DNR
4.VSA and has a TOR 5. VSA and has a withhold resus order
Obviously dead :
a) grossly charred body and VSA b) decapitation, transection, visible decomp and
putrefaction c) open head/torso with outpouring of contents and VSA, Dependent
lividly and VSA , Gross rigor mortis and VSA
when can a paramedic restrain a pt who is violent - ANSWER - a) directed by a dr. or
police officer, b) an unescorted pt becomes violent on route or use of restraints are
required to provide emergency tx
when should escorts be used in the IV maintenance standard - ANSWER - Unless
within their scope pmed should request escort if
a. iv is being used for blood or blood product admin b. iv is used to admin potassium
chloride to a pt <18. C. Iv is being used to admin medications that do not include the
following - anything over two ML/KG/ht to a maximum of 200ml/hr. Thiamine or
,multivitamin preparations. Drugs within his or hers level of certification. Potassium
chloride for its over the age of 18 to a max of 10mEq in a 250ml bag.
d. Iv that requires electronic monitoring or uses a pressurized intravenous fluid
infuser, pump, or central venous line. e. neonate or ped its under 2y/o
when should an IV bag be changed - ANSWER - 150ml of solution remaining in bag
what conditions should we consider in the non traumatic abdominal standard -
ANSWER - AAA, ectopic pregnancy, testicular torsion , acute pancreatitis,
obstruction, pelvic infection, hernia, DKA, PE
What calls require a cardiac monitor - ANSWER - VSA, LOA pt, syncope, SOB,
chest pain, overdose, abnormal vital signs, cva, major or multi system trauma,
electrocution, submersion injury, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, or heat illness,
what is the minimum time that you can monitor vitals at - ANSWER - q 30 min
The paramedic shall carry out emergency treatment on an incapable person if: -
ANSWER - a) pt does not have capacity b) pt experiencing severe suffering c) a
delay to get consent will prolong suffering
The paramedic shall carry out emergency treatment on a capable person if: -
ANSWER - a) pt is at risk /severe suffering b) language barrier c) means taken to
communicate but ineffective d) there is no reason to believe the pt doesn't want the
When completing a patch what information has to be included - ANSWER - unit
number, Pt age, Pt sex, CTAS level, CC, pertinent assessment findings, pt
management, pt hx, abnormal vitals, ETA, provide additional reports if pt CTAS
changes on route
According to the general geriatric standard what are activities of daily living -
ANSWER - a) bathing b) transferring c) toiling d) eating e) dressing
What are some conditions that you can consider leaving on the first analysis after
egress if organized according to the medical cardiac arrest standard - ANSWER - a)
pregnancy <20 weeks b) hypothermia C) airway obstruction D) non opiod drug od
e)other known reversible causes
Medical TOR - ANSWER - > or = to 16
Arrest not witnessed by paramedic
No ROSC 20 minutes of resuscitation
No defibrillation delivered
Known reversible cause of the arrest unable to be addressed
Pregnancy presumed to be ≥ 20 weeks gestation
, Suspected hypothermia
Airway obstruction
Non-opioid drug overdose/toxicology
If a pt makes a informed refusal of service and was hypoglycemic what has to be
completed on the ACR prior to being departed - ANSWER - final set of vitals and
what is the minimum volume for nebulization - ANSWER - 2.5 ml
what are the symptoms that are consistent with the onset of acute stroke protocol -
ANSWER - a) inappropriate words or mute b) slurred speech c) unilateral arm
weakness or drift d) unilateral facial droop e) unilateral leg weakness
what are contraindications for the stroke bypass protocol - ANSWER - a) CTAS 1 b)
stroke symptoms resolved prior to paramedic arrival c) BGL under 4 d) GCS under
10 e) seizure at onset or observed by paramedics f) terminally ill palliative care pts
If stroke symptoms persist after correction of blood glucose is the pt contraindicated
out of the stroke bypass protocol - ANSWER - No
What are the fallowing indications for STEMI bypass - ANSWER - a) pt is > 18 yrs of
age b) chest pain related to cardiac ischemia c) chest pain for < 12 hours d) 12-lead
shows a STEMI ( 2mm elevation in V1 -V3 2 contagious leads ) or ( 1mm of
elevation in 2 atomically contagious leads )
What are contraindications for the STEMI bypass - ANSWER - a) 12 lead shows
LBBB b) pt is CTAS 1 c) transport time is 60 min d) PCP diversion such as CPAP ,
VSA, or become symptomatic BP under 90
Should a paramedic apply defibrillation pads once a STEMI has been confirmed -
Sepsis is suspected by the fallowing : - ANSWER - a) fever of 38.5> b) potential
infection site c) presence of any of the fallowing SBP <90, RR 22 or greater, acute
Fallowing the guideline outlined in the respiratory failure standard if using ETCO2 on
a COPD or asthma pt and they have an initial ETCO2 of 50 > what should we
attempt to maintain there ENCO2 value to - ANSWER - between 50-60 mmHg
How much blood can an normal sized tampon hold - ANSWER - 5ml
what are splinting priorities - ANSWER - 1. spine 2. pelvis 3. femers 4. lower
extermities 5. upper extermities
According to the blunt / penetrating injury standard , how long are we irrigating bite
wounds for - ANSWER - 5 min