AESC 2050 Kiepper Test 1 Questions
And Answers
agriculture CORRECT ANSWERS the science of practice farming, including cultivation
of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide humans with
food, clothing, shelter and other products
non-food agricultural crops CORRECT ANSWERS cotton, tobacco, timber, marijuana
When was nature published CORRECT ANSWERS April 25, 1953
culture CORRECT ANSWERS the unique combinations of customs, beliefs and
practices (including languages, arts, rituals, institutions and technologies) that are
transmitted from one generation to another and distinguishes societies from each other.
How many people live on earth CORRECT ANSWERS 7.4 billion
What is the biggest grain that we eat? CORRECT ANSWERS corn- 1 million tons
Where do we grow our corn? CORRECT ANSWERS Eastern USA and Asia (China)
Where do we grow our rice? CORRECT ANSWERS Asia- India, Phillipines, China
Where do we grow our wheat? CORRECT ANSWERS Europe, France, England, India,
How much of our US total household income goes to the purchase of food? CORRECT
ANSWERS less than 10 percent
culture is made up of CORRECT ANSWERS rituals and language, customs and beliefs,
clothing and food
In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote an essay warning of the dangers of CORRECT
ANSWERS overpopulation of the globe
Agriculture only concerns the production of food CORRECT ANSWERS false
About __ years ago, human invented __ which delineates history from prehistory
CORRECT ANSWERS 5000 writing
About __ years ago, humans began to __ which scientist believe was the 1st conscious
cultural act CORRECT ANSWERS 2 million, tool making
, One of the key factors of early hominids success was CORRECT ANSWERS mobility
The most devastating item brought by Europeans to the New World was/were
One of the main advantages of farming was it meant less work compared to nomadic
traveling CORRECT ANSWERS False
There are how many farms in the US CORRECT ANSWERS 2 million
The majority of our food in the US is produced by CORRECT ANSWERS A small
number of large farms
In 1800 approximately __% of total US jobs were on the farm, today it is __%
Which of the following has stayed the most STEADy (i.e, static) in terms of number over
the last 100 years: CORRECT ANSWERS Number of Acres being farmed
What percentage of US citizens hold a valid US passport CORRECT ANSWERS 35
Most commercial farming is doe in what climate zones CORRECT ANSWERS
Most subsistence farming takes place in what climate zone CORRECT ANSWERS
In the video "How Pigs parts make the wold turn", Christien Meindersma say the
Strangest product she found that included pig was __, and the most Beautiful was __.
CORRECT ANSWERS ammunition, a heart valve
In 1979,, Robert R Oltjen, invoked a passage from the __ to argue that scientists should
be free to monitor their own animal research without oversight. CORRECT ANSWERS
The term speciesism is associated with the concept of CORRECT ANSWERS human
superiority over animals
The Battle of Cajamarca (In Peru, 1532) CORRECT ANSWERS Less than 200
spaniards faced an army of 80,000 Inca soldiers. In the first day, there were 7,000 Incas
dead. When the dust settled, not a single Spaniard was dead.
Why did the culture of the Europeans overwhelm the Incas' culture so easily when they
came together? CORRECT ANSWERS What in the Europeans' culture caused them to
travel, invade, and conquer the native cultures in the Americas and no the other way