Paramedic Drug Cards Test with questions &
100% Correct & Verified Answers
Classification: Bronchodilator, Sympathomimetic
Action/Effects: A beta2-adrenergic agonist which helps relax the bronchial
smooth muscles
Indication: Asthma, Relief of bronchospasm with reversible obstructive airway
Contraindications: These are relative to pt. symptoms: Cardiac dysrhythmias,
Tachyarrhythmia's, Angina, HTN, diabetes
Side Effects: Tremors, Dizziness, Anxiety, Palpitations, Tachycardia
Adult Dose: 2.5mg/3ml of NS
Pediatric Dose: 2.5mg in 3cc NS > 1 year old, 1.5mg in 3cc NS < 1 year old
Cautions: Be aware of prior doses/ can interact with diuretics, digoxin,
betablockers, & MAO inhibitors/ can have toxicity effects on vascular system if
used with tricyclic antidepressants
Amiodarone - ✔✔Trade Name: Cordarone
,Classification: Antiarrhythmic
Action/Effects: Prolongs phase 3 of the cardiac action potential. Amiodarone
increases the refractory period of sodium and potassium channels. This intern
slows the cardiac action potential.
Indication: V-Fib/V-Tach Pulseless
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Side Effects: Lung problems, Liver Problems, Epididymis in long term use
Adult Dose: 150-300 mg IV (Expected 300mg IV loading dose) Check your
protocols. (Expected 150mg 2nd dose if needed)
Pediatric Dose: 5mg/kg IV/IO (Check your protocols for additional doses)
Amyl Nitrate - ✔✔Trade Name: Vaporole
Classification: Vasodilator, Cyanide Antidote
Action/Effects: Causes oxidation of hemoglobin to the compound of
methemoglobin. Vasodilatation, including coronary artery dilation. Smooth
muscle relaxant
Indication: Cyanide poisoning
,Contraindication: None when given for cyanide poisoning
Side Effects: Hypotension with syncope, Headache, Nausea & Vomiting
Adult Dose: 0.3ml or an Amyl Nitrate glass pearl (similar to ammonia) Break
ampule & inhale for 30 seconds, then 100% O2 for 50-100 seconds, monitor blood
Aspirin - ✔✔Trade Name: ASA, Baby Aspirin, Bayer
Classification: Anti-platelet, Antipyretic, NSAID
Action/Effects: Decreases platelet aggregation, prolongs clotting time. Antipyretic
Indication: MI, Coronary Artery Disease, Pericarditis
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity, Pt. already on anticoagulants, Bleeding
Side Effects: Heart Burn, Nausea, Wheezing, Tinnitus
Adult Dose: 160-325mg PO chewable (2-4 tablets 81mg per tablet) Expected
Dose: 324mg
, Cautions: Pediatrics, GI bleeds
Atropine Sulfate - ✔✔Trade Name: Atropine
Classification: Parasympatholytic, Anticholinergic agent
Action/Effects: Increases HR, Contractility, Automaticity, Conduction, & Dilation of
the peripheral vessels. Works mainly on the Atrium
Indication: Symptomatic Bradycardia; Organophosphate Poisoning
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity, Tachycardia,
Relative or not functional uses:2nd & 3rd degree AV heart block
Side Effects: Increased Cardiac consumption, Dryness in mouth, Headache,
Dizziness, Nausea & Vomiting
Adult Dose: Brady 0.5mg q 3-5 min IV,ET
2-5mg for Organophosphate Poisoning (Vary w/Pt. symptoms)
Pediatric Dose: 0.02mg/kg IV, ET Minimum dose 0.1mg
Cautions: A-Fib, A-Flutter, Glaucoma, & COPD
Diazepam - ✔✔Trade Name: Valium