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Pilates Teacher Training Questions & Answers.Pilates Teacher Training Questions & Answers.Pilates Teacher Training Questions & Answers.Pilates Teacher Training Questions & Answers.Pilates Teacher Training Questions & Answers.Pilates Teacher Training Questions & Answers.Pilates Teacher Training Ques...

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Pilates Teacher Training Questions &

Name ithe iMovements iof ithe ispine i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-1. iFlexion i(forward ibending)
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2. iExtension i(backward ibending)
kr kr kr

3.Lateral iflexion i(side ibending) kr kr kr


5.Traction i(lengthening) kr

What iare ithe i4 icurves iof ithe ispine i(which iare iprimary iand iwhich iare isecondary) iand ihow
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imany ivertebras idoes ieach ione ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Cervical iSpine i(C1-C7)-Secondary
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Thoracic iSpine i(T1-T12)-Primary iCurve
kr kr kr

Lumbar iSpine i(L1-L5)-Secondary
kr kr

Sacral iSpine i(S1-S5)-Primary
kr kr

Cocyx i(C1-C4) kr

33 iTotal kr

Which iparts iof ithe iSpine iare iFused? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Saccral iand iCoccyx
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Name ithe iTwo imain ivertebra iof ithe iCervical iSpine iand iWhat itheir ifunction iis i? i- icorrect
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iAnswers i✔✔ i-C1: ithe iring-shaped iatlas ithat iconnects idirectly ito ithe iskull. iThis ijoint iallows ifor
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ithe inodding ior i"yes" imotion iof ithe ihead.
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,C2: iThe isecond ivertebra i(C2) iis ithe iaxis, iwhich iallows ifor ithe iside-to-side ior i"no" imotion iof ithe
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Name ithe imain ifunction iof ithe iThoracic iSpine? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the imain ifunction iof ithe
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ithoracic ispine iis ito ihold ithe irib icage iand iprotect ithe iheart iand ilungs. iIt ihas iLIMITED
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Name ithe imain ifunction iof ithe iLumbar iSpine? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the imain ifunction iof ithe
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ilumbar ispine iis ito ibear ithe iweight iof ithe ibody. iThese ivertebrae iare imuch ilarger iin isize ito
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iabsorb ithe istress iof ilifting iand icarrying iheavy iobjects.
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name ithe imain ifunction iof ithe iSacrum ior isacral icurve i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The imain
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ifunction iof ithe isacrum iis ito iconnect ithe ispine ito ithe ihip ibones. iThere iare ifive isacral
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ivertebrae, iwhich iare ifused itogether. iTogether iwith ithe iiliac ibones, ithey iform ia iring icalled ithe
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ipelvic igirdle.
kr kr

name ithe imain ifunction iof ithe iCoccyx. i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the ifour ifused ibones iof ithe
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icoccyx ior itailbone iprovide iattachment ifor iligaments iand imuscles iof ithe ipelvic ifloor.
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What iis ithe ipurpose iof iSpinal iDiscs? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The iintervertebral idiscs iare
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ifibrocartilaginous icushions iserving ias ithe ispine's ishock iabsorbing isystem, iwhich iprotect ithe
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ivertebrae, ibrain, iand iother istructures isuch ias ithe inerves.
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The idiscs iallow isome ivertebral imotion: iextension iand iflexion
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What ihappens ito ithe idiscs ias iwe iage? iWhat iis ithe ibest itype iof imovement ifor iaging ispine? i-
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icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-They istart ito idegenerate i(slip, ilose ifluid, icause ipressure ion inerves). i
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With iage, iour idiscs iincreasingly ilose ithe iability ito ireabsorb ifluid iand ibecome ibrittle iand iflatter;
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ithis iis iwhy iwe iget ishorter ias iwe igrow iolder. iAlso idiseases, isuch ias iosteoarthritis iand
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iosteoporosis, icause ibone ispurs ito igrow. iInjury iand istrain ican icause idiscs ito ibulge ior iherniate,
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icausing ipain iand irestricted imovement.. iTraction iis ibest ifor ithis.
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The idisc ihas itwo itypes iof itissues. iname ithem iand itheir ipurpose i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The
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iannulus ifibrosus ibinds ithe ivertebrae itogether ibut iis iflexible ienough ito iallow ifor iour
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imovements. i
kr kr

- inucleus ipulposus iacts ias ia ishock iabsorber ito isupport ithe ibody's iweight iand iprevent ithe
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ivertebrae ifrom ipainfully icrashing iinto ieach iother iwhile iunder istrain.
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What iis ithe ispinous iprocess? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-a ibony iprojection ioff ithe iposterior i(back)
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iof ieach ivertebra
kr kr kr

,What iis ithe isuperior iarticular ifacet? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-connect ivertebrae
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What iis ithe ivertebral iforamen? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Space iformed iby ipedicles, ilamina, i&
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ibody iof ithe ivertebrae; icontains ithe ispinal icord
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What iis ithe itransverse iprocess? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-mobilizes ithe isides iof ithe ivertebrae
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what iis ithe ilamina? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-small ibone ithat iconnects ivertebra
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What iis ia ifacet ijoint? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The ifacet ijoints iare ismall, icartilage-lined ipoints iof
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icontact iwhere ieach iindividual ibackbone i(vertebra) imeets ithe ione iabove iand ibelow iit. iThey
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iboth ienable iyour ispine ito iflex iduring imovement iand ialso ilimit iits irange iof imotion.
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What iis iconnected ito ithe isacrum? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Pelvis
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What iis ithe iischial ituberosity? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Known ias ithe i"sit ibones" iThe iischial
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ituberosity iis ithe iplace iwhere isemitendinosus, isemimembranonsus, iand ibiceps ifemoris iattach ito.
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articular icartilage i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Where ithe ifemur imeets ithe ipelvis. iit icovers ithe
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isurfaces iof ibones iwhere ithey icome itogether ito iform ijoints
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pectineal iline i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-attachment iof ipelvis ito ifemur
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iliac icrest i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-pelvic igirdle.found ion ithe itop iof ithe ihip ibone. iThe iiliac icrest
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istretches iposteriorly ifrom ithe ianterior isuperior iiliac ispine i(ASIS) ito ithe iposterior isuperior iiliac
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ispine i(PSIS).
kr kr

tubercle iof iiliac icrest i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The iiliac itubercle iis ithe iwidest ipoint iof ithe iiliac
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icrest, iand ilies iat ithe ilevel iof ithe iL5 ispinous iprocess.
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pubic isymphysis i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-a ijoint ican ibe imoved iup ito itwo imillimeters iand iwith ia
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ione idegree iof irotation. iThis iflexibility ichanges iduring ichildbirth. iDuring ipregnancy iand ibirth, ithe
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iligaments iaround ithe ipubic isymphysis ibecome iflexible, iso ithat ithe ichild imay ipass ithrough
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iwithout idifficulty ior icomplications.
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sacroiliac ijoint i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The iconnection ipoint ibetween ithe ipelvis iand ithe
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ivertebral icolumn.
kr kr

ASIS i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-anterior isuperior iiliac ispine
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known ias ithe i"hip ibones." iThese iare ithe ibones ithat istick iout iin ithe ifront iof iour ipelvis iand
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iwhere iwe ioften irest iour ihands.
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PSIS i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-posterior isuperior iiliac ispine
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, Look ifor ithe i"dimples" ior iindentations iin ithe ilower iback iand ithen ipush ideep iinto ithat iarea ito
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ipalpate ithe iPSISs.
kr kr kr

Name ithe ithree itypes iof imuscle itissue i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-1. iSkeletal
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2. iCardiac

3. iSmooth

Pilates iwe ifocus ion iSkeletel
kr kr kr kr

What iis ithe ianatomical iposition? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Facing iforward, ipalms ifacing iforward,
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Name ithe itypes iof imovement i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-1. iFlexion i(when ithe iangle ibetween itwo
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ibones idecreases) i
kr kr kr

2. iExtension i(when ithe iangle iof ia ijoint iincreases) i
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3.Adduction i(when ia ibone imoves itowards ithe imidline iof ithe ibody) i
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4. iAbduction i(when ia ibone imoves iaway ithe imidline iof ithe ibody) i
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5. iCircumduction i- imovement iof ia ilimb iin ia icircular imovement. i
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6.Rotation i(Lateral/medial) iAway ifrom ior itowards ithe imidline.
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Name ithe ianatomical iterms ifor imovement? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-1.Proximal/Distal i- icloser ito/
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ifurther ifrom ithe itrunk ior imidline i
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2. iSuperior/Inferior i- itoward ithe ihead/away ifrom ithe ihead i
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3. iAnterior/Posterior i- ifront iof ithe ibody/back iof ithe ibody i
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

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