ANSC 108 exam 1 review questions &
answers 2024/2025
definition of breed - ANSWERSa group of animals that result from breeding and selection and that have
distinguishable characteristics. ______ have developed to provide increased production (meat, milk,
eggs, and/or wool) in a given environment
polled - ANSWERSnaturally hornless/ no horns
Continental European Breeds - ANSWERSChianina, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Maine Anjou,
Simmental, Texas Longhorn
British breeds - ANSWERSAngus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Red Angus, Shorthorn
Angus - ANSWERSblack, naturally polled, noted for marbling, largest # of annual registrations
Shorthorn - ANSWERSred, white, roan
cattle of swiss origin - ANSWERSsimmental, brown swiss
goats of swiss origin - ANSWERSsaanen
bos indicus breeds - ANSWERSbrahmen, Brangus, simbrah, santa Gertrudis, beefmaster
sire swine breeds - ANSWERS-Duroc
-Spotted Swine
, -Berkshire
maternal swine breeds - ANSWERSchester white, landrace, yorkshire
Landrace - ANSWERSprolific swine breed from Denmark, long drooping ears and extra vertebra
Duroc - ANSWERSreddish brown, noted for marbling
Hampshire (swine) - ANSWERSblack breed with white belt over shoulders, noted for carcass merit (lean,
muscular carcasses)
swine breeds with erect ears - ANSWERSYorkshire, Hampshire, Pietrain, Berkshire
Dorset - ANSWERSEngland, white- faced meat breed, able to breed out of season
Hampshire (sheep) - ANSWERSbrownish black head and legs, wool cap, sire breed in commercial
finewool sheep breads - ANSWERSmerino (spain), rambouillet (france)
Merino - ANSWERS-Spain
-Most dominant breed in the world wide sheep industry
Rambouillet - ANSWERSfrance, the dominant range ewe in the western US (and TX)
sire sheep breeds - ANSWERSHampshire .... southdown, suffolk
maternal sheep breeds - ANSWERSmerino, rambouillet, Columbia, finnsheep