CMP 305 Test 1 Study Guide Questions With
Revised Answers
3 Examples of linear measurement - answer✔✔Line level (stadia), Odometer, Pacing
How do you find distance using stadia hair? - answer✔✔(Top stadia - bottom stadia) * 100
What are the different types of tapes? (3) - answer✔✔Steel, fiberglass, fabric
What does EDMI stand for? - answer✔✔Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument
What are some concerns to be considered before any construction has begun? (3) - answer✔✔is
this the correct site, building facing the correct direction, is building perimeter properly staked?
What are some special requirements to keep in mind during site prep? (3) - answer✔✔Historical
sites, trees, natural waterways
What are the two types of storm water run-off control? - answer✔✔Retaining pond (Holds water
until it percolates through soil or evaporates), holding pond (collects water and slowly discharges
What are the methods determining soil to be removed? (2) - answer✔✔Grid method, radial
How and why should the perimeter of a construction site be marked? - answer✔✔Continuous
flags or barriers, for insurance purposes and to protect individuals working on site and those who
may wander
What are your options for fill material? (2) - answer✔✔Use material on site, or haul material in
(engineer fill)
How do you establish building corners? (3) - answer✔✔batter boards, gps, total station
What are the types of foundations? (2) - answer✔✔Shallow, deep
Characterisitics of Shallow foundations (4) - answer✔✔SOG (slab on grade), Proper soil
compaction, 1-2 story building, not for heavy floor loads
Characteristics of deep foundations (3) - answer✔✔Poor soil conditions, ground floor that floats
free of pier, used for larger structures (below ground space for parking, mechanicals, storage)
Site supervisor responsibilities (2) - answer✔✔Did compaction take place, is the building laid
out right
What does USGS stand for? - answer✔✔United States Geological Survey
What does MSL stand for? - answer✔✔Median Sea Level
What parts make up a grid? - answer✔✔Quadrangle, townships, sections, quarter sections
What is azimuth and how is it expressed? - answer✔✔method of expressing direction during
using entire 360 degrees, expressed counter clockwise
What are the bearing rules? (3) - answer✔✔N and S are considered to be 0 degrees, E and W are
considered to be 90 degrees, a bearing is always less than 90 degrees
What is the importance of aerial photos? (5) - answer✔✔Previous construction site, access roads,
alternate entrances, storm water flow, site layout
How many feet are in 1 mile? - answer✔✔5,280 feet
How many acres are in 1 section? - answer✔✔640 acres
How many sq ft are in 1 acre? - answer✔✔43,560 sq ft
Four areas to consider when thinking about job site organization? - answer✔✔Material handling,
labor productivity, equipment constraints, site constraints
True or false: you want to have your materials as far as possible from your craft so they don't
accidentally use incorrect materials? - answer✔✔False, want material as close as possible for
True or false: You want to store your materials on a remote spot on your job site? -
True or false: materials should be delivered as they are used? - answer✔✔True
True or false: the most experienced craft should move materials to reduce damage to materials? -
answer✔✔False, least expensive workers move materials
True or false: Materials should be delivered close to the point of use? - answer✔✔True
True or false: You should always deliver your own materials to reduce high transportation costs?
- answer✔✔False, always have delivery people haul materials because of liability
What could possibly cause equipment constraints on a site? (5) - answer✔✔Power lines, trees,
point of delivery, traffic, building footprint