Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care 7th Edition by
q q q q q q q q q
q Shannon E. Perry, Marilyn J. Hockenberry, Mary Catherine
q q q q q q q
qCashion Chapter 1-50 Complete .Latest updated 2023 (859
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,Chapter q01: q21st qCentury qMaternity qNursing
1. When qproviding qcare qfor q a qpregnant qwoman, qthe qnurse qshould q be qaware qthat qone qof qthe
qmostqfrequently qreported qmaternal q medical qrisk q factors qis:
a. Diabetes qmellitus. c. q Chronic qhypertension.
b. Mitral qvalve qprolapse q(MVP). d. qAnemia.
2. To qensure qoptimal qoutcomes qfor qthe qpatient, qthe qcontemporary q maternity qnurse qmust
q incorporate qboth qteamwork qand qcommunication qwith qclinicians qinto qher qcare qdelivery, qThe
qSBARqt echnique qof qcommunication q is qan qeasy-to-remember q mechanism q for qcommunication.
qWhich qof qthe qfollowing qcorrectly qdefines qthis qacronym?
a. Situation, qbaseline qassessment, qresponse
b. Situation, qbackground, qassessment, qrecommendation
c. Subjective qbackground, qassessment, qrecommendation
d. Situation, qbackground, qanticipated qrecommendation
3. The qrole qof qthe qprofessional qnurse qcaring qfor qchildbearing qfamilies qhas qevolved qto qemphasize:
a. Providing qcare qto qpatients qdirectly qat qthe qbedside.
,b. Primarily qhospital qcare qof q maternity qpatients.
c. Practice qusing qan qevidence-based qapproach.
d. Planning qpatient qcare qto qcover qlonger qhospital qstays.
4. A q23-year-old qAfrican-American qwoman qis qpregnant qwith qher qfirst qchild. qBased qon qthe
qstatisticsqfor qinfant qmortality, qwhich qplan q is q most qimportant qfor qthe qnurse qto qimplement?
a. Perform qa qnutrition qassessment.
b. Refer qthe qwoman qto qa qsocial qworker.
c. Advise qthe qwoman qto qsee qan qobstetrician, qnot qa qmidwife.
d. Explain qto qthe qwoman qthe qimportance qof qkeeping qher qprenatal qcare qappointments.
5. During qa qprenatal q intake q interview, qthe qnurse q is q in qthe qprocess qof qobtaining qan qinitial
qassessment qof qa q21-year-old qHispanic qpatient qwith qlimited qEnglish qproficiency. qIt qis qimportant
qforqt he qnurse qto:
a. Use qmaternityqjargon q in qorder qfor qthe qpatient qto qbecome q familiar qwith qthese qterms.
, b Speak qquickly qand qefficiently qto qexpedite qthe qvisit.