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  • Focus On Nursing Pharmacology 8th Edition


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  • Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 8th Edition
  • Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 8th Edition
Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 1

9781975100964| COMPLETE GUIDE
Table of Contents A+

Table of Contents
v v

Chapter v01- vIntroduction vto vDrugs C
vChapter v02- vDrugs vand vthe vBody
vChapter v03- vToxic vEffects vof vDrugs
Chapter v04- vThe vNursing vProcess vin vDrug vTherapy vand vPatient vSafety p
vChapter v05- vDosage vCalculations
Chapter v06- vChallenges vto vEffective vDrug vTherapy e
vChapter v07- vIntroduction vto vCell vPhysiology
v Chapter v08- vAnti-infective vAgents
Chapter v09- vAntibiotics 3
vChapter v10- vAntiviral vAgents
vChapter v11- vAntifungal

Chapter v12- vAntiprotozoal vAgents I
vChapter v13- vAnthelmintic vAgents n
vChapter v14- vAntineoplastic vAgents t
Chapter v15- vIntroduction vto vthe vImmune vResponse vand vInflammation r
vChapter v16- vAnti-inflammatory, vAntiarthritis, vand vRelated vAgents o
vChapter v17- vImmune vModulators d
Chapter v 18- v Vaccines v and v Sera u
Chapter v19- vIntroduction vto vNerves vand vthe vNervous vSystem c
vChapter v20- vAnxiolytic vand vHypnotic vAgents t
Chapter v21- vAntidepressant vAgents i
vChapter v22- vPsychotherapeutic o
vAgents vChapter v23- vAntiseizure n
vAgents v Chapter v24- vAntiparkinsonism v

vAgents vChapter v25- vMuscle vRelaxants t
Chapter v26- vNarcotics, vNarcotic vAntagonists, vand vAntimigraine vAgents o
vChapter v27- vGeneral vand vLocal vAnesthetic vAgents v

Chapter v28- vNeuromuscular vJunction vBlocking vAgents t
vChapter v29- vIntroduction vto vthe vAutonomic vNervous vSystem
vChapter v30- vAdrenergic vAgonists
Chapter v31- vAdrenergic vAntagonists v

vChapter v32- vCholinergic vAgonists
vChapter v33- vAnticholinergic vAgents
Chapter v34- vIntroduction vto vthe vEndocrine vSystem p
vChapter v35- vHypothalamic vand vPituitary vAgents
vChapter v36- vAdrenocortical vAgents
Chapter v 37- v Thyroid v and v Parathyroid v Agents d
vChapter v38- vAgents vto vControl vBlood vGlucose vLevels

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 2

ctive v System 3
Chapter v40- vDrugs vAffecting vthe vFemale vReproductive 20
vSystem vChapter v41- vDrugs vAffecting vthe vMale vReproductive 37
vSystem vChapter v42- vIntroduction vto vthe vCardiovascular 54
vSystem v Chapter v43- vDrugs vAffecting vBlood vPressure 71
Chapter v44- vAgents vfor vTreating vHeart vFailure 86
vChapter v45- vAntiarrhythmic vAgents 103
Chapter v46- vAntianginal vAgents 120
vChapter v47- vLipid-Lowering vAgents 138
Chapter v48- vDrugs vAffecting vBlood vCoagulation 155
vChapter v49- vDrugs vUsed vto vTreat vAnemias 172
vChapter v50- vIntroduction vto vthe vRenal vSystem 188

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 3

Chapter v 51- v Diuretic v Agents 833
Chapter v52- vDrugs vAffecting vthe vUrinary vTract vand vthe vBladder 849
vChapter v53- vIntroduction vto vthe vRespiratory vSystem 866
Chapter v54- vDrugs vActing von vthe vUpper vRespiratory vTract 883
vChapter v55- vDrugs vActing von vthe vLower vRespiratory vTract 900
vChapter v56- vIntroduction vto vthe vGastrointestinal vSystem 917
vChapter v57- vDrugs vAffecting vGastrointestinal vSecretions 933
vChapter v58- vDrugs vAffecting vGastrointestinal vMotility 949
vChapter v59- vAntiemetic vAgents 965

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 4

Chapter 01- Introduction to Drugs
v v v v

1. A vnurse vworking vin vradiology vadministers viodine vto va vpatient vwho vis vhaving va vcomputed
vtomography v(CT) vscan. vThe vnurse vworking von vthe voncology vunit vadministers vchemotherapy vto

vpatients vwho vhave vcancer. vAt vthe vPublic vHealth vDepartment, va vnurse vadministers va vmeasles-

mumps-rubella v(MMR) vvaccine vto va v14-month-old vchild vas va vroutine vimmunization. vWhich vbranch
vof vpharmacology vbest vdescribes vthe vactions vof vall vthree vnurses?

A) Pharmacoeconomics

B) Pharmacotherapeutics

C) Pharmacodynamics

D) Pharmacokinetics

Ans: B


Pharmacology vis vthe vstudy vof vthe vbiologic veffects vof vchemicals. vNurses vare vinvolved vwith vclinical
vpharmacology vor vpharmacotherapeutics, vwhich vis va vbranch vof vpharmacology vthat vdeals vwith vthe vuses

vof vdrugs vto vtreat, vprevent, vand vdiagnose vdisease. vThe vradiology vnurse vis vadministering va vdrug vto vhelp

vdiagnose va vdisease. vThe voncology vnurse vis vadministering va vdrug vto vhelp vtreat va vdisease.

Pharmacoeconomics vincludes vany vcosts vinvolved vin vdrug vtherapy. vPharmacodynamics vinvolves vhow va
vdrug vaffects vthe vbody vand vpharmacokinetics vis vhow vthe vbody vacts von vthe vbody.

2. A vphysician vhas vordered vintramuscular v(IM) vinjections vof vmorphine, va vnarcotic, vevery v4 vhours vas
vneeded vfor vpain vin va vmotor vvehicle vaccident vvictim. vThe vnurse vis vaware vthis vdrug vhas va vhigh vabuse

vpotential. v Under vwhat vcategory vwould vmorphine vbe vclassified?

A) Schedule v I

B) Schedule v II

C) Schedule v III

D) Schedule v IV

Ans: B


Narcotics v with v a v high v abuse v potential v are v classified v as v Schedule v II v drugs v because v of v severe
v dependence

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 5

liability. vSchedule vI vdrugs vhave vhigh vabuse vpotential vand vno vaccepted vmedical vuse. vSchedule vIII
vdrugs vhave va vlesser vabuse vpotential vthan vII vand van vaccepted vmedical vuse. vSchedule vIV vdrugs vhave

vlow vabuse vpotential vand vlimited vdependence vliability.

3. When v involved v in v phase v III v drug v evaluation v studies, v what v responsibilities v would v the v nurse v have?

A) Working v with v animals v who v are v given v experimental v drugs

B) Choosing v appropriate v patients v to v be v involved v in v the v drug v study

C) Monitoring v and v observing v patients v closely v for v adverse v effects

D) Conducting vresearch vto vdetermine veffectiveness vof vthe

vdrug vAns: C


Phase vIII vstudies vinvolve vuse vof va vdrug vin va vvast vclinical vpopulation vin vwhich vpatients vare vasked vto
vrecord vany v symptoms v they v experience v while v taking v the v drugs. v Nurses v may v be v responsible v for

v helping v collect vand vanalyze vthe vinformation vto vbe vshared vwith vthe vFood vand vDrug vAdministration

v(FDA) vbut vwould vnot vconduct vresearch vindependently vbecause vnurses vdo vnot vprescribe vmedications.

vUse vof vanimals vin vdrug vtesting v is v done v in v the v preclinical v trials. v Select v patients v who v are v involved v in

v phase v II v studies v to v participate vin vstudies vwhere vthe vparticipants vhave vthe vdisease vthe vdrug vis vintended

vto vtreat. vThese vpatients vare v monitored vclosely vfor vdrug vaction vand vadverse veffects. vPhase vI vstudies

vinvolve vhealthy vhuman vvolunteers vwho vare vusually vpaid vfor vtheir vparticipation. vNurses vmay vobserve vfor

vadverse veffects vand vtoxicity.

4. What v concept v is v considered v when v generic v drugs v are v substituted v for v brand v name v drugs?

A) Bioavailability

B) Critical v concentration

C) Distribution

D) Half-life

Ans: A


Bioavailability vis vthe vportion vof va vdose vof va vdrug vthat vreaches vthe vsystemic vcirculation vand vis vavailable
vto vact von vbody vcells. vBinders vused vin va vgeneric vdrug vmay vnot vbe vthe vsame vas vthose vused vin vthe vbrand

vname vdrug. vTherefore, vthe vway vthe vbody vbreaks vdown vand vuses vthe vdrug vmay vdiffer, vwhich vmay

veliminate va vgeneric vdrug vsubstitution. vCritical vconcentration vis vthe vamount vof va vdrug vthat vis vneeded vto

vcause va vtherapeutic v effect v and v should v not v differ v between v generic v and v brand v name v medications.

v Distribution v is vthe v phase v of v pharmacokinetics, v which v involves v the v movement v of v a v drug v to v the

v body’s v tissues v and v is v the

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 6

same vin vgeneric vand vbrand vname vdrugs. vA vdrug’s vhalf-life vis vthe vtime vit vtakes vfor vthe vamount vof vdrug vto
vdecrease vto vhalf vthe vpeak vlevel, vwhich vshould vnot vchange vwhen vsubstituting va vgeneric vmedication.

5. A vnurse vis vassessing vthe vpatient’s vhome vmedication vuse. vAfter vlistening vto vthe vpatient vlist
vcurrent vmedications, vthe vnurse vasks vwhat vpriority vquestion?

A) Do v you vtake vany v generic v medications?

B) Are v any v of v these v medications v orphan v drugs?

C) Are v these v medications v safe v to v take v during v pregnancy?

D) Do v you v take v any v over-the-counter v medications?

Ans: D


It v is v important v for v the v nurse v to v specifically v question v use v of v over-the-counter v medications
v because vpatients vmay vnot vconsider vthem vimportant. vThe vpatient vis vunlikely vto vknow vthe vmeaning vof

vorphan vdrugs vunless vthey vtoo vare vhealth vcare vproviders. vSafety vduring vpregnancy, vuse vof va vgeneric

vmedication, vor vclassification vof vorphan vdrugs vare vthings vthe vpatient vwould vbe vunable vto vanswer vbut

vcould vbe vfound vin vreference vbooks vif vthe vnurse vwishes vto vresearch vthem.

6. After v completing v a v course v on v pharmacology v for v nurses, v what v will v the v nurse v know?

A) Everything v necessary v for v safe v and v effective v medication v administration

B) Current v pharmacologic v therapy; v the v nurse v will v not v require v ongoing v education v for v 5 v years.

C) General v drug v information; v the v nurse v can v consult v a v drug v guide v for v specific v drug v information.

D) The vdrug vactions vthat vare vassociated vwith veach vclassification vof

v medication vAns: C


After vcompleting va vpharmacology vcourse vnurses vwill vhave vgeneral vdrug vinformation vneeded vfor vsafe
vand veffective vmedication vadministration vbut vwill vneed vto vconsult va vdrug vguide vfor vspecific vdrug

vinformation vbefore v administering v any v medication. v Pharmacology v is v constantly v changing, v with

v new v drugs v entering vthe v market v and v new v uses v for v existing v drugs v identified. v Continuing

v education v in v pharmacology v is vessential v to v safe v practice. v Nurses v tend v to v become v familiar v with

v the v medications v they v administer v most voften, vbut vthere vwill valways vbe va vneed vto vresearch vnew vdrugs

vand valso vthose vthe vnurse vis vnot vfamiliar vwith vbecause vno vnurse vknows vall vmedications.

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 7

7. A vnurse vis vinstructing va vpregnant vpatient vconcerning vthe vpotential vrisk vto vher vfetus vfrom va
vPregnancy vCategory vB vdrug. vWhat vwould vthe vnurse vinform vthe vpatient?

A) Adequate v studies v in v pregnant v women v have v demonstrated v there v is v no v risk v to v the v fetus.

B) Animal vstudies vhave vnot vdemonstrated va vrisk vto vthe vfetus, vbut vthere vhave vbeen vno vadequate
vstudies v in vpregnant vwomen.

C) Animal vstudies vhave vshown van vadverse veffect von vthe vfetus, vbut vthere vare vno vadequate vstudies
vin vpregnant vwomen.

D) There vis vevidence vof vhuman vfetal vrisk, vbut vthe vpotential vbenefits vfrom vuse vof vthe vdrug vmay
vbe vacceptable vdespite vpotential vrisks.

Ans: B


Category vB vindicates vthat vanimal vstudies vhave vnot vdemonstrated va vrisk vto vthe vfetus. vHowever, vthere
vhave vnot vbeen vadequate vstudies vin vpregnant vwomen vto vdemonstrate vrisk vto va vfetus vduring vthe vfirst

vtrimester vof vpregnancy vand vno vevidence vof vrisk vin vlater vtrimesters. vCategory vA vindicates vthat vadequate

vstudies vin vpregnant vwomen vhave vnot vdemonstrated va vrisk vto vthe vfetus vin vthe vfirst vtrimester vor vin vlater


Category vC vindicates vthat vanimal vstudies vhave vshown van vadverse veffect von vthe vfetus, vbut vno vadequate
vstudies vin vhumans. vCategory vD vreveals vevidence vof vhuman vfetal vrisk, vbut vthe vpotential vbenefits vfrom

vthe vuse vof vthe vdrugs vin vpregnant vwomen vmay voutweigh vpotential vrisks.

8. Discharge vplanning vfor vpatients vleaving vthe vhospital vshould vinclude vinstructions von vthe vuse vof vover-
the- vcounter v(OTC) vdrugs. vWhich vcomment vby vthe vpatient vwould vdemonstrate va vgood vunderstanding vof
vOTC v drugs?

A) OTC v drugs vare vsafe vand v do v not v cause vadverse v effects v if v taken vproperly.

B) OTC vdrugs vhave vbeen varound vfor vyears vand vhave vnot vbeen vtested vby vthe vFood vand
vDrug vAdministration v(FDA).

C) OTC v drugs v are v different v from v any v drugs v available v by v prescription v and v cost v less.

D) OTC v drugs v could v cause v serious v harm v if v not v taken v according v to v directions.

Ans: D


It v is v important v to v follow v package v directions v because v OTCs v are v medications v that v can v cause v serious
v harm vif vnot vtaken vproperly. vOTCs vare vdrugs vthat vhave vbeen vdetermined vto vbe vsafe vwhen vtaken vas

vdirected; vhowever, vall vdrugs vcan vproduce vadverse veffects veven vwhen vtaken vproperly. vThey vmay vhave

voriginally v been v prescription v drugs v that v were v tested v by v the v FDA v or v they v may v have v been

v grandfathered v in v when v the

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 8

FDA vlaws vchanged. vOTC veducation vshould valways vbe vincluded vas va vpart vof vthe vhospital vdischarge

9. What v would v be v the v best v source v of v drug v information vfor v a v nurse?

A) Drug v Facts v and vComparisons

B) A v nurse’s v drug v guide

C) A v drug v package v insert

D) The vPhysicians’ vDrug vReference v(PDR)

vAns: B


A vnurse’s vdrug vguide vprovides vnursing vimplications vand vpatient vteaching vpoints vthat vare vmost vuseful vto
vnurses vin vaddition vto vneed-to-know vdrug vinformation vin va vvery vuser vfriendly vorganizational

vstyle.Lippincott’s vNursing vDrug vGuide v(LNDG) vhas vdrug v monographs vorganized valphabetically vand

vincludes v nursing v implications v and v patient v teaching v points. v Numerous v other v drug v handbooks v are

v also v on vthe vmarket vand vreadily vavailable vfor vnurses vto vuse. vAlthough vother vdrug vreference vbooks vsuch

vas vDrug v Facts vand vComparisons, vPDR, vand vdrug vpackage vinserts vcan vall vprovide vessential vdrug

vinformation, vthey vwill vnot vcontain vnursing vimplications vand vteaching vpoints vand vcan vbe vmore vdifficult

vto vuse vthan vnurse’s v drug vguides.

10. The vnurse vis vpreparing vto vadminister va vmedication vfrom va vmultidose vbottle. vThe vlabel vis vtorn vand
vsoiled vbut vthe vname vof vthe vmedication vis vstill vreadable. vWhat vis vthe vnurse’s vpriority vaction?

A) Discard vthe ventire vbottle v and vcontents vand v obtain v a v new vbottle.

B) Find vthe v drug v information vand v create va v new vlabel v for vthe vbottle.

C) Ask vanother v nurse v to v verify vthe v contents v of v the vbottle.

D) Administer v the v medication vif v the v name v of vthe v drug v can vbe v clearly vread.

Ans: A


When vthe vdrug vlabel vis vsoiled vobscuring vsome vinformation vthe vsafest vaction vby vthe vnurse vis vto vdiscard
vthe vbottle vand vcontents vbecause vdrug vlabels vcontain va vgreat vdeal vof vimportant vinformation, vfar vmore

vthan vjust v the vname vof vthe vdrug. vConcentration vof vthe vdrug, vexpiration vdate, vadministration vdirections,

vand v precautions v may v be v missing v from v the v label v and v so v put v the v patient v at v risk. v Looking v up

v drug v information vin v a v drug v handbook v or v consulting v with v another v nurse v will v not v supply v the

v expiration v date v or vconcentration vof vmedication. vBe vsafe vand vdiscard vthe vbottle vand vits vcontents.

,Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 9

11. What v aspect v of v pharmacology v does v a v nurse v study? v (Select v all v that v apply.)

A) Chemical v pharmacology

B) Molecular v pharmacology

C) Impact vof vdrugs v on vthe vbody

D) The vbody’s v response v to v a v drug

E) Adverse vand vanticipated vdrug veffects

vAns: C, vD, vE


Nurses vstudy vpharmacology vfrom va vpharmacotherapeutic vlevel, vwhich vincludes vthe veffect vof vdrugs
von v the vbody, vthe vbody’s vresponse vto vdrugs, vand vboth vexpected vand vunexpected vdrug veffects.

vChemical vand vmolecular vpharmacology v(Options vA vand vB) vare vnot vincluded vin vnursing

vpharmacology vcourses.

12. The vnurse, vproviding vpatient vteaching vabout vhome vmedication vuse vto van volder vadult, vexplains vthat
veven vwhen vdrugs vare vtaken vproperly vthey vcan vproduce vnegative vor vunexpected veffects. vWhat vare

vthese v negative vor vunexpected veffects vcalled?

A) Teratogenic v effects

B) Toxic v effects

C) Adverse v effects

D) Therapeutic v effects

Ans: C


Negative vor vunexpected veffects vare vknown vas vadverse vor vside veffects. vTeratogenic veffects vare vadverse
veffects von vthe vfetus vand vnot va vlikely vconcern vfor van volder vadult. vToxic veffects voccur vwhen vmedication

vis vtaken vin vlarger vthan vrecommended vdosages vcaused vby van vincrease vin vserum vdrug vlevels.

vTherapeutic veffects vare vthe vdesired vactions vfor vwhich vthe vmedication vis vprescribed.

13. After v administering v a v medication, v for v what v would v the v nurse v assess v the v patient?

, Test Bank - Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition by Amy Karch) 10

A) Drug v effects

B) Allergies

C) Pregnancy

D) Preexisting v conditions

Ans: A


After vthe vmedication vis vadministered, vthe vnurse vassesses vthe vpatient vfor vdrug vaffects, vboth
vtherapeutic vand vadverse. vThe vnurse vwould vassess vthe vpatient vfor vallergies, vpreexisting vconditions,

vand vpregnancy vbefore vadministering va vmedication.

14. The vnurse vreceives van vorder vto vadminister van vunfamiliar vmedication vand vobtains va vnurse’s vdrug
vguide vpublished vfour vyears vearlier. vWhat vis vthe vnurse’s vmost vprudent vaction?

A) Find v a v more v recent v reference v source.

B) Use vthe v guide vif v the v drug vis vlisted.

C) Ask v another v nurse v for v drug v information.

D) Verify vthe v information vin v the v guide v with vthe v pharmacist.

Ans: A


The vnurse vis vresponsible vfor vall vmedications vadministered vand vmust vfind va vrecent vreference vsource vto
v ensure vthe vinformation vlearned vabout vthe vmedication vis vcorrect vand vcurrent. vUsing van volder vdrug

vguide vcould vbe vdangerous vbecause vit vwould vnot vcontain vthe vmost vup-to-date vinformation. vAsking

vanother vnurse v or v the v pharmacist v does v not v guarantee v accurate v information v will v be v obtained v and

v could v harm v the v patient vif vthe vinformation vis vwrong.

15. What vwould vthe vnurse vprovide vwhen vpreparing va vpatient vfor vdischarge vand vhome vmedication
vself- vadministration?

A) Personal v contact v information v to v use vif v the v patient v has v questions

B) Thorough v medication v teaching v about v drugs v and v the v drug v regimen

C) Over-the-counter v medications v to v use v to v treat v potential v adverse v effects

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