CPH Practice Exam (1 hour) With Questions And 100% CORRECT ANSWERS
Terms in this set (78)
2. Beneficence
Beneficence is defined as promoting the welfare of others while avoiding behavior that results in
Which of the following principles of medical and
public health ethics requires doing no harm while
promoting the welfare of others?
1. Autonomy
2. Beneficence
Weed, D.L., McKeown, R.E. (2001). Ethics in epidemiology and public health I. Technical terms.
3. Privacy
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 55: 855-857. Retrieved from:
4. Justice
Kinsinger, F. S. (2009). Beneficence and the professional's moral imperative. Journal of
Chiropractic Humanities, 16(1), 44-46. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.echu.2010.02.006
DiClemente R, Crosby R, Kegler M, editors. Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and
CPH Practice Exam (1 Research. 2nd edn. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2009
,9/2/24, 2:28 AM
2. Needs Assessment
Needs assessment provides information about what is needed in the target community. In the
PRECEDE-PROCEED model, a needs assessment is the general umbrella term and may involve a
social assessment, epidemiological assessment, behavioral, environmental, educational, or
ecological assessment. Using a needs assessment allows the planner to determine the degree to
In the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, the step in
which the needs is are being met. Needs assessment help to identify the gap between what is
program planning where planners use data to
and what should be.
identify and rank health problems is called:
1. Behavioral assessment
2. Needs assessment
3. Ecological assessment
4.Environmental assessment
Glamz. Karen, et. al. Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice, 4th
ed. John wiley& Sons, Inc., San Francisco, 2008, p. 415.
CPH Practice Exam (1 hour)
,9/2/24, 2:28 AM
4.Add chlorine to water storage containers
In addressing an outbreak of bacteria and viruses in a low resource country, disinfection is
considered a primary mechanism for inactivating/destroying pathogenic organisms and
preventing the spread of waterborne diseases to downstream users and the environment. Some
of the most commonly used disinfectants for decentralized applications include chlorine, iodine,
and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Chlorine is one of the most practical and widely used disinfectants.
In low resource countries during an outbreak,
what simple, low-tech sanitation measure can
dramatically reduce the spread of enteric bacteria
and viruses?
1. Disposing of stagnant water
2. Sleeping under an insecticide-soaked bednet
3.Vaccination of those individuals who work on the
water supply
Kitis, M. (2004). Disinfection of wastewater with peracetic acid: a review. Environment
4.Add chlorine to water storage containers
international, 30(1), 47-55.
McGlynn, W. (2015). Guidelines for the Use of Chlorine Bleach as a Sanitizer in Food Processing
Operations. Oklahoma State University Food Technology Fact Sheet, FAPC-116.
Hejkal, T. W., Keswick, B., LaBelle, R. L., Gerba, C. P., Sanchez, Y., Dreesman, G., ... & Melnick, J.
L. (1982). Viruses in a community water supply associated with an outbreak of gastroenteritis and
infectious hepatitis. Journal‐American Water Works Association, 74(6), 318-321.
CPH Practice Exam (1 hour)
, 9/2/24, 2:28 AM
3.No one set of traits has been established as necessary
Trait-based approaches to leadership theory are concerned with traits that distinguish leaders
from other people and the magnitude of the differences between the two groups. Early trait-
based approaches posited that leaders possessed innate heritable qualities that differentiated
them from the general population. Later research on leadership emphasized behavior rather than
traits. More recent literature focuses on a combination of traits and behaviors, but has not
explicitly identified a set of traits, innate or otherwise, that constitute a leader.
Which of the following statements best
characterizes research findings about trait-based
approaches to leadership theory?
1. Intelligence, high energy, and initiative are
2. Personality traits are irrelevant
3. No one set of traits has been established as
Derue, D. S., Nahrgang, J. D., Wellman, N., & Humphrey, S. E. (2011). Trait and behavioral
4. Leaders are born, not made
theories of leadership: An integration and meta‐analytic test of their relative validity. Personnel
Psychology, 64(1), 7-52. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2010.01201.x
Smith, M. A., & Canger, J. M. (2004). Effects of supervisor 'big five' personality on subordinate
attitudes. Journal Of Business And Psychology, 18(4), 465-481.
Lord, R. G., de Vader, C. L., & Alliger, G. M. (1986). A meta-analysis of the relation between
personality traits and leadership perceptions: An application of validity generalization
procedures. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 402-410. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.71.3.402
CPH Practice Exam (1 hour)