Cpl's Course Leadership I Exam Questions
And Answers
RANK hSTRUCTURE h- hANS-An hestablished hrank hstructure haids hthe hMarine hCorps
hin hcarrying hout hits hmission hby horganizing hthe hduties, hresponsibilities, hand hauthority
hnecessary hto hsucceed.
Without hthis horganizational hstructure, hour hinstitution hwould hbe hshapeless hand
hineffective hat hcarrying hout hour hassigned hmissions.
The hsuccess hof hthe hMarine hCorps hand hof hour hMarines hdepend hgreatly hon hthe
hMarines hwho hcarry hout hthese hduties hand hresponsibilities hof hleadership.
HISTORY hOF hORGANIZED hRANKS h- hANS-The hleadership hposition hof hthe hMarine
hNCO hdid hnot hbegin hwith hthe hbirth hof hthe hUnited hStates hMarines hCorps. hThis
hposition hevolved hover hcenturies hof hmilitary haction hand hwas hinfluenced hby hdifferent
Historically, harmies hconsisted hof hofficers hand hgroups hof hmen hthey henlisted hto hbe
hin htheir hcharge. hAs hthe hfirst hprofessional harmy hin hhistory, hthe hRoman hLegion
hformalized ha hmilitary hrank hstructure hthat hrecognized hsubordinate hranks hto hthe
hcenturion hwho hwas hthe hequivalent hof htoday's hcompany hcommander.
These hindividuals hassisted hthe hcenturion hin hthe hrunning hof hthe hunit.
optio h- hANS-the hcenturion's hsecond hin hcommand hand hoversaw hall htraining hof hthe
hcentury. hIn hbattle, hthe hoptio hcommanded hthe hrear hof hthe hformation hand hwas
hidentified hby ha hwhite hand hblack hplume hand hthe hwooden hstaff hhe hcarried hto
henforce horders
tesserarius h- hANS-the hhead hof hthe hguard, hkeeper hof hthe hwatch, hand hsecond hin
hcommand hto hthe hoptio. hThis hnoncommissioned hofficer hoversaw hfatigue hand hguard
hduties hfor hthe hcompany.
,signifier h- hANS-the htreasurer hand halso hcarried hthe h"standard," ha hmedallion
hdecorated hstaff hthat hidentified hthe hcompany hrally hpoint. hHe hwas hthird hin hcommand
hof hthe hcentury hand hwore ha hdraped hbear's hhide.
decantus h- hANS-the hfirst hrank ha hlegionary hcould hbe hpromoted hto. hSupervising ha
hsection hof height hmen, hthey hoversaw hcamp hset-up hand htraining hwhile henforcing
hpersonal hhygiene hand hmaintenance hof hequipment. hThey hwere hidentified hby htwo
hfeathers hattached hto hthe hside hof htheir hhelmets
ORIGIN hOF hTERMS: hCORPORAL h- hANS-The hterm hcorporal his hderived hfrom h15th
hcentury hItaly.
The hItalian harmy's hmain htactical hformation hwas hthe hsquadra hwhich htranslates hinto
hsquare. hThe hsquadra hwas hcommanded hby ha hreliable hveteran hknown has hthe hcapo
hde hsquadra, hor hhead hof hthe hsquare.
A hhundred hyears hlater, hduring hthe h17th hcentury, hthe hterm hwas hshortened hto
hcaporale. hAt hthat hsame htime, hthe hFrench hpicked hup hthe hterm hpronouncing hit hin
hvarious hways, hone hof hthem hbeing hcorporal.
By hthe h17th hor h18th hcentury, hthe hBritish hadopted hthe hrank hof hcorporal. hIn h1803,
hwhen hthey hbegan husing hchevrons, hBritish hcorporals hreceived htwo hstripes.
During hthe hAmerican hRevolution, hboth hBritish hand hFrench hregulations hinfluenced
hthe hmilitary hstructure hof hthe hcontinental hforces.
ORIGIN hOF hTERMS: hSERGEANT h- hANS-The hterm hsergeant hbegan has hserviens,
hLatin hfor hservant, hto ha hknight hin h13th hcentury hFrance.
The hserviens hwere hexperienced hwarriors hthat hrode hhorses, hbut hwere hnot hwealthy
henough hto hafford hall hthe hequipment hand hretainers hto hqualify has ha hknight.
hServiens hwould hbe hcalled hupon hto htake hcharge hof ha hgroup hof hserfs hforced hto
hserve hin hthe harmy. hThey hwere hresponsible hfor hconducting htraining, hleading hserfs
hinto hbattle, hand hkeeping horder. hAt hthe htime hit hwas han hoccupation, hnot ha hrank.
The hEnglish hadopted hthe hword hfrom hthe hFrench hand hbegan hpronouncing hit hSAR-
gent. hThe hcolonies hcontinued hto hsupply hboth hsoldiers hand hMarines hto hthe hBritish
hempire. hTherefore, hwhen hthe hAmerican hcolonies hcreated htheir hown hmilitary hit hwas
,honly hnatural hto hinclude hthe hrank hof hsergeant. hOver hthe hyears, htechnical hadvances
hand hmany hdifferent hduties hand hresponsibilities hhave hled hto hseveral hgrades hof
RESOLUTION h- hANS-More hthan hjust hour hemblem hwas hderived hfrom hthe hBritish
hRoyal hMarines. hIn hthe h17th hand h18th hcentury hAmerican hcolonists hwere hnotably ha
hmaritime hpeople. hEngland hfound hthe hcolonists hto hbe hwell hacclimated hto hservice
hupon hthe hsea hand htherefore, ha hlarge hnumber hwere hraised hto hserve hthe hBritish
hfleet has hRoyal hMarines. h
On h10 hNov h1775, has hthe hSecond hContinental hCongress hresolved hthat htwo
hbattalions hof hMarines hbe hraised, hnumerous hcolonists hpossessed hthe htraining hand
hexperience hthat hmade hthem hthe hbest hsort hfor han hefficient hMarine hforce.
The hresolution hspecified hstructure hto hinclude hone hcolonel, htwo hlieutenant hcolonels,
htwo hmajors, hand hofficers has husual hin hother hregiments. h"Other hregiments" his ha
hreference hto hland hforces. hCorporals hand hsergeants hwere hincluded hamong hthese
hofficers has hthey hwere hin hthe hBritish hRoyal hMarines.
TRANSFORMATION h- hANS-In h1777, has hthe hContinental hArmy hmoved hinto hwinter
hquarters hat hValley hForge hthey hwere hlow hon hdiscipline, hsupplies, hand hvictories.
hThe hBritish hhad htaken hthe hAmerican hcapital hof hPhiladelphia hand hrouted hthem hat
hthe hBattles hof hBrandywine hand hGermantown.
Painfully haware hof hhis harmy's hshortcomings, hGeneral hWashington hrequested han
hinspector-general hto htransform hthem hinto ha hprofessional hfighting hforce. hThe
hrequest hwas hanswered hwith hthe harrival hof hthe hPrussian hBaron hFriedrich hWilhelm
hVon hSteuben.
The hgreat hefforts hof hInspector hGeneral hVon hSteuben htransformed hthis hragtag harmy
hinto ha hcohesive hand hdisciplined hfighting hforce hthat hwould hdefeat hthe helite hBritish
hmilitary. h
His hRevolutionary hWar hDrill hManual hor hRegulations hfor hthe hOrder hand hDiscipline
hof hthe hTroops hof hthe hUnited hStates hcommonly hcalled h"The hBlue hBook"
•Standardized hdrill
•Camp hsanitation
•Unit hstructure
, •Leadership hqualities
•Leadership hduties hand hresponsibilities
Much hof hwhat his hdone htoday hstems hfrom hthese hteachings
VALLEY hFORGE: hCONTINENTAL hMARINES h- hANS-Just hbefore hthe hBattle hof
hTrenton h(1776), hMajor hSamuel hNicholas hwas hattached hto hthe hContinental hArmy
hwith hthree hcompanies hof hMarines hand hassigned hto hserve has hboth hinfantry hand
hartillery hunder hColonel hCadwalader.
In hthe hfall hof h1777, hthe hMarines hwould hfollow hthe hContinental hArmy hinto hwinter
hquarters hat hValley hForge hwhere hMaj. hNicholas hcontinued hto hassist hCol.
hCadwalader has hmuster hmaster hand hquartermaster. hDuring hthis hperiod, hNicholas
hand hthe hMarines hwould hwitness hthe hgreat htransformation hof hthe hContinental
Congress hjudged hthat hprescribing hsome hinvariable hrules hfor horder hand hdiscipline
hof htroops hwas hinherently himportant hand hordered hthat hthe hdecided hregulations hbe
hobserved hby hall htroops hof hthe hUnited hstates. hAt hthis htime, hMarines hwere hheld hto
hboth hNavy hregulations, hwhile hat hsea, hand hArmy hregulations, hwhile hon hland.
General hVon hSteuben's hregulations hremained hthe hofficial hmilitary hguide huntil hthe
hWar hof h1812. hIts hrelevance hcan hstill hbe hseen hin hmodern huse htoday hespecially hin
hour hrecruit htraining.
hinstructions, hGeneral hVon hSteuben hfirst haddressed hthe hdress hand harming hof
hofficer hand henlisted hleadership. hIn hChapter h2, hhe hbegins hto hlay hout htheir
hresponsibilities. hIn hthese hresponsibilities, hhe haddresses hthe hnoncommissioned
hofficers' hduty has htechnical hexpert, hinstructor, hand henforcer hof hmilitary hregulations.
To hthe hcommanding hofficers, hVon hSteuben haddressed hthe himportance hof hselecting
hnoncommissioned hofficers hwhen hhe hstated h"The horder hand hdiscipline hof hthe
hregiment hdepends hso hmuch hupon htheir hbehavior..."