Biosafety Test 1 With Correct Questions
And Answers 2024
single bmost bimportant belement, bthe bstrict badherence bto bSOPs band bprotocols bby
bknowledgeable, btrained band bskilled bprofessionals bWITH bTHE bINTENT bTO bCOMPLY b-
bcorrect banswer.Biosafety
specific bsets bof bwritten binstructions babout bhow bto bperform ba bcertain baspect bof ba btask
b(cover ball broutine bpractices, best bbasic btenor, best bbasic blevel bof bskill, bindicate blevel bof
btraining brequired, breflect bthe bnature bof bthe bwork) b- bcorrect banswer.Standard bOperating
bProcedures b(SOPs)
basic blaboratory bpractice b- bcorrect bmouth bpipetting, bappropriate bPPE, bwash
bhands bfrequently, bdecon bsurfaces broutinely, brestrict buse bof bsharps, bno beating bor
bdrinking bor bapplying bof bcosmetics bor bcontact blenses
3 bparts bof bthe brisk-based bassessment btriangle b- bcorrect banswer.1. bagent-based
bqualitative brisk
2. bpotential bfor bexposure
3. brisk banalysis bof bactivity bto bbe bperformed
agent/facility branking b(RL b1-4/BSL b1-4), bcheck blists bto bdetermine bcurrent branking b(lists
bare bnot bstatic), bmitigating bfactors b(virulence bvs. bnon bvirulent bstrains, bvaccine bstrains
b(avirulent/attenuated), bclinical blaboratory bunknowns b- bcorrect banswer.agent-based
bqualitative brisk
qualitative bagent/facility branking, bpotential bto bgenerate baerosols b(historically bof bgreatest
bconcern), bability bto baddress bincidentaal/ baccidental bexposure b(engineering bcontrols,
bdecon/sterilization, bPPE, badministrative bcontrols) b- bcorrect banswer.potential bfor
develop ba bquantitative bassessment b(job bsafety banalysis), breview bof bsimilar boperations,
breview boperations busing bmodels/simulants bto bunderstand bpotential bfor bexposure,
bbench-top bexercises, b"water bbatching"/simulation b(gauge boperations/ergonomics),
bscore beach boperation band bprocess, bdevelop bcombined bscore b- bcorrect banswer.risk
banalysis bof bperformed bactivity
, aim bof badministrative bcontrols bas bdefined bby bOSHA b- bcorrect banswer.a bworkplace bfree
bof bRECOGNIZED bhazard
procedures bcompanies bimplement bto bevaluate bperformance band bmonitor bcompliance
bwith bcompany bpolicies band bpublic blaws, bestablishes band bdefines baccountability bfor ball
binvolved, bpersonal bassessed, bcontinuous bimprovement, bcomplete b"buy-in", bestablish
btraining brequirements, bproper bcommunication bof bhazards band bissues
b(RESPONSIBILITY bAND bACOUNTABILITY) b- bcorrect banswer.administrative bcontrols
At bwhich bBSL bare brespirators brequired? b- bcorrect banswer.BSL3 bwhen bworking boutside
bof bcontainment
What bdoes bOSHA bstand bfor? b- bcorrect banswer.Occupational bSafety band bHealth
all bthe bfollowing bhave bbeen bshown bto bbe ba bsource bof baerosols band btherefore bare ba
bcause bfor bconcern: b- bcorrect banswer.centrifuges, bblenders, bvortex bmixers, bsonic
bdevices, bgrinders, bmortar b& bpestle, bpipets, bwater bbaths, bshaker bbaths, bincubators,
brefrigerators, bfreezers, bice bchests, bvacuum blines, bvacuum bpumps
approach bto baddress bexposure bto baerosols bby bpipettes: b- bcorrect banswer.use bin ba bBSC
bto bcontrol bexposure
approaches bto baddress bexposure bto bsyringes b& bneedles: b- bcorrect banswer.use
bdiscouraged bwhenever bpossible, buse bof bHub-less bsyringes bto breduce bsticks
approaches bto baddress bexposure bwhen busing bcentrifuges: b- bcorrect banswer.vacuum
binstalled bon bcentrifuge
which bpiece bof bequipment: bvacuum bline bmust bhave bfilter, brotors bexperience bmetal
bfatigue b(clean, bdry, binspect, brecord blogs, bsome bmade bof baluminum, bchemical
bincompatibilities bcan bresult bin bcorrosion bor bpitting, bpolypropylene boxide b(Noryl)),
bmaintainence bschedule, bdisposal bissues b(vacuum bfilters, bspills), bdecon bissues b- bcorrect
banswer.centrifuge bequipment
which bpiece bof bequipment: binspected, bcleaned, bmaintained, bsterilized, bproper bselection
bof brotor btubes b& binserts b& bcaps, bunderstand bchemical bcompatibility bof btubes, bdo bnot
boverfill, bappropriate bclosures b(screw bcap: banalytical, bsnap bcap: bmicrofuge), bcertain
bactivities bdone bin bappropriate bBSC b(filling, bsealing, bopening, bdecanting, bre-suspending
bpellets b(use bleast benergetic bprocedure)) b- bcorrect banswer.centrifuge btubes
which bglass bis bprefered bover bPyrex? b- bcorrect banswer.Corex bglass, b4X bstrength bof
bPyrex bwhen bcentrifuging, binspect btubes bfor bdefects