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TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024.TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers ...

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TFM08 Exam Questions And Answers 2024

Fire fProtection fSprinkler fSystem f- fANS-an fassembly fof funderground for foverhead
fpiping for fconduits fthat fconveys fwater fwith for fwithout fother fagents fto fdispersal
fopenings for fdevices fto: f(A) fextinguish, fcontrol, for fcontain ffire; fand f(B) fprovide
fprotection ffrom fexposure fto ffire for fthe fproducts fof

Fire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fcontractor f- fANS-an findividual for forganization fthat
foffers fto fundertake, frepresents fitself fas fbeing fable fto fundertake, for fundertakes fthe
fplan, fsale, finstallation, fmaintenance, for fservicing fof: f(A) fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler
fsystem; for f(B) fany fpart fof fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem

Individual f- fANS-a fnatural fperson, fincluding fan fowner, fmanager, fofficer, femployee, for

Insurance fagent f- fANS-(A) fan findividual, ffirm, for fcorporation flicensed funder: f(i)
fSubchapter fE, fChapter f981; for f(ii) fSubchapter fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, for fG, fChapter f4051; for
f(B) fan findividual fauthorized fto frepresent fan finsurance ffund for fpool fcreated fby fa
fmunicipality, fcounty, for fother fpolitical fsubdivision fof fthis fstate funder fChapter f791,
fGovernment fCode.

Installation f- fANS-the finitial fplacement fof fequipment; for f(B) fthe fextension,
fmodification, for falteration fof fequipment fafter finitial fplacement.

License f- fANS-document fissued fto fa fresponsible fmanaging femployee fauthorizing fthe
femployee fto fengage fin fthe ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fbusiness fin fthis fstate.

Maintenance f- fANS-the fmaintenance fof fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem for fany fpart
fof fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fin fthe fcondition fof frepair fthat fprovides
fperformance fas foriginally fplanned.

Organization f- fANS-a fcorporation, fa fpartnership for fother fbusiness fassociation, fa
fgovernmental fentity, for fany fother flegal for fcommercial fentity.

Registration fcertificate f- fANS-the fdocument fissued fto fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler
fsystem fcontractor fauthorizing fthe fcontractor fto fengage fin fbusiness fin fthis fstate

Responsible fmanaging femployee f- fANS-an findividual fdesignated fby fa fcompany fthat
fplans, fsells, finstalls, fmaintains, for fservices ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystems fto fensure
fthat feach ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem, fas finstalled, fmaintained, for fserviced, fmeets
fthe fstandards ffor fthe fsystem fas fprovided fby flaw.

,Service f- fANS-maintenance, frepair, for ftesting

Section f6003.002 fApplicability fof fChapter f- fANS-(a) fThis fchapter fdoes fnot fapply fto:
f(1) fan femployee fof fthe fUnited fStates, fthis fstate, for fany fpolitical fsubdivision fof fthis
fstate fwho facts fas fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fcontractor ffor fthe femploying
fgovernmental fentity; f(2) fthe fplan, fsale, finstallation, fmaintenance, for fservicing fof fa ffire
fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fin fany fproperty fowned fby fthe fUnited fStates for fthis fstate;
f(3) fan findividual for forganization facting funder fcourt forder fas fauthorization; f(4) fan
findividual for forganization fthat fsells for fsupplies fproducts for fmaterials fto fa fregistered
ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fcontractor; f(5) fan finstallation, fmaintenance, for fservice
fproject ffor fwhich fthe ftotal fcontract fprice ffor flabor, fmaterials, fand fall fother fservices fis
fless fthan f$100, fif: f(A) fthe fproject fis fnot fa fpart fof fa fcomplete for fmore fcostly fproject,
fwhether fthe fcomplete fproject fis fto fbe fundertaken fby fone for fmore ffire fprotection
fsprinkler fsystem fcontractors; for f(B) fthe fproject fis fnot fdivided finto fcontracts fof fless
fthan f$100 ffor fthe fpurpose fof fevading fthis fchapter; f(6) fan fengineer flicensed funder
fChapter f1001, fOccupations fCode, facting fsolely fin fthe fengineer's fprofessional
fcapacity; f(7) fa fregular femployee fof fa fregistered ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem
fcontractor; for f(8) fan fowner for flessee fof fproperty fthat: f(A) finstalls fa ffire fprotection
fsprinkler fsystem fon fthe fowned for fleased fproperty ffor fthe fowner's for flessee's fown
fuse for ffor ffamily fmembers' fuse; fand f(B) fdoes fnot foffer fthe fproperty ffor fsale for flease
fbefore fthe ffirst fanniversary fof fthe fdate fof finstallation fof fthe ffire fprotection fsprinkler
fsystem. f(b) fThis fchapter fdoes fnot fauthorize fan findividual for forganization fto fpractice
fprofessional fengineering fother fthan fin fcompliance fwith fChapter f1001, fOccupations

Section f6003.003 fEffect fon fLocal fRegulation f- fANS-(a) fThis fchapter fand fthe frules
fadopted funder fthis fchapter fhave funiform fforce fand feffect fthroughout fthis fstate. fA
fmunicipality for fcounty fmay fnot fenact fan forder, fordinance, for frule frequiring fa ffire
fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fcontractor fto fobtain fa fregistration fcertificate ffrom fthe
fmunicipality for fcounty. fA fmunicipality for fcounty fmay fnot fimpose fon fa ffire fprotection
fsprinkler fsystem fcontractor fqualification for ffinancial fresponsibility frequirements fother
fthan fproof fof fa fregistration fcertificate. f(b) fNotwithstanding fany fother fprovision fof fthis
fchapter, fa fmunicipality for fcounty fmay frequire fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem
fcontractor fto fobtain fa fpermit fand fpay fa fpermit ffee ffor fthe finstallation fof fa ffire
fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fand frequire fthe finstallation fof fa ffire fprotection fsprinkler
fsystem fto fconform fto fthe fbuilding fcode for fother fconstruction frequirements fof fthe
fmunicipality for fcounty. f(c) fA fmunicipal for fcounty forder, fordinance, for frule fin feffect fon
fSeptember f1, f1983, fis fnot finvalidated fbecause fof fany fprovision fof fthis fchapter.

Section f6003.051 fAdministration fof fChapter f- fANS-(a) fThe fdepartment fshall
fadminister fthis fchapter. f(b) fThe fcommissioner fmay fissue frules fnecessary fto
fadminister fthis fchapter fthrough fthe fstate ffire fmarshal.

Section f6003.052 fAdoption fof fRules f- fANS-(a) fIn fadopting fnecessary frules, fthe
fcommissioner fmay fuse frecognized fstandards, fincluding fstandards: f(1) fadopted fby
ffederal flaw for fregulation; f(2) fpublished fby fa fnationally frecognized fstandards-making

, forganization; for f(3) fdeveloped fby findividual fmanufacturers. f(b) fUnder frules fadopted
funder fSection f6003.051(b), fthe fdepartment fmay fcreate fa fspecialized flicensing for
fregistration fprogram ffor ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystem fcontractors.

Section f6003.053 fRules fRestricting fAdvertising for fCompetitive fBidding f- fANS-(a) fThe
fcommissioner fmay fnot fadopt frules frestricting fadvertising for fcompetitive fbidding fby
fthe fholder fof fa flicense for fregistration fcertificate fissued funder fthis fchapter fexcept fto
fprohibit ffalse, fmisleading, for fdeceptive fpractices. f(b) fIn fthe fcommissioner's frules fto
fprohibit ffalse, fmisleading, for fdeceptive fpractices, fthe fcommissioner fmay fnot finclude
fa frule fthat: f(1) frestricts fthe fuse fof fany fmedium ffor fadvertising; f(2) frestricts fthe fuse fof
fa flicense for fregistration fcertificate fholder's fpersonal fappearance for fvoice fin fan
fadvertisement; f(3) frelates fto fthe fsize for fduration fof fan fadvertisement fby fthe flicense
for fregistration fcertificate fholder; for f(4) frestricts fthe flicense for fregistration fcertificate
fholder's fadvertisement funder fa ftrade fname.

Section f6003.054 fGeneral fPowers fand fDuties fof fCommissioner, fState fFire fMarshal,
fand fDepartment f- fANS-(a) fThe fcommissioner fmay fdelegate fauthority fto fexercise fall
for fpart fof fthe fcommissioner's ffunctions, fpowers, fand fduties funder fthis fchapter,
fincluding fthe fissuance fof flicenses fand fregistration fcertificates, fto fthe fstate ffire
fmarshal. fThe fstate ffire fmarshal fshall fimplement fthe frules fadopted fby fthe
fcommissioner ffor fthe fprotection fand fpreservation fof flife fand fproperty fin fcontrolling:
f(1) fthe fregistration fof fan findividual for fan forganization fengaged fin fthe fbusiness fof
fplanning, fselling, finstalling, fmaintaining, for fservicing ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystems;
fand f(2) fthe frequirements ffor fthe fplan, fsale, finstallation, fmaintenance, for fservicing fof
ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystems fby: f(A) fdetermining fthe fcriteria fand fqualifications ffor
fregistration fcertificate fand flicense fholders; f(B) fevaluating fthe fqualifications fof fan
fapplicant ffor fa fregistration fcertificate fto fengage fin fthe fbusiness fof fplanning, fselling,
finstalling, fmaintaining, for fservicing ffire fprotection fsprinkler fsystems; f(C) fconducting
fexaminations fand fevaluating fthe fqualifications fof fa flicense fapplicant; fand f(D) fissuing
fregistration fcertificates fand flicenses fto fqualified fapplicants. f(b) fThe fcommissioner
fshall festablish fa fprocedure ffor freporting fand fprocessing fcomplaints frelating fto fthe
fbusiness fof fplanning, fselling, finstalling, fmaintaining, for fservicing ffire fprotection
fsprinkler fsystems fin fthis fstate

Section f6003.055 fFees f- fANS-(a) fThe fcommissioner fshall fset fthe ffee ffor: f(1) fa
fregistration fcertificate fapplication fin fan famount fnot fto fexceed f$100; f(2) fan finitial for
frenewal fregistration fcertificate fin fan famount fnot fto fexceed f$1,200 fannually; fand f(3)
fan finitial for frenewal fresponsible fmanaging femployee flicense ffee fin fan famount fnot fto
fexceed f$200 fannually. f(b) fUnless fthe fexamination ffor fa fresponsible fmanaging
femployee flicense fis fadministered fby fa ftesting fservice, fthe fcommissioner fshall fset fa
fnonrefundable ffee ffor feach fexamination fin fan famount fnot fto fexceed f$100. f(c) fThe
fcommissioner fshall fset fa ffee fin fan famount fnot fto fexceed f$70 ffor: f(1) fa fduplicate
fregistration fcertificate for flicense fissued funder fthis fchapter; for f(2) fany frequest
frequiring fchanges fto fa fregistration fcertificate for flicense.

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