ADA vscreening vfor vDM vin vChildren v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- v-symptomatic vchildren v(polyuria,
vpolydipsia, vpolyphagia, vblurred vvision) vregardless vof vrisk vfactors v
-asymptomatic vchildren vafter vpuberty vor v10 vyears vof vage vor volder vif voverweight vor vobese v(>85th
vpercentile). vPlus v1 vof vthe vfollowing:
*T2DM vin v1st vor v2nd vdegree vrelative
*high vrisk vracial/ethnic vgroup v
*signs vof vinsulin vresistance v(HTN, vdyslipidemia, vacanthosis vnigricans, vPCOS, vSGA)
*maternal vhx vof vDM vor vGDM vduring vthe vchild's vgestation
Statistics v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- v- vleading vcauses vof vdeath: vHeart vdisease, vcancer, vlung vdisease
- vleading vcause vof vcancer vdeath: vlung v
- vleading vcause vof vdeath vin vadolescents: vaccidents
- vmost vcommon vcancer: vskin. v
- vin vmales: vprostate. vin vfemales: vbreast
suicide: vmales vmore vsuccessful, vwomen vmore vattempts. vhighest vrate vis volder vwhite vmales.
Osgood-Schlatter: v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vknee vpain vin vyoung vadults, voveruse. vRepetitive vstress
vpain, vtenderness, vswelling vat vthe vtendon's vinsertion vsite. vThe vtibial vtuberosity. vRule vout vavulsion
vfracture vif vthere vis van vacute vonset vand vorder va vlateral vxray. vRICE. vUsually vstops vwhen vthe
vgrowth vstops.
If vpatient vhas vright vsided vweakness, vetc. vthe vCVA voccurred vwhere v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vleft vside
,initial vevaluation vof vsymptoms vof vacute vprostatitis v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vUrinalysis vand vurine
A v65-year-old vwoman vpresents vfor va vfollow-up vexamination vafter va vnew vpatient vvisit. vShe vhas
vnot vseen va vhealthcare vprovider vfor vseveral vyears. vShe vis va vsmoker vand vher vhypertension vis
vnow vadequately vcontrolled vwith vmedication. vHer vmother vdied vat vage v40 vfrom va vheart vattack.
vThe vfasting vlipid vprofile vshows vcholesterol v= v240 vmg/dL, vHDL v= v30, vand vLDL v= v200. vIn vaddition
vto vstarting vTherapeutic vLifestyle vChanges, vthe vnurse vpractitioner vshould vstart vthe vpatient von:
1. vbile vacid vsequestrant.
2. va vstatin vdrug.
3. va vcholesterol vabsorption vinhibitor.
4. vlow-dose vaspirin. v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vA vstatin vdrug
Ortolani's vClick v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- va vclick vis vheard vor vfelt vas vdislocation vis vreduced
v(developmental vdysplasia vof vhip) v(good vuntil vone vyear)
Which vof vthe vfollowing vlaboratory vtests vshould va vnurse vpractitioner vorder vwhen vthe vsuspected
vdiagnosis vis vtemporal varteritis? v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vErythrocyte vsedimentation vrate v(ESR)
What vare vnarrow vtherapeutic vindex vdrugs? v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- v1. vWarfarin vsodium v(Coumadin):
vmonitor vINR
2. vDigoxin v(lanoxin): vmonitor vdigoxin vlevel, vEKG, velectrolytes(potassium, vmagnesium, vcalcium)
3. vTheophylline: vmonitor vblood vlevels
4. vCarbamazepime v(Tegretol) vand vPhenytoin v(Dilantin): vMonitor vblood vlevels
5. vLevothyroxine: vMonitor vTSH
6. vLithium: vMonitor vblood vlevels, vTSH v(risk vof vhypothyroidism)
Otitis vExterna vtx v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vFluoroquinolone v& vPolymyxin vB vcortisporin vdrops
An velderly vmale vpatient vcomplains vof va vnew-onset, vleft-sided vtemporal vheadache vaccompanied
vby vscalp vtenderness vand vindurated vtemporal vartery. vThe vNP vsuspects vtemporal varteritis. vWhat
,vscreening vtest vwould vyou vorder vto vassist vwith vdiagnosis? v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vsedimentation
vrate v(expect vto vbe vvery velevated)
Basal vCell vCarcinoma v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vPearly vdomed vnodule vwith voverlaying vtelangiectatic
vvessels. vCould vbe vplaque, vpapule, vpossible vcentral vulceration vand vcrusting. vDx: vBiopsy vTx:
Normal, vhealthy vwoman vof vreproductive vage v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vwhite, vclear,
vflocculent(physiologic vleukorrhea), vno vcomplaints, vpH v3.8-4.2 v(toward vacidic), vno vodor,
vmicroscopic vshows vlactobacilli v(gram+bacteria)
Multiple vinfections vfrom vbacteria vand vfungus? v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vScreen vfor vHIV
Screening vTests v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- v- vsensitivity: vdetect vthose vWITH vthe vdisease. vhigher vthe
vsensitivity vis vhigher vthe vfalse vpositives
- vSpecificty: vdetect vthose vwho vDONT vhave vthe vdisease.
erythromycin vfor vchlamydia veye vinfection vin vinfants v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- v...
to vassess vpts vability vto vthink vabstractly va vnurse vpract vcould vask vthe vpatient v- vCorrect v vAnswer v-
vthe vmeaning vof va vcommon vproverb
The vmost vcommonly vprescribed vmedication vfor vmild vsystemic vlupus verythematosus v(SLE) vis:
1. v
azathioprine v(AZA).
2. v
belimumab v(Benlysta).
3. v
ibuprofen v(Advil).
4. v
cyclophosphamide v(Cytoxan). v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vibuprofen v(advil)
A v17-year-old vfemale vis vsuspected vof vhaving vpolycystic vovary vsyndrome. vIn vaddition vto
vtestosterone, vthe vmost vappropriate vdiagnostic vtests vto vorder vwould vbe: v- vCorrect v vAnswer v-
vfollicle-stimulating vhormone v(FSH), vluteinizing vhormone v(LH), vprolactin, vand vthyroid-stimulating
vhormone v(TSH).
, Barlow's vManeuver v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vFeeling vof va vslip vas vthe vfemoral vhead vslips vaway vfrom
vthe vacetabulum v(toward vthe vbutt) v(good vuntil v6 vmo)
Candida vvulvovaginitis v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vetiology: vcandida valbican v(80-90%)
white, vcurdy, v"cottage-cheese" vlike, vsometimes vincreased, vitching/burning vdischarge, vpH v<4.5,
vodor vis vusually vabsent, vmicroscopic vshows vmycelia, vbudding vyeast, vpseudohyphae vw/KOH vprep.
vTreatment: voral vdiflucan vor vvaginal vmiconazole vor vterconazole
Proton vInhibitors v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vIncreased vrisk vof vfractures(postmenopausal vwomen),
Pneumonia, vClostridium vdifficile vinfection, vhypomagnesemia, vB12 vand viron vmalabsorption, vatrophic
vgastritis, vand vkidney vdisease
Bacterial vConjunctivitis vtx v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vEye vdrops vor vointment: vPolytrim, vtrimethoprim,
vpolymyxin, vmacrolide
A vpatient vwith van velevated vWBC v(>11k) vaccompanied vby vneutrophilia v(>70%) vand vthe vpresence
vof vbands vis vwhat vkind vof vshift vand vprognosis? v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- v-Shift vto vthe vleft
-Serious vbacterial vinfection
Actinic vKeratosis v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vRough vflat, vdry vcrusty, verythematous vpapules vor vplaques.
vScaly vpatch vof vred vbrown vskin vcaused vby vyears vof vSUN vexposure. vPrecursor vto vsquamous vcell
vcarcinoma. vDx. vBiopsy. vTx: vtopical v5 vfluroracil v5-FU, vcryotherapy.
A vpatient vwith vmacular vdegeneration vhas vdeficit vvision vin? v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vCentral vvision
Dacyrocystitis v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vTypical vsymptoms vof vacute vtear vduct vinfection vinclude:
Pain, vredness vand vswelling vof vthe vlower veyelid vat vthe vinner vcorner vof vthe veye
Excessive vtearing
Pus vor vdischarge vfrom vthe veye
lacrimal vsac vmassage- vrub vdown vtowards vmouth.
oral vclindamycin v(topical vtobramycin vor vmoxifloxacin vif vmild-purulent vdrainage, vno vredness)
Pre-DM vin vchildren vvalues v- vCorrect v vAnswer v- vA1C: v5.7% vto v6.4%