Penn Foster Veterinary Pharmacology
Final Exam Questions & Answers
Distinguish Nbetween Nhormonal, Nendocrine, Nand Nreproductive Ndrugs N- NANS-
Describe Nhow Ndrugs Naffect Nthe Nnervous Nsystem N- NANS-Drugs Naffect Nthe Nnervous
Nsystem Nby Nacting Nat Nthe Nsynaptic Njunctions Nto Npromote Nneurotransmitter's
Nactivity, Nmimic Ntheir Nactions, Nor Nblock Nthem Nfrom Nacting.
Identify Nexamples Nof Nrespiratory Ndrugs N- NANS-Expectorants, Nmucolytics,
Nantitussives, Nbronchodilators, Ndecongestants
List Nwhich Ndrugs Nare Nused Nto Nrelieve Npain Nand Ninflammation N- NANS-NSAIDs,
NOpioids, NAntihistamines, Nmuscle Nrelaxers, Nsteroids, Nnerve Nblocks
Summarize Nthe Ndifference Nbetween Nophthalmic Nand Notic Ndrugs N- NANS-
Compare Nand Ncontrast Ncardiovascular Nand Ngastrointestinal Ndrugs N- NANS-
Describe Nhow Nantiparasitic Ndrugs Nwork N- NANS-Antiparasitic Ndrugs Nwork Nby
Ndestroying Nparasites Nor Ninhibiting Ntheir Ngrowth. NMost Nwork Nby Ninterfering Nwith
Nthe Nparasite's Nnervous Nsystem Nto Nprevent Nthem Nfrom Nmoving.
Discuss Nwhy Nreplacement Ndrugs Nare Noften Nnecessary Nfor Nanimal Nhealth N- NANS-
Explain Nthe Nveterinary Ntechnician's Nrole Nin Ninventory Ncontrol N- NANS-keeping Nthe
Nstaff Ninformed Nregarding Ndiscontinued Nitems, Nknowing Nthe Ndates Non Nwhich
Nbackordered Nitems Nwill Nbe Nreleased Nfrom Nthe Nvendor, Npacking Nup Ngoods
Nawaiting Nreturn Nto Nthe Nvendor N(e.g., Nexpired Nitems), Nrotating Nstock Ncorrectly,
Nmaintaining Ncurrent Nprices Non Nall Nproducts, Norganizing Ninventory Nfor Nease Nof
Nlocation Nand Ncounting, Nreceiving Nand Ninspecting Norders Non Narrival Nat Nthe
Nveterinary Nfacility, Nand Nlearning Nabout Nnew Nproducts.
Define: NAgonist N- NANS-Drug Nthat Nhas Naffinity Nfor Na Nreceptor/stimulates Nreceptor
Ninto Naction
Define: NContraindication N- NANS-A Nreason Nnot Nto Nuse Na Ndrug Nin Na Nparticular
Define: NEfficacy N- NANS-the Ndegree Nto Nwhich Na Ndrug Nproduces Nits Ndesired
,Define: NOver-the-counter Ndrug N- NANS-One Nthat Nmay Nbe Npurchased Nwithout
Nprescription Nfrom Na Nveterinarian
Define: NPrescription NDrug N- NANS-One Nthat Nmust Nbe Nused Nunder Nthe Nsupervision
Nof Na Nveterinarina
Define: NReceptor N- NANS-a Ngroup Nof Nspecialized Nmolecules Non Nor Nin Na Ncell Nthat
Nbind Nwith Na Ndrug Nto Nproduce Nan Neffect
Define: NTherapeutic NIndex N- NANS-expresses Nthe Nrelationship Nbetween Na Ndrug's
Ntherapeutic Nand Nharmful Neffects
Define: NWithdrawl NTime N- NANS-Amount Nof Ntime Nthat Nmust Nelapse Nbetween Nthe
Nend Nof Ndrug Ntherapy Nand Nelimination Nof Nthat Ndrug Nfrom Npatients Ntissues Nor
Define: NVeterinarian-client-patient Nrelationship N- NANS-Relationship Nthat Nmust Nexist
Nbetween Nthe Nvet, Nthe Npatient, Nand Nthe Nowner Nbefore Nprescription Ndrugs Ncan Nbe
List N4 Nsources Nof Ndrugs Nused Nin NVet NMed N- NANS-Animal Nproduct, Nplant
Nmaterial, Nminerals, Nsynthetic Nproducts
What Nare N4 Ncomponents Nof Na Ndrug Nregimen? N- NANS-Dose, Nroute, Nfrequency,
Nand Nduration Nof Nadministration.
Discuss Nthe Nconditions Nthat Nmust Nbe Nmet Nbefore Na Nvalid Nveterinarian-client-
patient Nrelationship Ncan Nbe Nshown Nto Nexist N- Nmust Nassume
Nresponsibility Nfor Nmaking Nclinical Njudgments Nin Nrelation Nto Nhealth Nof Nthe Nanimal.
2. NVet Nmust Nhave Nrecently Nseen Nthe Nanimal Nand Nbe Nacquainted Nwith Nit's Ncare. N
3.Vet Nmust Nbe Navailable Nfor Nfollow-up Ncare Nof Nthe Nanimal
Discuss Nthe Nresponsibilities Nof Na Nvet Ntech Nin Nthe Nadministration Nof Ndrug Norders
N- NANS-To Ncarry Nout Nthe Nvet's Norders Ncorrectly. Nshould Nread Nthe Ndrug Nlabel
Nthree Ntimes Nto Nensure Nproper Ndrug Nis Nbeing Nadministered Nand Nshould Ntake
Ncare Nto Nadminister Ncorrect Ndose Nby Ncorrect Nroute. NShould Nbe Naware Nof Nthe
Nexpected Naffects Nand Npotential Nadverse Nside Neffects Nand Nbe Nable Nto Nmonitor
Nthe Npatient.
Describe Nthe Nsequence Nof Nevents Nthat Na Ndrug Nundergoes Nfrom Nadministration Nto
Nexcretion N- NANS-Drug Nis Nabsorbed N(or Nplaced Ndirectly) Ninto Nthe Nbloodstream,
Nthe Ndrug Nmay Nbind Nwith Nplasma Nin Nthe Nblood Nor Nmay Nexist Nin Nfree Nstate,
Ncirculating Nblood Ndistributes Ndrug Nto Ncapillary Nlevel Nwhere Nit Nleaves Ncirculation
Nand Nenters Ninterstitial Nfluid. Nit Nbathes Nthe Ncell Nand Nallows Ndrug Nto Nbind Nto Ncell
Nsurface Nreceptors Nor Nenter Nthe Ncell. NIt Nthen Nexits Nthe Ncell Nand Nmoves Nback
,Ninto Ninterstitial Nfluid, Nreenters Ncirculation, Nand Nis Ntransported Nto Nliver Nfor
Nmetabolism. NThe Nmetabolite Nis Nthen Ntransported Nto Nkidneys Nfor Nexcretion.
List N11 Npossible Nroutes Nfor Nadministering Na Ndrug Nto Na Npatient. N- NANS-Oral,
Nsubcutaneous, Nintramuscular, Nintravenous, Nintraperitoneal, Nintraarterial,
Nintracardiac, Nintramedullary, Ninhalation, Ntopical, Nintradermal
List Nsome Nof Nthe Nfactors Nthat Ninfluence Ndrug Nabsorption N- NANS-Method Nof
Nabsorption, NpH Nof Nthe Ndrug Nand Nionization Nstatus, Nabsorptive Nsurface Narea,
Nblood Nsupply Nto Narea, Nsolubility Nof Ndrug, Ndosage Nform, Nstatus Nof NGI Ntract, Nand
Ninteractions Nwith Nother Ndrugs
Most Nbiotransformation Noccurs Nin Nthe_____ N- NANS-Liver
Most Ndrug Nexcretion Noccurs Nvia Nthe N______ N- NANS-Kidneys
Drugs Nusually Nproduce Ntheir Neffects Nby Ncombining Nwith Nspecific Ncellular_____ N-
The Ndrug Nname Nchosen Nby Nthe Nmanufacturer Nand Nis Nexclusive Nproperty Nof Nthat
Ncompany Nis Ncalled N- NANS-Trade/Proprietary NName
What Nare Nthe N6 Nitems Nthat Nmust Nbe Nincluded Non Ndrug Nlabel? N- NANS-names
N(generic Nand Ntrade) Nconcentration, Nquantity, Nname Nand Naddress Nof
Nmanufacturer, Ncontrol Nor Nlot Nnumber, Nexpiration Ndate
What Nare Nthree Ngovernment Nagencies Nthat Nregulate Nthe Ndevelopment, Napproval,
Nand Nuse Nof Nanimal Nhealth Nproducts? N- NANS-FDA, NEPA, NUSDA
Why Ndo Nmany Nvet Nclinics Ndispense Nrather Nthan Nprescribe Nmost Nof Nthe Ndrugs
Nthat Nthey Nuse? N- NANS-Profit Nearned Nfrom Nselling Nproducts
Describe Nthe Nmarketing Nof Nanimal Nhealth Nproducts N- NANS-Purchased Nfrom
Nmanufacturers, Ndistributors, Nor Ngeneric Nmail Norder Ncompanies. NMay Nbe Nsold
Nonly None Nlabel Nto Ngraduate Nveterinarians Nand Nunder Nanother Nas Nover-the-
all NFDA-approved Nveterinary Ndrugs Nare Nlisted Nin Nthe Npublication Nentitled_____ N-
NANS-The NGreen NBook
What Nis Nthe Npurpose Nof NFARAD? N- NANS-Provides Nresources Nconcerning Nthe
Navoidance Nof Ndrug Nresidues Nin Nanimals
Extralabel Nveterinary Ndrug Nuse Nwas Nmade Nlegal N(under Nprescribed
Ncircumstances) Nby Nwhat Nact Nof Ncongress? N- NANS-Animal NMedicinal NDrug NUse
NClarification NAct N(AMDUCA)
, Define NCompounding N- NANS-Diluting Nor Ncombingin Nexisting Ndrugs
What Nare Npotential Ndangers Nof Nresidues Nin Nanimal Nproducts N- NANS-May Ncause
Nallergic Nreaction Nor Nneoplasia Nin Npeople, Nmay Ncause Nthe Ndevelopment Nof
Nantibiotic-resistant Nstrains Nof Nbacteria
List N3 Nclasses Nof Ndrug Ninteractions N- NANS-Pharmacodynamic, Npharmacokinetic,
Nand Npharmaceutic
Drug Ninteraction Ncan Nbe Nanticipated Nwhen Ntwo Ndrugs Nare Ngiven Nthat Nare Nboth
Nmetabolized Nby Nthe_____ N- NANS-Liver
Define: NEthical NProduct N- NANS-one Nsold Nonly Nthrough Nveterinarians Nas Na Npolicy
Nof Nthe Nmanufacturer Nrather Nthan Nby NFDA Nrequirement
Once Na Ndrug Nhas Nbeen Nbiotransformed, Nit Nis Ncalled Na_____ N- NANS-Metabolite
A Nreason Nto Nuse Na Ndrug Nis Na(n)_____ N- NANS-Indication
Diagnostic Nmethod Nof Nchoosing Na Ndrug Nis Nbased Non Nall Nof Nthe Nfollowing Nexcept
a. NPractical Nexperience
b. NAssesment Nof Nthe Npatient
c. NObtaining Na Nhistory
d. NPerforming Nlab Ntests N- NANS-A. NPractical Nexperience.
Define: Nextralabel N- NANS-Using Na Ndrug Nin Na Nway Nnot Nspecified Nby Nthe Nlabel
Complex Nsequence Nof Nevents Nthat Noccurs Nafter Na Ndrug Nis Nadministered Nis
Ncalled____ N- NANS-Pharmacokinetics
Parenteral Ndrugs Nare Nadministered________ N- NANS-by Ninjections.
The Nbody's Nability Nto Nchange Na Ndrug Nchemically Nfrom Nthe Nform Nin Nwhich Nit Nwas
Nadministered Ninto Na Nform Nthat Ncan Nbe Neliminated Nfrom Nthe Nbody Nis
Ncalled_____ N- NANS-Metabolism N(biotransformation)
Degree Nto Nwhich Na Ndrug Nproduces Nits Ndesired Nresponse Nin Na Npatient Nis
Ncalled________ N- NANS-efficacy
An Nadverse Ndrug Nreaction Nis Nalways Nlife-threatening. NT/F? N- NANS-False
List Nthe Nsix Npractices Nrecommended Nby Nthe NAVMA Nfor Nthe Nsafe Ndisposal Nof
Nunwanted Ndrugs. N- NANS-1.Incinerate Nwhen Npossible
2.Send Nto Nlandfill Nwhen Nincinerated
3.Never Nflush Ndown Ndrain Nor Ntoilet