Excellence is key | 2024/2025 ~Page |1
Massage Therapy MCQ Questions &
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muscle spindle
֎ -:- detect sudden changes in length, initiates reflex when activated
֎ -:- found in tendon- senses muscle tension and relaxes the muscle in response
postural muscles
֎ -:- prone to tightness = gastrocs, erectors, QL, lev scap, upper traps
phasic muscles
֎ -:- inhibited and weak = glutes, abs, rhomboids, tib ant, lower traps
types of stretching
֎ -:- static, dynamic, PNF, manual, passive, self, mechanical, cyclic, active,
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, Excellence is key | 2024/2025 ~Page |2
֎ -:- The description of joint surface movement; consists of 5 major types: roll,
slide, spin, compression, distraction
joint shapes
֎ -:- ball and socket, condyloid, plane, saddle, hinge, pivot
ball and socket joint
֎ -:- shoulder and hip
ovoid/condyloid joint
֎ -:- wrist
plane joint
֎ -:- joint between tarsals and carpals
sellar/saddle joint
֎ -:- thumb joint
hinge joint
֎ -:- elbow and knee
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pivot joint
֎ -:- joint between C1 and C2
convex-concave rule
֎ -:- when moving convex, glide in the opposite direction of ROM you want to
improve, and vice versa
joint play benefits
֎ -:- moves synovial fluid, maintain extensibility and strength of tissues,
provides sensory input for proprioceptive feedback
when to use universal precautions
֎ -:- when exposed to blood, semen, vaginal secretions, CSF or synovial,
amniotic, pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial fluid
proportions of bleach to water needed for cleaning
֎ -:- 1:9 bleach to water
minimum length to wash your hands
֎ -:- 10 seconds
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decontamination definition
֎ -:- Reduce disease-producing microorganisms to a level that is considered
safe to handle
disinfection definition
֎ -:- removal or killing of disease-causing organisms. Compounds for use on
skin: antiseptics
sanitation definition
֎ -:- process that reduces microorganisms on an inanimate object to a safe level
sterilization definition
֎ -:- All forms of microbial life are destroyed, including viruses and spores.
֎ -:- Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. serves the public interest, includes
scope of practice, controlled acts, health regulatory college, the advisory
council, and appeal/review board
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