NUR 1022C Foundations of Nursing Exam
#1 Complete Answered
What /.organization /.develops /.the /.standards /.of /.professional /.performance /.for /.nurses? /.- /.
(correct /.answer) /.-American /.Nurses /.Association /.(ANA)
What /.is /.a /.Nurse /.Practice /.Act? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-- /.NPA /.is /.unique /.to /.each /.state /.
- /.each /.state /.has /.their /.own /.board /.of /.nursing /.
- /.peer /.based /.(7 /.out /.of /.8 /.are /.nurses /.on /.the /.board)
What /.is /.the /.Florida /.State /.Board /.of /.Nursing? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-aka /.BON, /.testing /.(NCLEX-
RN), /.require /.CEU /.24 /.hours /.for /.renewal /.of /.license /.every /.2 /.years/24 /.months /.
-> /.Some /.are /.mandatory /.courses /.such /.as /.HIV /.or /.human /.trafficking
What /.is /.a /.Unlincensed /.Assistive /.Personnel? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
UAP /.= /.unlicensed /.assistive /.personnel /.= /.support /.staff, /.be /.respectful /.of /.techs, /.tasks /.are /.deleg
ated /.to /.these /.individuals /.by /.the /.RN /.
*team /.based
What /.is /.Evidence /.Base /.Practice /.(EBP)? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-Constant /.learning /.
+ /.based /.on /.research /.not /.past/ /.old /.ways /.of /.doing /.something /.+ /.use /.your /.expertise /.
+ /.listen /.to /.the /.patient's /.wants /.= /.Evidence /.Based /.Practice /.(EBP)
What /.are /.the /.steps /.of /.EBP? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-Inquiry, /.have /.continuous /.curiousity /.
Ask /.a /.clinical /.question /.- /.ex: /."Is /.it /.better /.to /.use /.the /.baby /.warmer /.or /.skin /.to /.skin /.contact /
.when /.a /.baby /.is /.first /.born?" /.
Collect /.best /.evidnece
Integrate /.the /.evidence/ /.implement /.
Evaluate /.the /.change /.
,Share /.the /.outcomes
What /.are /.the /.5Cs /.and /.how /.do /.they /.relate /.to /.the /.nursing /.profession? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
**"5 /.C's" /.- /.the /.SSC /.student /.learning /.outcomes /.
1. /.Caring /.- /.we /.are /.not /.judges /.
2. /.Communication /.= /.always /.communicate /.with /.your /.charge /.nurse /.
(for /.students /.that /.is /.your /.clinical /.instructor), /.includes /.patient /.education /.
3, /.Collaboration /.and /.management /.of /.care /.- /.working /.with /.auxillary /.staff /.and /.other /.deparmen
ts /.like /.physical /.theraphy /.
4. /.Commitment /.to /.professionalism /.= /.example, /.shred /.documents /.to /.protect /.privacy, /.follow /.HI
5. /.Clinical /.competence /.and /.decision /.making
What /.are /.the /.roles /.of /.a /.professional /.nurse? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-Autonomous /.= /.independent,
/.ex: /.has /.to /.follow /.doctor's /.orders, /.but /.use /.knowledge /.to /.take /.action /.when /.appropriate /.
Accountability /.
Caregiver /.= /.* /.most /.trusted /.profession
Advocacy /.= /.speak /.for /.the /.patient /.and /.make /.sure /.that /.the /.patient's /.wants /.are /.being /.consid
ered /.
Educator /.= /.teachers, /.teach /.everyone /.on /.all /.levels, /.patient /.education
Communicator /.= /.with /.both /.patients /.and /.other /.staff /.
Manager /.= /.delegation /.of /.tasks
What /.are /.some /.EBPs /.related /.to /.infection? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
Evidence /.shows /.that /.patients /.develop /.infections /.in /.the /.hospital /.because /.healthcare /.personnel
/.don't /.use /.proper /.hand /.hygiene. /.Hand /.hygiene /.is /.the /.#1 /.way /.to /.prevent /.infection /.and /.sta
ndard /.precautions /.should /.be /.used /.with /.every /.patient /.every /.time /.because /.90,000 /.patients /.di
e /.every /.year /.due /.to /.HCAIs.
What /.are /.some /.factors /.that /.affect /.the /.prevention, /.control, /.or /.transmission /.of /.infection? /.- /.
(correct /.answer) /.-
Poor /.hand /.hygiene, /.poor /.sterile /.technique /.when /.performing /.invasive /.procedures /.like /.placing /.
catheters, /.not /.using /.standard /.precautions.
How /.can /.you /.recognize /.the /.clinical /.appearance /.of /.a /.patient /.with /.an /.infection? /.
(Clinical /.Manifestation) /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
, If /.it's /.a /.local /.infection /.the /.pt /.will /.most /.likely /.experience /.the /.symptoms /.of /.inflammation /.
(RHSP), /.they /.may /.experience /.some /.immobility, /.and /.some /.drainage. /.If /.it's /.a /.systemic /.infectio
n /.- /.a /.pt /.will /.have /.an /.elevated /.temp., /.they /.might /.experience /
.fatigue/malaise, /
.nausea/vomiting, /.increase /.HR /.and /.respiration, /.but /.decreased /.BP, /.and /.an /.altered /.level /.of /.co
What /.is /.the /.difference /.between /.medical /.and /.surgical /.asepsis? /.Explain /.the /.continuum. /.- /.
(correct /.answer) /.-
Medical /.asepsis /.is /.general /.clean /.technique /.while /.surgical /.asepsis /.is /.sterile /.technique. /.Surgical
/.asepsis /.is /.cleaner /.than /.medical /.asepsis /.on /.the /.continuum.
What /.is /.the /.difference /.between /.sterilization, /.disinfection, /.and /.cleaning? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
Sterilization /.means /.kill /.all /.the /.microbes /.and /.remove /.the /.spores. /.Disinfection /.- /.the /.creation /.
of /.a /.bacteriostatic /.environment /.through /.the /.use /.of /.chemicals /.like /.bleach /.and /.betadine. /.Clea
ning /.refers /.to /.general /.cleanliness, /.regular /.soap /.and /.water.
What /.are /.the /.different /.types /.of /.isolation? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
There /.are /.two /.types /.of /.isolation. /.Protective /.isolation /.is /.about /.protecting /.ourselves /.from /.the
/.infected /.patient. /."Reverse" /.isolation /.is /.about /.protecting /.the /.patient /.from /.us, /.this /.type /.of /.i
solation /.is /.used /.for /.immunocompromised /.patients /.and /.it /.involves /.not /.reusing /
.gowns/gloves, /.using /.a /.mask, /.standard /.precautions, /.and /.the /.use /.of /.private /.rooms. /.Nurses /.wi
th /.active /.infections /.won't /.be /.assigned /.these /.pts.
What /.are /.the /.general /.principles /.of /.isolation? /.- /.(correct /.answer) /.-
Use /.standard /.precautions /.which /.means /.having /.good /.hand /.hygiene. /.Dispose /.of /.contaminated /.
supplies/equipment/PPE, /.think /.about /.protecting /.everyone /.including /.your /
.coworkers/UAPs/techs, /.and /.be /.clinically /.competent /.(5Cs).
How /.can /.you /.apply /.the /.general /.principles /.of /.isolation /.when /.working /.in /.isolation /.rooms? /.- /.
(correct /.answer) /.-
When /.delegating /.tasks /.make /.sure /.to /.communicate, /.notify /.team /.members, /.Be /.a /.good /.stewar
d /.of /.supplies /.and /.only /.take /.in /.what /.you /
.need/minimize /.waste, /.cluster /.your /.care, /.and /.be /.prepared /.you /.shouldn't /.need /.to /.walk /.in /.an
d /.out /.of /.the /.room /.bc /.you /.forgot /.equipment, /.properly /.dispose /.of /.PPE, /.never /.wear /.PPE /.out
/.on /.the /.floor, /.keep /.the /.pt's /.door /.closed.
What /.are /.some /.common /.healthcare /.acquired /.infections /.(HCAIs) /.that /.are /.drug /.resistant? /.- /.
(correct /.answer) /.-
MRSA /.- /.Methicillin /.Resistant /.Staphylococcus /.Aureus, /.VRE /.- /.Vancomycin /.Resistant /.Enterococcus
, /.and /.C.Diff. /.- /.Clostridium /.Difficile
What /.would /.be /.involved /.in /.the /.care /.of /.a /.client /.experiencing /.infection /.issues? /.- /.
(correct /.answer) /.-