CPIA Study Cards questions with correct
Etorphine nnhydrochloride nnand nncarfentanil nncitrate nnare nnultrapotent nnopioids nnthat nnare nnsometimes
nnused nnas nnextralabel nn(not nnFDA nnapproved) nnfor nneuthanasia nnof nnwildlife nnor nncaptive nnlarge nnanimals.
nnThey nnare nn_____ nnonly nnwhen nnother nnmethods nnfor nneuthanasia nnare nnnot nnavailable.
A. nnAcceptable
B. nnAcceptable nnwith nnConditions
C. nnUnacceptable
D. nnAdjunctive nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Acceptable nnwith nnConditions
How nndoes nnthe nnAWA/AWRs nndefine nn'animal'? nn- nncorrect nnanswer-The nnterm nn"animal" nnmeans nnany
nnlive nnor nndead nndog, nncat, nnmonkey, nnguinea nnpig, nnhamster, nnrabbit, nnor nnsuch nnother nnwarm-blooded
nnanimal, nnas nnthe nnSecretary nnmay nndetermine nnis nnbeing nnused, nnor nnintended nnfor nnuse, nnfor nnresearch,
nntesting, nnexperimentation, nnor nnexhibition nnpurposes, nnor nnas nna nnpet.
Excludes nnrats nnof nnthe nngenus nnrattus, nnmice nnof nnthe nngenus nnmus, nnhorses nnnot nnused nnfor nnresearch
nnpurposes, nnbirds, nnother nnfarm nnanimals, nnsuch nnas, nnbut nnnot nnlimited nnto nnlivestock nnor nnpoultry nnused nnor
nnintended nnfor nnuse nnfor nnimproving nnanimal nnnutrition, nnbreeding, nnmanagement, nnor nnproduction
nnefficiency, nnor nnfor nnimproving nnthe nnquality nnof nnfood nnand nnfiber.
USDA nnAnimal nnCare, nnpg. nn6
AWA, nnUSDA nn§1.1, nnpage nn31
Class nnB nnDealer nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Class nnB nnDealer nnmeans nna nnperson nnwhose nnbusiness nnincludes nnthe
nnpurchase nnand/or nnresale nnof nnany nnanimal.
,AWA, nnUSDA nn§1.1, nnpage nn32-33
Class nnA nnDealer nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Class nnA nnDealer nnmeans nna nnperson nnwhose nnbusiness nninvolving
nnanimals nnconsists nnonly nnof nnanimals nnthat nnare nnbred nnand nnraised nnon nnthe nnpremises nnin nna nnclosed nnor
nnstable nncolony nnand nnthose nnanimals nnacquired nnfor nnthe nnsole nnpurpose nnof nnmaintaining nnor nnenhancing
nnthe nnbreeding nncolony.
AWA, nnUSDA nn§1.1, nnpage nn32
Class nnC nnDealer nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Class nnC nnDealer nnmeans nna nnperson nnwho nnmeets nnthe nndefinition nnof
nnan nnexhibitor nnand nnwhose nnbusiness nninvolves nnthe nnshowing nnor nndisplaying nnanimals nnto nnthe nnpublic. nnA
nnClass nnC nnDealer nnmay nnmay nnand nnsell nnanimals nnas nna nnminor nnpart nnof nnthe nnbusiness nnin nnorder nnto
nnmaintain nnor nnadd nnto nntheir nnanimal nncollection.
AWA, nnUSDA nn§1.1, nnpage nn33
Identify nnthe nnpersons nnwho nnare nnexempt nnfrom nnthe nnAWA nnlicensing nnrequirements. nn- nncorrect nnanswer-
1. nnRetail nnpet nnstores,
2. nnAny nnperson nnwho nnsells nnor nnnegotiates nnthe nnsale nnor nnpurchase nnof nnany nnanimal nnexcept nnwild nnor
nnexotic nnanimals, nndogs, nncats, nnand nnwho nnderives nnno nnmore nnthan nn$500 nngross nnincome nnfrom nnthe nnsale
nnof nnsuch nnanimals nnduring nnany nncalendar nnyear,
3. nnAny nnperson nnwho nnmaintains nna nntotal nnof nn4 nnor nnfewer nnbreeding nnfemale nndogs, nncats, nnand/or nnsmall
nnexotic nnor nnwild nnmammals, nnand nnwho nnsells, nnat nnwholesale, nnonly nnthe nnoffspring nnof nnthese nnanimals,
nnwhich nnwere nnborn nnand nnraised nnon nntheir nnpremises nnfor nnpets nnor nnexhibitions,
4. nnAny nnperson nnwho nnsells nnfewer nnthan nn25 nndogs nnor nncats nnper nnyear nnwhich nnwere nnborn nnand nnraised
nnon nntheir nnpremises, nnfor nnresearch, nntesting, nnor nnteaching nnpurposes nnor nnto nnany nnresearch nnfacility,
5. nnAny nnperson nnwho nnarranges nnfor nntransportation nnor nntransports nnanimals nnsolely nnfor nnthe nnpurpose
nnof nnbreeding, nnexhibiting nnin nnpurebred nnshows, nnboarding, nngrooming, nnor nnmedical nntreatment,
USDA nnAnimal nnCare, nnpg. nn44
Which nnposition nnat nnthe nnresearch nnfacility nnshall nnappoint nnan nnIACUC? nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Chief
nnExecutive nnOfficer nn(CEO)
,USDA nnAnimal nnCare, nnpg. nn56
PHS nnPolicy, nnpg. nn11
The nnUSDA nnIACUC nncommittee nnshall nnbe nncomposed nnof: nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Committee nnshall nnconsist
nnof nnat nnleast nn3 nnmembers:
1. nnChairman
2. nnVeterinarian nnwith nnexperience nnin nnlaboratory nnanimal nnscience nnand nnmedicine, nnwho nnhas nndirect nnor
nndelegated nnprogram nnresponsibility nn(e.g. nnAV),
3. nnNon-affiliated nnperson
USDA nnAnimal nnCare, nnpg. nn56
If nnthe nncommittee nnconsists nnof nnmore nnthan nn3 nnmembers, nnnot nnmore nnthan nn____ nnmembers nnshall nnbe
nnfrom nnthe nnsame nnadministrative nnunit nnof nnthe nnfacility. nn- nncorrect nnanswer-3
USDA nnAnimal nnCare, nnpg. nn56
Who nndoes nnthe nnIACUC nnsubmit nnthe nnprepared nnUSDA nnsemiannual nnprogram nnevaluation nnreport? nn-
nncorrect nnanswer-IO
USDA nnAnimal nnCare, nnpg. nn57
The nn1985 nnamendment nnmade nnwhat nnchanges nnto nnthe nnAnimal nnWelfare nnAct? nn- nncorrect nnanswer-1.
nnDefined nnthe nnduties nnand nnthe nncomposition nnof nnthe nnIACUC.
2. nnExtend nncoverage nnto nnall nnUSDA-registered nnresearch nnfacilities.
3. nnMake nncompliance nna nnrequirement nnunder nnfederal nnlaw.
4. nnAlternatives nnto nnexperiments nnwhich nninflict nnpain/stress nnare nnused nnwhen nnpossible nnand nnpain
nnrelieving nnmeasures nnare nnused nnwhen nnneeded
5. nnResponsibility nnand nnaccountability nnis nnassigned nnto nnCEO nnfor nnmeeting nnAWA nnrequirements.
, 6. nnIncludes nn"animal nnwell-being" nnfor nnexercise nnfor nndogs nnand nnenhanced nnphysical nnenvironment nnfor
History nnof nnthe nnAWA, nnChapter nn20, nnDale nnSchwindaman, nnDVM
Which nnuse nndoes nnthe nnAWA nnapply nnto nnanimals?
A. nnTeaching
B. nnExhibition
C. nnTesting
D. nnAll nnof nnthe nnAbove
E. nnNone nnof nnthe nnAbove nn- nncorrect nnanswer-D. nnAll nnof nnthe nnAbove
Define nnAPHIS. nn- nncorrect nnanswer-Animal nnand nnPlant nnHealth nnInspection nnService
According nnto nnAWA, nnwhat nndoes nna nnstudy nnarea nnrefers nnto? nn- nncorrect nnanswer-An nnarea nnoutside nnthe
nncore nnanimal nnfacility nnwhere nnAWA nncovered nnspecies nnare nnhoused nnfor nnmore nnthan nn12 nnhours.
ARENA, nnpage nn17
AWA, nnUSDA nn§1.1, nnpage nn39
Which nnof nnthese nnspecies nnis nnexcluded nnfrom nnthe nnAWA nnwhen nnused nnfor nnbiomedical nnresearch?
A. nnOpposums
B. nnHamsters
C. nnSnakes
D. nnGoats nn- nncorrect nnanswer-C. nnSnakes
The nnAWA nndoes nnnot nncover nncold-blooded nnanimals, nnreptiles, nnor nnamphibians.
AWA, nnUSDA nn§1.1, nnpage nn31