SAFe Scaled Agile for Enterprise Certification Exam
1. House of Lean Goal: Value Foundation: Leadership, Respect
for People and Culture, Development Flow,
Innovation, Relentless Improvement
2. Lean Goal Speed, quality, value. sustainably shorted
lead time, best quality and value to people and
society, most customer delight, lowest cost,
high morale, safety
3. Respect for People Lean principle, your customer is whoever con-
sumes your work. Develop individuals and
teams, empower teams, build partnerships
based on trust and mutual respect
4. Kaizen Lean principle,. We can do better.Reflection,
continuous improvement as an enterprise val-
5. Leadership Lean foundation, management is trained, take
responsibility, develop people
6. Product development flow Lean principle. 1. Take an economic view. 2.
Actively manage queues. 3. Understand and
exploit variability. 4. Reduce batch sizes. 5.
Apply WIP constraints. 6. Control flow under
uncertainty; cadence and synchronization. 7.
Get feedback as fast as possible. 8. Decen-
tralized control
7. Take an economic view Lean principle of product development flow.
#1. Base your decisions on economics. The
goal is to optimize the time from concept to
8. Actively manage queues Lean principle of product development flow.
#2. Understand Little's Law. Control wait times
by controlling queue lengths
9. Understand and exploit Lean principle of product development flow.
variability #3. Risk taking is central to value creation
, SAFe Scaled Agile for Enterprise Certification Exam
10. Reduce Batch Size Lean principle of product development flow.
#4. Smaller batches go through the system
faster, with lower variability and risk. Large
batch sizes and high utilization increase vari-
ability, causing project slippage. Co-location
and good infrastructure enable small batches
11. Apply WIP constraints Lean principle of product development flow.
#5. WIP constraints force capacity matching,
increases flow. Time box, purge lower value
projects when WIP is too high, constrain lo-
cal WIP pools, make WIP continuously visi-
ble. High WIP and utilization cause reduction
12. Control flow under uncer- Lean principle of product development flow.
tainty #6. Cadence + Synchronization. Cadence
transforms unpredictable events into pre-
dictable events, requires scope or capaci-
ty margin, makes waiting times predictable,
helps manage load by limiting available
time. Regular systemwide integration pro-
vides higher fidelity tests and objective solu-
tion assessment
13. Get fast feedback Lean principle of product development flow.
#7. Product development is the process of
converting uncertainty to knowledge. Fast
feedback accelerates knowledge
14. Decentralized control Lean principle of product development flow.
#8. Centralize control for decisions that are
infrequent and can be applied globally, have
significant economies of scale or high-risk.
Decentralized control for time critical, local
15. Planning is for alignment Lean principle of product development flow.
#9. There is more value created with over-
, all alignment than with local excellence. Ag-
ile aims to change the plan when something
16. Agile values: Individuals Over processes and tools
and interactions
17. Agile values: working soft- Over comprehensive documentation
18. Agile values: customer col- Over contract negotiation
19. Agile values: responding to Over following a plan
20. Agile drivers in the triangle. Value and quality driven, the vision creates
feature estimates, fix the dates and float the
21. Agile benefits Early value delivery drives first to market, fast
feedback, profitability, makes money faster,
reduces risk, delivers better fit for purpose
22. SAFe core values Alignment, Code quality, Transparency, pro-
gram execution
23. Four SAFe business results Increased employee engagement, 20-50% in-
crease in productivity, 30-70% faster time to
market, 50% defect reduction
24. Describe an Agile team Empowered, self organizing, self managing,
cross functional, deliver fully tested code
every two weeks
25. How does an Agile team de- In user stories
liver value?
26. Describe a SAFe team that Self organizing, self managing team of Agile
is scaled to program level teams, continuous value delivery, aligned to a