Domestic Violence and Family Abuse
Test Questions and Correct Answers
Who do you screen for IPV? ✅Everyone, especially if there is high suspicion. "We
have to ask everyone these questions as part of our thorough assessment." Required
by TJC.
What is considered an, "intimate partner?" ✅A person with whom one has a close
personal relationship and can be characterized by the following: emotional
connectedness, regular contact, ongoing physical contact and/or sexual behavior,
identity as a couple, familiarity and knowledge of each others lives.
Examples of Sexual Violence: ✅Rape or penetration of victim, victim made to
penetrate someone else, non-physically wanted penetration, unwanted sexual contact,
non-contact unwanted sexual experiences, stalking, and physical aggression.
From 1994 to 2011 did the rate of serious IPV increase or decrease? by how much?
✅Declined 72% for females, and 64% for males.
What does Florida Statute 790.24 state? ✅Any health care professional knowingly
treating any person suffering from a gunshot wound or life threatening injury indicating
an act of violence shall report the same immediately to the sheriff's department. Any
person willfully failing to report such treatment or request therefor is guilty of a
misdemeanor of the first degree.
Define Child Neglect: ✅Neglect is a failure to provide for a child's basic
needs,(physical, educational, medical, and/or emotional).
Define three types of child abuse, and examples of each. ✅Physical abuse includes
physical injury due to punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking, or otherwise
harming a child (even when harm is unintended).
Sexual abuse includes fondling a child's genitals, incest, penetration, rape, sodomy,
indecent exposure, and commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of
pornographic materials.
Emotional abuse includes any pattern of behavior that harms a child's emotional
development of sense of self-worth (includes frequent belittling, rejection, threats, and
withholding love and support).
What was the largest racial group of child abuse victims in Florida? Second? Third?
✅In Florida, the largest group of abuse victims is White (47.9%), followed by African-
American (29.7%), and then Hispanic (17.0%).
, What does Florida Statute 39.201 state? ✅Any person who suspects that a child is
being abused shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the department in the manner
prescribed in subsection
Define Elder Abuse and Neglect ✅Intentional actions that cause harm to create a
serious risk of harm to a vulnerable elder by a caregiver person who stands in a trust
relationship to the elder or
failure by a caregiver to satisfy the elder's basic needs or to protect the elder from harm.
What does Florida Statute 415.1034 state? ✅Mandatory Reporting: Any person,
including, but not limited to, any: Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner,
chiropractic physician, nurse, paramedic, emergency medical technician, or hospital
personnel engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment of vulnerable
Are elderly women or men more likely to be abused? Who are the abusers? (%)
✅National studies suggest that elderly women are as much as 35% more likely to be
abused than men. A staggering 33% of those who are accused of abusing senior
citizens are family members of the allegedly abused. Only 16% of those accused of
abuse are strangers in relation to the abused
What would counseling for IPV include? ✅Counseling may include provision of basic
information, including on how a patient's health concerns may relate to violence, and
referrals for additional assistance when patients disclose abuse.
What would screening for IPV entail? ✅Screening may consist of a few short, open-
ended questions asked by a clinician to the patient.
What is universal screening? (year) ✅Universal screening is defined as a clinician
screening every female patient through age 64 for domestic violence, as opposed to
only screening certain patients because of risk factors or warning signs. First
institutionalized in 1992.
What health implications accompany forced sex? ✅Forced sex that accompanies
physical abuse contributes to a host of reproductive health problems including chronic
pelvic pain, unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV,
and urinary tract infections
What problems are abused women at risk for? How can the health care system make a
difference? ✅Abused women have significantly more depression, suicidality,
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and problems with substance abuse;
Health care system can be an extremely important early point of contact.
What are some risks to the child if a mother is abused during pregnancy? ✅Low birth
weight and increased risk of child abuse.